search for: saked

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2010 Sep 17
should vsftpd be disabled in favour of sftp for security reasons?
(another in an ongoing list of things i just want to clarify for the sake of future courses taught on centos.) from this RHEL doc page: the reader is advised to, for the sake of security, remove/disable vsftpd, ostensibly in favour of sftp/sftp-server. really? i can obviously
2008 Mar 04
rspec vs. test::more
Hey all, you HAVE to read this blog post: My favorite parts are: 1) ... some rspec code ... > For the sake of comparison lets translate this directly into perl: ... some perl code ... 2) >First, notice that the rspec-version isn''t actually ruby code. It''s not any real language. For the sake of
2009 Jan 15
How to create a chromosome location map by locus ID
Hi, I'm trying to make a chromosomal map in R by using the locus. I have a list of genes and their locus, and I want to visualise that so you can see if there are multiple genes on a specific place on a chromosome. A example of what I more or less want is below: untitled.JPG The genes and locus are here:
2017 Jan 09
[cfe-dev] Modernizing LLVM Coding Style Guide and enforcing Clang-tidy
On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 7:25 AM, Piotr Padlewski via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > 2017-01-09 16:15 GMT+01:00 Renato Golin <renato.golin at>: > >> On 9 January 2017 at 14:17, Piotr Padlewski via cfe-dev >> <cfe-dev at> wrote: >> > - prefer "using' instead of "typedef" >> > - use
2009 Sep 09
Joining Characters in R {issue with paste}
Hi Guys I am want to join to strings in R. I am using paste but not getting desirable result. For the sake of clarity, a quick example: > a="Bio" > b="iology" > paste(a,b) [1] "Bio iology" *There is a SPACE in the word biology which is what I dont want * Thanks, -Abhi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 24
Configuring BIND to answer to two domain names (four IP addresses)
On a CentOS 5 server, I am having a hard time configuring BIND to answer to 4 IP addresses for 2 domain names. Currently, I have four IP addresses, for sake of discussion they are: Additionally, I have two domain names. For sake of discussion: My goal is to have & as the nameservers for, and &
2009 Jan 16
R-help Digest, Vol 71, Issue 16
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, r-help-request at wrote: > Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:29:03 +0100 > From: Pablo G Goicoechea <pgoikoetxea at> > Subject: Re: [R] How to create a chromosome location map by locus ID > To: Sake <tlep.nav.ekas at> > Cc: r-help at > Message-ID: <496F2C0F.3040304 at> > Content-Type:
2003 Jun 23
RFC: PAM service name change?
It would be nice for the sake of not conflicting to have the PAM service name not be imap. Especially as the same service name is used for pop as well :) My recommendation would be to use dovecot instead. Any other opinions? Jeremy -------------- next part -------------- --- dovecot-0.99.10-rc1/src/auth/passdb-pam.c.servicename 2003-06-23 00:56:22.000000000 -0400 +++
2002 Mar 30
Howdy, Is there any particular reason to run one winever parameter as opposed to another. Is it for API compatibility's sake? Is it for bug compatibility's sake? Thanks, ==================================================== Oliver Sampson
2014 May 30
Typos in the FLAC codebase
1) src/share/grabbag/snprintf.c, line 42: 'on systems with a norrmal ISO C99' 'norrmal' -> 'normal' 2) src/flac/encode.c, line 1661: '(eg, very short files, < 10000 fames)' 'fames' -> frames? samples? bytes? 3), line 140: 'AM_CONDITIONAL(FLAC__CPU_X86_64, test "x$cpu_x86_64" = xtrue)' Not sure about this, but
2006 Apr 11
Web services and security
Hi all, How do folks generally secure their Rails web services? A password in a config file? A ''webservice'' user in a ''Users'' table with its own password? LDAP authentication for every method? Only authenticate on the "important" methods? Something else I''m not thinking of? I''d like to be secure, yet practical, for the sake
2004 Sep 08
Good day all I'm just wondering for interest sake I have a box,,running sendmail If I send mail to it try to deliver to the box,witch does not have the mail box.How do I tell sendmail that it should send mail to's mailserver. I know how easy it is to change the name but there's a lot of reasons why we can.It is not in the
2003 Apr 01
* on openmosix
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/gif Size: 2061 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2006 Sep 12
Another Tar stopper
Well, I have been busy getting child #4 off on her way to college (joining #2). So now it is quite with just the 2 youngest and I can get work done again!. tar stops as follows: /root/.nautilus/metafiles/x-nautilus-desktop:%2F%2F52F.xml tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors. I thought perhaps this is some file locked becuase I was running from a terminal session in gnome. So I
2007 Jul 31
Plotting a smooth curve from predict
Probably a very simple query: When I try to plot a curve from a fitted polynomial, it comes out rather jagged, not smooth like fitted curves in other stats software. Is there a way of getting a smooth curve in R? What I'm doing at the moment (for the sake of example) is: > x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) > y <- c(10,9,8,7,6,6.5,7,8,9,10) > b <- data.frame(cbind(x,y)) >
2008 Jan 29
on trellis.par.set/get (reproducing figures from Pinheiro & Bates)
Dear R users, I would like to exactly reproduce a figure like the 1.5 or 1.9 or 4.13 from the book Mixed effects models in S and S-Plus. Not for the sake of it, but because I have my own data I would like to plot in that fashion (no colors) If I write plot(ergoStool) I can get a good informative plot with colors, but I would like to have a B&W one instead. I've played a little with
2005 Jan 24
Sipura Behind NAT howto
I am trying to get a SPA-3000 to work behind NAT - for the sake of the exercice. The SPA is on the local network at the address behind a NATted linux router. The machine I am trying to work with is a friend's (let's call it and I've installed Asterisk 1.0.3 on it. I can see the SPA register but when I try to make an outbound call I get the message:
2014 Jun 11
[LLVMdev] How do clang & clang++ choose function names for LLVM IR?
Hello all, I'm getting started on a project using LLVM's opt tool to do static analysis, printing call graphs and such. When compiling C programs to IR (and eventually to call graphs), function names remain the same (main, function1, function2 etc.), but when compiling the same program as C++, the function names often have cruft added to them (_Z9function1v, _Z9function2v etc.) which
2009 Jan 06
for loop and if problem
Hi, I'm heaving difficulties with a dataset containing gene names and positions of those genes. Not such a big problem, but each gene has multiple exons so it's hard to say where de gene starts and where it ends. I want the starting and ending position of each gene in my dataset. Attached is the dataset: genlistchrompos.csv Column
2005 Jun 28
How do you handle NAT?
We are interested in how other people are handling NAT problems. We have several customers all of which have some sort of firewall/NAT device at their location. For simplicity sake, all customers' internal networks are 192.168.*.*. Our asterisk box is on public IP not blocked by any FW/NAT. I use QUALIFY=yes on all our customers' phones and I feel that sending out 80-something