Allen wrote:> I''m having a problem getting wxruby2-preview working on my Linux
Thanks for the problem report. Hopefully we can solve it.
> I loaded wxruby via a gem install and that seemed to go OK. Added
> RUBYOPT=-rubygems to /etc/environment file and set it at the command
> prompt and still I get the following when I try to run minimal.rb:
> [root at www minimal]# ruby -rubygems minimal.rb
For a simpler test, try running irb and directly requiring wxruby:
kevins at aria:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require ''wx''
=> true
Or, as a variation, try requiring the .so file more directly (don''t do
this in an app--it''s just for diagnostics):
irb(main):001:0> require ''wxruby2''
=> true
irb(main):002:0> exit
> Unable to load wxruby. Searched:
(snip)> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i486-linux/lib
> There is no /bin directory but there is a /lib directory. The /lib
> directory has wx.rb and
That all seems correct. My Ubuntu system looks the same.
Have you ever had a different version of wxruby installed on this
system? Have you tried any other gems?