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2007 Feb 02
rails command version pegging?
Hello, Is it possible to declare the version of Rails used with the seminal "rails /path/to/my_app" command? For example, I now have 1.2.1 and 1.1.6 installed on my machine. If I run "rails my_app" I get 1.2.1 produced skeleton code. Is there a way to get 1.1.6 results? Regards, Andy Koch --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----...
2008 Mar 07
A new version of paran is available
Horn's parallel analysis method of deciding how many factors to retain has been implemented in R in the paran package. This update to paran adds an option to produce a graph of the analysis along the lines of what Horn presented in his seminal 1965 paper. It also makes a few minor improvements to the formatting of the program's output. Alexis Dinno _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at
2003 Sep 25
Time Series DGPs
I was wondering if anyone had some sample time series dgp code. I am particularly interested in examples of autoregressive processes and error correction model DGPs. I have attached a more specific example of what I mean. I have tried myself but would hoping someone had some more elegant code that would help me extend my own code. Thanks Luke Keele UNC-Chapel Hill Nuffield College, Oxford
2009 Aug 23
lme function problem
Hello,   I am fairly new to R and having a problem with the lme command. I have searched on forums, read the Fox 2002 chapter, and R help, but the suggestions that I have tried have not helped me.   My data file is called Acsdata.   This is my script:   Acsdata.1 <- lme(Acsdata$gsi ~ Acsdata$asitotal + Acsdata$famstrto + as.factor(Acsdata$GEN) + Acsdata$asxfs + Acsdata$asxpar + Acsdata$asxgp +
2010 Jan 30
MA parameter in R vs. Minitab
Dear R People: I ran an ARIMA(1,0,1) on a particular series in R and got a negative MA(1) estimate. Then I ran an ARIMA(1,0,1) on the same series in Minitab and got a positive MA(1) estimate. The values are about -0.69 and 0.70. Does R show the opposite value, please? Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston -
2000 Dec 18
2nd Int. Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing and varied databases, reusable components, high-level object-oriented interfaces, and data exchange using XML. Particular emphasis will be given to the R ( and Omegahat ( projects. DSC 2001 builds on the spirit and success of DSC 1999, which was seminal to the further development of the R and Omegahat projects. Participants will include Vince Carey Harvard University John Chambers Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Peter Dalgaard University of Copenhagen Saikat DebRoy University of Wisconsin, Madison Robert Gentleman Harvard Univ...
2000 Mar 10
cleaned up memory leaks
.... The end result is a much happier xmms plugin. These changes are now committed. Next I'll be getting on a few minor API additions to give folks access to the frequency domain data for EQ hacks. Also, some good news on the research front; I've tracked down copies of the raw data from the seminal masking research papers int he late fifties. Hopefully, these are the ones I've been thinking of and I'll be picking them up in a swing through Boston this weekend. Monty --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage:
2000 Mar 15
Masking papers
Oops, forgot to send this to my own dev list... I've aquired a few of the seminal papers from the late fifties that presented detailed masking data for use in psychoacoustics. Lots O curves. I scanned the papers at 150dpi and put them at: I'm hoping to get permission to publicly link these scans to the documentation pages for Ogg... so d...
2002 May 18
Fish and 'must read' statistics books. My last word, promise!
I seem to have unwittingly stirred up a hornets' nest here, so let me have one more say and leave it. Firstly, congratulations to Renaud Launcelot, who seems to have a better feel for wryness and irony in English than some of my native speaker colleagues. Of course R A Fisher is a seminal writer, indeed close to the founder of modern statistics and every aspiring statistician should read what he had to say _very_ carefully, but don't expect an easy ride. He had a deceptively simple style, but very polemical and rather authoritative in a way that often wrankles with modern rea...
2001 Jan 24
DSC 2001: 2nd CFP and varied databases, reusable components, high-level object-oriented interfaces, and data exchange using XML. Particular emphasis will be given to the R ( and Omegahat ( projects. DSC 2001 builds on the spirit and success of DSC 1999, which was seminal to the further development of the R and Omegahat projects. Participants will include Doug Bates University of Wisconsin, Madison Roger Bivand University of Bergen Vince Carey Harvard University John Chambers Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Peter Dalgaard University of Copenha...
2004 Mar 26
Package update: 'urca' version 0.3-3
...lemented. The package is written in 'pure' R and utilises S4 classes. In particular, the Johansen procedure with likelihood ratio tests for the inclusion of a linear trend, restrictions on beta and/or alpha matrices, as well as the data used by Johansen, S. and Juselius, K. (1990) in their seminal paper have been added. Where applicable web-links to the original papers/articles and/or data sources have been included to the help files, too. Contents (abbreviated list: *************************** ablrtest Likelihood ratio test for restrictions on al...
2012 Jan 04
Stress test zfs
Hi all, I''ve got a solaris 10 running 9/10 on a T3. It''s an oracle box with 128GB memory RIght now oracle . I''ve been trying to load test the box with bonnie++. I can seem to get 80 to 90 K writes, but can''t seem to get more than a couple K for writes. Any suggestions? Or should I take this to a bonnie++ mailing list? Any help is appreciated. I''m kinda
2006 Dec 01
ActiveRecord Sessions
I am considering using merb to process file uploads. For the most part I''m going to keep it lean and mean. I would however like to access my active_record_session from my Rails app. Is this built into merb yet? Or is it OK to just add require ''action_controller/session/ active_record_store'' to merb_init.rb and then create my own session object
2002 Oct 02
Workshop: DSC 2003
...and Combine Methods Spatial Statistics Visualization Emphasis will be given to the R (, Omegahat (, and BioConductor ( projects. DSC 2003 builds on the spirit and success of DSC 1999 and 2001, which were seminal to the further development of R and Omegahat. Participants will include Doug Bates University of Wisconsin, Madison Roger Bivand University of Bergen John Chambers Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Peter Dalgaard University of Copenhagen Robert Gentleman Harvard University Kurt...
2002 Oct 02
Workshop: DSC 2003
...and Combine Methods Spatial Statistics Visualization Emphasis will be given to the R (, Omegahat (, and BioConductor ( projects. DSC 2003 builds on the spirit and success of DSC 1999 and 2001, which were seminal to the further development of R and Omegahat. Participants will include Doug Bates University of Wisconsin, Madison Roger Bivand University of Bergen John Chambers Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Peter Dalgaard University of Copenhagen Robert Gentleman Harvard University Kurt...
2009 Dec 01
SafiServer and SafiWorkshop 1.2 With Web Services Released
SafiServer and SafiWorkshop 1.2 is here! This is a seminal release for us as the product is now more stable, powerful, and easy to use than ever. We've also added a new ActionStep "CallWSByWSDL" that allows you to easily consume Web Services from your Saflet, providing you with even more integration possibilities for your IVR/Callflow appl...
2003 Aug 21
Diamond graphs
I apologise for starting a new thread, but we had a mail problem and I don't have the original message to refer to. Someone mentioned the new "Diamond Graphs" invented at Johns Hopkins. I haven't see the August 2003 issue of The American Statistician yet, but I _have_ read the press release. The press release is a bit of a stunner. I quote: "Who would have thought we
2007 Aug 08
cointegration analysis
Hello, I tried to use urca package (R) for cointegration analysis. The data matrix to be investigated for cointegration contains 8 columns (variables). Both procedures, Phillips & Ouliaris test and Johansen's procedures give errors ("error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary'" respectiv "too many variables,
1999 Sep 30
Cluster graphs
I posted this to the sci.math newsgroup but didn't get any responses so I was hoping someone here could help. I have a number of items with "distances" of differences between each other. What I want to do is to plot each item on a two dimensional plot such that the positions on the plot indicate the approximate distance between each item. What I want to look at, basically, is a map
2002 Jul 08
integrate() (PR#1755)
Full_Name: Travis Porco Version: 1.5.1 (6/17/2002) OS: Suse Linux 7.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( This happens: > integrate(function(x)1,0,1) Error in integrate(function(x) 1, 0, 1) : evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length > integrate(function(x)x^2,0,1) 0.3333333 with absolute error < 3.7e-15 > integrate(function(x){cat(x);1},0,1) 0.5 0.01304674 0.9869533