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2004 Apr 30
Mounting through my ISP works/doesn't work.. Verizon Avenue problems... :-(
Hi, I HAD Verizon ONLINE. I was ABLE to mount samba served machines from the internet... eg \\\ from my XP box. I switched to Verizon AVENUE. Now I can't. (When I go through a VPN, though, I am able to mount the directory going around Verizon Avenue's network) I'm thinking this is a port restriction that Verizon Avenue has going on. I'm trying to
2003 Aug 06
More mount_smbfs
Thanks to Will Saxon I'm finally able to mount Samba shares on my 5.1-R box using the command mount_smbfs -I -W acct01 //bfosdick@ /sp/net-11 which then prompts me for my password. So now the question do I put this in /etc/fstab? What do I do about the password?
2020 Jul 15
Inclusive language in LLVM: can we rename `master` branch?
...ges! That's to say nothing > of the other languages spoken elsewhere in the British Isles. Oh and I'm > not talking about modern immigrant languages of the last 200 years or so! > > American is a different language to English, "real" English is the > language of the Saxons in the south of Britain. They don't speak English > in Scotland - they speak a (very similar) language called Scots. Unless > of course we rename our versions "Saxon", but that'll probably piss off > the Scots-speaking Anglish in the north, and the Saxons in Saxony ... &g...
2010 Jul 21
File cloning
Hello, I''ve recently joined this list, primarily because of a thread I found from late April ("Is file cloning anywhere on ZFS roadmap") asking about file-level cloning in ZFS. Based on that thread I understand that it''s not currently possible to ''clone'' files instead of ''copying'' them, but the thread didn''t answer the
2020 Jun 21
Inclusive language in LLVM: can we rename `master` branch?
On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 02:00, Lang Hames via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > If the bar for removal / renaming is "Use of X is offensive", or "Use of X is clearly impacting contributors or potential contributors" then I'm all for it. If the bar is "Nobody has actually complained, but X could be mistaken for something offensive" that seems
2005 Aug 30
crosstab for n-way contingency tables
Dear list. New to R, I'm looking for a way of using crosstab to output low-dimensional (higher than 2) contingency tables (frequencies, per-cents by rows, % by columns, mean, quantiles....) I'm looking for something of the following sort dataframe: singers, categorical variates: voice category (soprano,mezzo-soprano, ...) , voice type( drammatic, spinto, lirico-spinto, lirico,
2008 Oct 30
Questions about Samba 3.x on AIX 4.3.3
Hello, I realize that AIX 4.3.3 is a very old platform, but we have one such system which cannot be upgraded and requires Samba. We are currently using Samba 2.2.1a (!) and I'd like to upgrade to something more modern. This system participates in a Clearcase environment and we are trying to share an MVFS filesystem. Users complain that it takes a very long time (5+ minutes) to access this
2011 Oct 12
labels in a boxplot
Dear R-listers, I have a little problem with a boxplot and I hope you can help me figuring it out. I'll try to make up some data to illustrate the issue. Sorry, if my procedures look naive, but these are my first steps in R. Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome. let's create a vector var1: var1 <- rnorm(100) and 5 five logical vectors. In this case the vectors don't
2004 Feb 09
printing question
I have some more information concerning my print management speed issues from last week. In a level 10 log, I see several 'print cache expired for queue <printername>' whenever I try to open the Printers folder. After uploading a driver, I see the same behavior when trying to close the Properties window. This makes administration unbearably slow. I am about to try non-cups printing
2004 Mar 25
Changing 'winbind use default domain' to yes breaks group share permissions
In order to support another project which I wanted to use winbind authentication for, I had to turn 'winbind use default domain' on. This seems to have disabled my ability to set group permissions on a share. My windbind separator is '-'. Before, I would give a group access to a share by putting '@DOMAIN-Group Name' in the list of valid users for the share. After setting
2007 Nov 14
Installing java on CentOS 5
strugging with things here... tried tracking the info on the Wiki (which apparently is now in need of a maintainer)... My primary interest is using Xalan/Saxon/xslt/xsl-fo docbook generation. I was thinking that all I really need is jre but downloaded both jre and jdk just in case. can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? (after removing both jdk
2004 Nov 18
use of APPEND in default
Having fought my PXE config and eventually getting it to work (had to comment out the group { } statments ? I now come across another issue I cannot resolve and would appreciate some help. in my /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default file I have cause to use the APPEND statement to pass options to the kernel being used. Unfortunately this line has now become longer than 255 characters and appears to be
2005 Nov 09
Samba 3.0.20b / AIX 5.3 / VFS Modules
Has anyone successfully gotten the VFS modules to work under AIX 5.3 and Samba 3.0.x ? I have no problem compiling Samba 3.0.x and having it working; but when I set up a VFS module the following occurs: 1. In the log file I see: [2005/11/09 15:45:02, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(36) =============================================================== [2005/11/09 15:45:02, 0]
2010 Oct 06
Bursty writes - why?
I have a 24 x 1TB system being used as an NFS file server. Seagate SAS disks connected via an LSI 9211-8i SAS controller, disk layout 2 x 11 disk RAIDZ2 + 2 spares. I am using 2 x DDR Drive X1s as the ZIL. When we write anything to it, the writes are always very bursty like this: ool 488K 20.0T 0 0 0 0 xpool 488K 20.0T 0 0 0 0 xpool
2004 Feb 05
printer management speed
Hello, We are testing Samba 3 as a replacement for our Windows 2000 file and print services. I have noticed that doing any printer management operation seems to take a very long time. Opening the 'Printers' share on the samba server takes 10-15 seconds and opening Properties for a printer has taken anywhere from 15 seconds to well over a minute depending on the printer. Performing the
2004 Mar 03
Roaming profile permissions questions
Hello, I would like to host our Terminal Services and Roaming Profiles on a Samba 3.0.2 server. I am able to have profiles created correctly for any user except those who are listed as 'admin users' - currently our Domain Admins group as '@DOMAIN-Domain Admins'. What happens is that a profile is created with the actual owner as root and an ACL entry for the actual user. For
2004 Oct 12
RFC: Shorewall wiki is going down!
Hello, In reference to ; Well, after a lot of emails I setup a wiki for shorewall, etc. It has proved to be completely useless. I have noticed one slight distro specific example added, a couple typo additions and fixes, otherwise, all contributions have been in excess (Tom...), or in malign. For my uses it has proven of little use as
2013 Jan 29
converting XML document to table or dataframe
I am a relatively new user to R, and I am trying to learn more about converting data in an XML document into "2-dimensional format" such as a table or array. I might eventually wish to export this data into a relational database such as SQL, and/or to work with this data within the R package. My sample XML document is located at "
2005 May 04
MacOS X: update.packages(type="mac.binary") fails (PR#7834)
Dear Mr Moderator, please let me through. I want to reply to my own thread. I once subscribed to this list, but then my subscription was not accepted. Now to the business: The final failure came from missing .install.macbinary() function. I grepped R-patched sourcesand the only instance of .install.macbinary() was the call to the function in R- patched/src/library/utils/R/packages2.R (stupid
2005 Apr 28
tomcat5 from jpackage 1.6 on cento4 w/ java-1.4.2-sun-
Is anyone running tomcat5 from jpackage 1.6 on cento4 w/ java-1.4.2- sun- ? I'm getting weird dependencies which don't make sense, notably: Error: Missing Dependency: jdk = 2000:1.5.0_02-fcs is needed by package java-1.5.0-sun-compat I want to use 1.4.2 not 1.5 and it doesn't make sense to have jdk = 2000:1.5.0_02-fcs, unless I'm missing something? I do have