search for: rubyopts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "rubyopts".

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2010 Nov 25
Can't run tests...illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError)
Does anyone have any insight into why this is happening? C:\Users\Family\workspace\myapp>rake test (in C:/Users/Family/workspace/myapp) C:/Program Files/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError) C:/Program Files/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError) C:/Program Files/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe: illegal switch in RUBYOPT: -F (RuntimeError) Errors
2011 May 05
jruby PATH and RUBYOPTS integration
Hi, I download the last jruby version and install the rspec gem using jgem to install. After it, I export RUBYOPTS=rubygems to guarantee that the spec can be found. Trying to run the spec by normal mode I got: jonatas at branco:~/jruby-1.6.1$ jruby -S spec LoadError: no such file to load -- spec/autorun require at org/jruby/ (root) at /usr/bin/spec:2 Trying to execute directly from t...
2006 May 03
New Release: One-Click Ruby Installer 1.8.4-17 release candidate 2
We are almost there to a final release. The uninstall issues have been fixed, and a few packages have been upgraded to more recent versions. Many thanks to Ryan Leavengood and Shahank Date who stepped in to help finish off this release! *** Only "show-stopper" problems will be fixed *** We are extreme short of manpower at the moment. So as much as I would like to address each and every
2008 Jan 31
RSpec-1.1.3 has been released. If you''re using RSpec and autotest, you''ll have to upgrade to RSpec-1.1.3 and ZenTest-3.9.0 at the same time. == Version 1.1.3 Maintenance release. * Tightened up exceptions list in autotest/rails_spec. Closes #264. * Applied patch from Ryan Davis for ZenTest-3.9.0 compatibility * Applied patch from Kero to add step_upcoming to story listeners.
2005 Dec 28
coverage does not work
Hi, I''ve installed coverage (gem install coverage) and try to run tests with -rcoverage option on, but following error occurs: ruby: No such file to load -- coverage (LoadError) I try: ruby -rcoverage mytest.rb 1. I have rubygems in evn var RUBYOPT 2. Gem seems to be installed properly (I can read doc via gems, the files exist in the ../gem/... dirs) Does anyone know what is the
2006 Aug 20
Should we require ''rubygems'' in our samples?
Twice now, I have had some frustration trying to get my gem path recognized without having to manually specify -rubygems on the command line. It''s under-documented in Ubuntu[1]. I''m thinking that we should definitely mention this issue in the README. Shouldn''t we also require ''rubygems'' in all our samples, to make it as easy as possible for folks to
2007 Mar 16
Bad ActiveSupport gem in gem repository?
All, I''m attempting to update my gems to 1.2 and I get the following: Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn] Y ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError) invalid gem format for c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/activesupport-1.4.2.g em Anyone else seeing this? Anyone willing to try it to see what''s up? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2006 Apr 17
pre compiled gnu scientific library for win one-click-installer
hi all- after a but of hacking with msys and mingw i think i''ve compiled an easy to install version of the rb-gsl bindings. for those of you who don''t know what these are, the gnu scientific library (gsl) is by far the best collection of open source algorithms for scientific computing available. you can read about the gsl and ruby bindings to it here
2006 Jan 11
FastCgi/OCI8 problem
Hi, I''m having problems running my rails application in the following setup Unix/Apache/FastCgi/Oracle10g. I had my app running quite happy until I installed the OCI8 driver. When I try to load the app I get in the apache logs the famous "undefined method ''define_a_column'' for class OCI8:Cursor (NameError)" I think the problem is with the fastcgi set up
2006 Oct 04
more linux headaches
After creating and installing a gem I get ''unintialized constant Wxruby2'' when trying to run wxRuby. Kevin, can you give me some pointers on getting this thing working? Roy
2006 Oct 19
install problem
I''m having a problem getting wxruby2-preview working on my Linux system. I loaded wxruby via a gem install and that seemed to go OK. Added RUBYOPT=-rubygems to /etc/environment file and set it at the command prompt and still I get the following when I try to run minimal.rb: [root@www minimal]# ruby -rubygems minimal.rb Unable to load wxruby. Searched:
2010 Jul 21
no such file to load -- webgen/webgentask
When I execute `rake` inside of a new webgen-0.5.12 project with ruby1.8 there is the error no such file to load -- webgen/webgentask /my/dir/Rakefile:11:in `require'' With ruby1.9 it works. Michael
2007 Dec 13
no such file to load — ubygems (LoadError)
All of a sudden, i''m getting this error when trying to launch the console - no such file to load — ubygems (LoadError) I''m using 1.2.3 as my base rails install and i also get the same problem in a project frozen to 1.1.6. I saw a blog post at … loaderror/ which recommended removing the RUBYOPT variable from my (windows) environment.
2010 Dec 11
Problem using rvm in bash script
I am using rvm installed on Ubuntu 10.04 as recommended in the rvm docs (including changes to .bashrc) and all is working well with several versions of Rails, and Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2. If I run rvm use 1.9.2 it says Using /home/colinl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0 and if I run rvm info It shows exactly what I would expect for 1.9.2 and I can start the rails server and all is well. The problem arises if
2007 Mar 05
ODBC Adapter woes
Hi All, I am running into a little issue the ODBC adapter: rails: 1.2 ruby: 1.8.4 ODBC ruby binding: .0997 Rails ODBC adapter: 1.4 I have added the ruby bindings to the /ruby/1.8/i386-msvcrt and used gem to install the ODBC adapter I updated the enviroment.rb when I run ruby -e ''require "odbc"'' it appears to correct (no error response) 1. Is my understanding
2006 Mar 20
error using feedtools
I performed a gem install feedtools, I then added these 2 lines to my environment.rb: require ''rubygems'' require ''feed_tools'' I then added this method in my controller: def rss @post = Post.most_recent feed = feed.title = ''Recent Rambles'' feed.subtitle = ''random thoughts by me''
2006 Apr 08
FastCGI issues
I am attempting to get Rails running on Windows with an Apache 2 server. I seem to be having some trouble, and in spite of my best efforts to find a solution, I could not. I believe that I configured Apache correctly. I have included EnableSendfile Off EnableMMAP Off Win32DisableAcceptEx FastCgiConfig -maxClassProcesses 1 -maxProcesses 1 -minProcesses 1 -processSlack 1 \ -initial-env
2008 Jan 21
Rspec 1.1.2 on Windows
I am using Rspec 1.1.2 on Windows XP SP2 I am receiving the following error when I run ''rake spec'' from a brand new project: C:/SVN_Projects/rspec/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/spec/runner/options.rb:107:in `colour='': You must gem install win32console to use colour on Windows (RuntimeError) I have the win32console gem installed and the error still occurs. It seems that the
2006 Aug 13
wxruby2 alpha status
Hi all, How soon can we do our alpha (binary gem) release? 1. I would like to get the samples working a bit better, but am ok simply documenting most of the current problems. Do the samples crash every few minutes for other people? Or is it just me? I would like to have a copyright/license comment at the top of every sample file before the alpha release. 2. I would like to receive and merge a
2010 Sep 09
Unicorn fails to restart gracefully on capistrano deploy
First off thanks very much for all the hard work on unicorn. Alas, we''ve encountered an issue where unicorn fails to spawn new workers that have loaded the incoming revision on a capistrano deploy. I''m not entirely sure the issue is due to unicorn as it appears that bundler was responsible for a similar issue in the past: