search for: routeing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 15869 matches for "routeing".

2019 Jan 30
Applying changes to route-eth0
I have a series of static routes in route-eth0 Recently I had to made changes and could not find an effective way to get the old routes out and the new routes in. ifdown-route seems to apply the content of route-eth0 to take down the routes listed and ifup-route brings up routes based on route- So what ends up is that the old routes never go away, just new routes added. ifdown eth0; ifup
2007 Mar 05
Polycom Questions
Any Polycom gurus out there? If so, I have a few config file questions. First off, does anyone have the daylight savings time rules written for this Sunday's big change? Secondly, if there any way in the config file to tell the phone not to display the number of missed calls? I don't mind it keeping the missed calls list, I just don't want that running count. Lastly, I am trying
2005 Sep 26
Make check fails on d-p-q-r-tests.R...
Hi, R-2.1.1 OS: OpenBSD-current (3.8) on i386 Compiler:gcc version 3.3.5 (propolice) Thread model: single configure \ --with-readline \ --with-tcltk \ --with-tcl-config=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.4/ \ --with-tk-config=/usr/local/lib/tk8.4/ \ --with-libpng \ --with-jpeglib \ --with-zlib \ --with-bzlib \ --with-pcre \ --with-libiconv-prefix=/usr/local/
2003 May 05
iproute2: gatewayed routes in ancillary tables
Hello all, Tomas Bonnedahl and I recently corresponded about a rather odd behaviour with routes in ancillary routing tables. We both receive a "Network is unreachable" error when we try to add gatewayed routes to ancillary tables and the main routing table does not contain an entry for the gateway IP. It seems that unless a route to the gateway IP exists in the main routing table, I
2017 Apr 06
failure of make check-all
This run was done this AM on my linux box, and older 32 bit Dell optiplex (core 2 duo). The failure message is at the very end. (It's due to be replaced in a couple of weeks.) The sequence of steps was svn up tools/rsync-recommended ./configure make make check-all |& tee zzz Terry T. Result of ./config R is now configured for i686-pc-linux-gnu Source directory: .
2002 Feb 27
Newbie question
Hello All, I have two Internet link and two LAN networks I have Redhat-7.1 linux-2.4.17 kernel and 2 NICs In eth0 and eth0:1 in eth1 are public ips of isps as eth1 a.b.c.d and eth1:0 w.x..y.z I want do source routing using ip rule command. echo 200 isp1 >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ip rule add from table isp1 ip rule ls 0: from all lookup local
2007 Jul 05
Load Balancing , MSN and SSL
HI All , I am running a FC6 box with two internet links with load balance . Every thing is working fine expect the MSN connection that failed and reconnect every time and SSL connections . I would link to know if with the nona howto I could fix that . I have been tried with no success to redirect that connection only to one link but its look like do not work . Here my configuration :
2006 Dec 27
Advanced Policy Routing not working properly
Hi list, I''m trying to setup a Linux box with a complicated source routing and could use a hand from you. The box has 4 NICs and lots of VLANs attached. It is a firewall and router in the following scenario: (obs: IP addresses have being changed for security purposes) - eth0 holds the default route (GW:, Firewall:; - The box is routing and sometimes source
2005 Apr 29
problem with nth patch, counter parameter...I think
Hi all, I need some guidance to get my problem fixed. I believe there is an issue with the ''nth'' patch from the patch-o-matic, which is labeled as status ''works''. I have tunnels back and forth across the internet, using ''nth'' to balance packets between different public networks (over the tunnels). I need to access some networks over two
2016 Feb 29
need help on tinc route problem
my network: local pc(>openwrt_adsl_router A( tinc)<---remote B: ^ | remote C: all running tinc 1.0.x, ADSL router
2003 Oct 30
default route
Hi, Is it possible to use more than one default route? I believe yes. Any comments on them. If I use more than one, where will the trafficc be diverted from? With warm regards, -Payal -- For GNU/Linux Success Stories and Articles visit: _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list /
2006 Nov 14
netmask vs ip route add via ... (bug?)
Greetings routing folks, I want to use the netmask to insulate (not quite isolate) machines on a shared subnet from each other. This works just fine on win XP, but Linux iproute will not acccept the gateway address in one step -- neither on the command line nor via DHCP: Here''s the interface, set up with a netmask of /32: # ip addr ... 2: eth0:
2002 Oct 29
the routing cache and route selection; is this correct?
Hello all, I do not read C very well (especially kernel C). Though I have tried to muddle my way through an understanding of what''s going on in fib_hash.c, fib_rules.c, and route.c, I have not succeeded to my satisfaction, hence my post. I''m trying to document the general process of route selection, and have come up with the following overview. Could somebody point out any
2007 Jan 10
dst cache overflow (bridged wan interfaces)
I recompiled yet kernel (using iptables with the same patches too). The configuration for this test is: 1) linux box with kernel (SMP machine) with these patches/modules: a) l7-filter b) ipp2p c) connlimit d) set 2) 4 ethernet interfaces: a) 2 external (eth1 and eth3) interfaces with balanced links (as described in nato-howto) bridged as wan0
2017 Apr 06
failure of make check-all
You may want to retry that after a make distclean, in case anything changed in the toolchain. -pd > On 6 Apr 2017, at 14:43 , Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. <therneau at> wrote: > > This run was done this AM on my linux box, and older 32 bit Dell optiplex (core 2 duo). The failure message is at the very end. (It's due to be replaced in a couple of weeks.) The sequence
2006 Jan 05
multiple links and nat
Hi, this might be a dumb question, but I''m not finding much information online. I''m trying to setup a 2.6 linux box to run nat across multiple upstream links as a simple way to aggregate bandwidth. I found the instructions in lartc section 4.2 ( fairly clear and straightforward. I implemented those, and a couple of trivial
2014 Feb 26
Static routing on CentOS
Hi All I have two hosts. Host A and Host B Host A routing table ------------------------ [root at localhost ~]# route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0
2011 Jan 06
linux ip command and routing
Hi, I have a routing problem. When i start tinc it creates the following route in the main routing table. dev nb003004 proto kernel scope link src The problem is that i want to use extra routing tables for each tinc vpn. When i set the netmask for the tinc device to The route is not created, how can i add it to a another route table. Setting a
2006 Aug 18
iproute2, alternative tables, no default route: routing trouble for localhost
Hi. The task: 1. There 3 servers and a router with 2 PPPoE connections (let call them: ppp0, ppp1). 2. There are several groups of Inet-clients to be served (Servers, Clients and Club). 3. The task is: - to route Club through the ppp1; - to Servers and Clients through ppp0; (Next is reproduced from memory and may be slightly incorrect) router # netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table
2013 May 05
My new Polycom 450's can't xfer to 4-digit extension
Hi all. I just installed bunch of IP450's and everything went well and my customer is happy.... except that they are unable to transfer calls to other extenstions. They can dial them directly just fine. However, when the user is in a call and presses the transfer soft key, they get dial tone, and start typing the extension, say 1008. But by the time they get 100 typed in, the phone tries