Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "serveis".
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2005 Dec 28
"valid users" + ldap on Solaris 10 problems
Utilitzeu el Servei Online d'Atencio a l'Usuari (http://www.salleURL.edu/csi)
Nom: Miki Cognoms: Monguilod Serena
Centre de Serveis Informatics (CSI) e-mail:mikim@salleURL.edu
Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle PGP KeyID: 0xBBF686E1
Universitat Ramon Llull Telefon: 93 290 24 00
Barcelona Extensio: 209
2012 Mar 15
Problem reading a graph file
I obtain this message:
Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit
Marc Marí-Dell'Olmo
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública
Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Sanitària (SeSIS)
Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona
Pl. Lesseps 1. 08023 Barcelona
Tel. 93 2027775 | Fax. 93 3686943
El 15 de marzo de 2012 13:35, Marc Marí Dell'Olmo <mmari@aspb.cat> escribió:
2020 May 16
CentOS 8 latest sssd src RPM
I can find latest sssd RPM at
but I can't find his source RPM at
http://vault.centos.org/8.1.1911/BaseOS/Source/SPackages/ (
Is there something wrong with latest sssd src RPM?
I have also noticed that
2020 May 29
Where can I find centos-release-8.1-1.1911.0.9.el8.src.rpm
I am looking for centos-release-8.1-1.1911.0.9.el8.src.rpm.
Does anyone know where to find it. The only thing I see in vault is
Tom me at tdiehl.org
2006 Apr 18
Jeffries-Matusita distance
I've calculated as follows:
fmatu<-function(x) ( sqrt(f1(x)) - sqrt(f2(x)) )^2
sqrt (integrate( fmatu, lower=lw, upper=up, subdivisions=1000000)$value)
Josué Almansa
Unitat de Recerca en Serveis Sanitaris
Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica, IMIM
c/ Doctor Aiguader, 80
08003 Barcelona
e-mail: jalmansa@imim.es
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 01
Unix Extensions + ext3 quotas + df
Some time ago, I reported an issue (1) regarding to the "disk free"
to Quotas mapping when Unix Extensions are enabled.
The issue still persists in RHEL 5.3 (samba-3.0.33-3.7.el5).
In the meanwhile I have found a workaround via the attached *ugly*
patch, but an official solution would be appreciated.
Best regards,
2001 Aug 16
Windows metafiles in Linux
Just want to express MHO that the graphics produced by wmf.graph() in Splus
6 for Linux is only of barely acceptable quality (e.g., hallow circles were
drawn too thick, making the plot look rather awkward).
-----Original Message-----
From: Prof Brian D Ripley [mailto:ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:49 AM
To: Victor Moreno
Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
2001 Sep 06
I find difficult to read crosstabulated data without percentages, so I wrote
this dirty function that may be useful to others. It only works up to 3
dimensions since I am not very good at programming in R. I would appreciate
if someone else has a better similar function or can improve this one.
As an example of use:
> x<-rbinom(100,1,.3)
> y<-rbinom(100,1,.3)
2013 May 08
lme4 y residuales
Buenos días;
Estoy intentando aprender algo de sobre los modelos lineales mixtos. Estoy siguiendo el libro "Multilevlel analysis: techniques and applications" de Joop Hox. Estoy intentado reproducir las tablas y gráficos que trae el libro con el paquete lmer.
En este libro se indica que en la comprobación de los supuestos del modelo hay que estudiar los gráficos de residuales tanto
2001 Dec 20
accented share name ok with smbclient but not with smbmount
I'm trying to mount with smbmount a WinNT4.0 share resource from a Linux
running Samba 2.2.2.=20
WinNT box is installed with code page=3D850.
The resource name includes grave accented characters, in particular: =E0.
I'm trying to smbmount with:
$ smbmount '//NThostname/of=E0rs' /mnt/ofors -o
2009 Mar 24
sambaRefuseMachinePwdChange policy
we have a couple of Linux RHEL 5 samba servers in a domain, one as PDC
and the other as BDC, and both with LDAP backends
samba version is 3.0.28-1
We want pc clients can't change their machine password using
sambaRefuseMachinePwdChange policy, so we set it to 1 in LDAP
But pc clients still can change their passwords, and we don't see any
acces to sambaRefuseMachinePwdChange
2012 Jun 11
4as Jornadas (Barcelona): ¿quieres echar una mano?
Por si no os ha llegado por otras vías, os informo que se están gestando
las próximas (¡las 4as!) Jornadas de Usuarios de R en Castellano. Ved
el mensaje más abajo de Juan Ramón González.
En breve, los que queráis echar una mano, hacer sugerencias, etc. ,
podéis hacerlo en el foro que se ha creado en la web de la comunidad
(hay gente que no está - aún - en esta lista, etc):
2001 May 10
Passing a workspace file as argument
What is the best way (if possible) to pass the name of a workspace file to R
when it starts so it is loaded instead of .RData ?
I would like to know this for Linux and windows version. For windows I would
like to associate the .RData extension so doubleclicking the file starts R
and loads it.
Victor Moreno V.Moreno at ico.scs.es
2006 Aug 11
Running firefox on a remote host on centos-4
Back in the day (read: before the latest firefox update), I used to be
able to ssh to a remote box, run 'firefox -local', and have that box fire
up its own firefox session even if I was running firefox on the system
from I which I sshed. Those days seem to be gone. No matter what I try, if
I've got firefox running on my local desktop, the remote firefox command just
fires off
2015 Dec 16
Añadir encabezados a un archivo TXT
Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...
URL: <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help-es/attachments/20151216/d2fd2efe/attachment-0001.html>
2009 Mar 10
inherit group on new files/directories
I have a share with folders belonging to diferent groups, with
restricted access depending on unix groups.
When a user creates a file inside one of this folders I want it created
with "directory group"; I think it should be possible using "inherit
acl" but it don't work; my share configuration is:
path = /home/samba/arees
valid users = @users
2009 Jul 01
Troubles with dfs-linked root shares
Im trying to set up a samba cluster (using RHCS) to hold students'
Home directories according to the following schema:
| | |
| | |
v v
2015 Dec 16
Añadir encabezados a un archivo TXT
supongamos que tu fichero de texto ("test.txt") tiene cuatro columnas separadas por espacios.
Si decides llamar estas columnas por ("A","B","C","D"), lo siguiente debería funcionar:
linea0="A B C D"
fichero <- file("test.txt")
linea1<- readLines(fichero)
writeLines(c(linea0,linea1), con=fichero)
2015 Dec 17
Añadir encabezados a un archivo TXT
dos preguntas:
1) Porqué quieres directamente especificar los encabezados en el fichero? Es porqué tus ficheros no tienen las columnas igualmente ordenadas?
2) Qué sistema operativo tienes?
Un saludo. Olivier
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Reverté Calvet, Gerard" <greverte en ajmataro.cat>
Para: "Olivier Nuñez" <onunez en unex.es>, "Javier
2015 Dec 17
Añadir encabezados a un archivo TXT
Hola Gerard,
En Windows puedes hacer lo siguiente:
Suponiendo que "fichero.txt" es el archivo de texto con tus variables,
que se encuentra en el directorio de trabajo [compruébalo con dir()] y
que "nombres" es un vector que tienes en R con los nombres que quieres
poner a las variables de tu fichero,
# guarda los nombres en un fichero llamado "nombres.txt"