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2012 Nov 23
Constant (= wrong) historical quotes via get.hist.quote() from
Dear expeRts, I would like to download a time series of historical data from the ticker with symbol "ROG.VX". Interestingly, I obtain constant values (138.3 for each day in the chosen period) although the website tells me that the time series is not at all constant. What's wrong? Cheers, Marius require(tseries) hq <- get.hist.quote(instrument="ROG.VX",
2009 Sep 23
Updating the Debian (and Ubuntu) packaging of Theora
Hi there, people. On Sep 22 2009, Clint Adams wrote: > On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 08:23:00PM -0300, Rog?rio Brito wrote: > > If any of you could lend me a hand with the subject, I could make a > > better package (the other issues that I left on the package are > > really trivial). > > If you rebase your changes against bzr:// That should
2006 Aug 31
Postfix won't relay after update to CentOS 4.4
Hi Everyone, My CentOS 4.4 mail server is having problems sending mail after updating it to 4.4 Before the update, I did not have any problems. My ISP requires that email clients must authenticate to their mail servers before mail can be sent out. I setup smtp auth to get postfix to relay mail through the ISP's mail servers. Here's my config: -------- relayhost =
2004 May 05
Dear List: I have the following simple program: x<- sample(site) VarGuilda1<- var(tapply(x,site,func1)) VarGuilda2<- var(tapply(x,site,func2)) VarGuilda3<- var(tapply(x,site,func3)) VarGuilda4<- var(tapply(x,site,func4)) VarGuilda5<- var(tapply(x,site,func5)) VarGuilda6<- var(tapply(x,site,func6)) VarGuilda7<- var(tapply(x,site,func7)) VarGuilda8<-
2007 Jul 04
Support for tags in speex files?
Dear speex developers, Would it be possible to have tags in speex files? I have a good amount of spoken audio (currently in MP3 format) and I would like to convert it to speex, since it seems to be the best choice for voice recordings. Unfortunately, without tags, it is quite hard to identify the speeches. Ideally, I would love if tag support were included into easytag, so that I can manipulate
2004 Mar 20
minimum values
Hi, In my data set I have created a matrix of distances. How can I get a list of minimum value in each row? thanks a lot, Rog?rio
2004 May 11
calling data frames
Dear List, I've around 1000 *.txt files, I've generate with other software. I've now done the following code (below). My question is how can I automate this (with () ?), so it could be done for all the *.txt files. Thanks in advance, Rog??rio names<- list.files() file <- "BLU_Var_%04d.txt" for(i in 1:1000){
2007 Jul 05
Support for tags in speex files?
Dear Conrad and other people. First of all thank you for your nice response. On 7/4/07, Conrad Parker <> wrote: > On 04/07/07, Rog?rio Brito <> wrote: > > Dear speex developers, > > > > Would it be possible to have tags in speex files? > > sure, Speex files use vorbis-style comments (ie. similar to Ogg Vorbis files).
2002 Feb 27
transfer users and password form win NTto linux fileserver
Hi people! I?m a fireman from S?o Paulo Fire Dapartment (Brasil) and I?m encharged to give support to the Computer System of the headquarter. We have for about 500 users connected in a fileserver running Red Hat 7.2, but we are authenticating the users using another machine running win NT. I would like to turn off the win NT but I don?t known how getting the users and passwords from the win NT and
2004 Mar 30
add a column to an exported data.frame
Dears R users, Is there a way to add a column of results to an exported data.frame (exported with write) ? Thanks Rog?rio
2005 Feb 09
gl and different number of replications
I am trying to use the function gl (generate levels), and would like to make levels with different number of replications. Does anyone know how to generate different number of replications in each level? Something like: [1] Site1 Site1 Site1 Site1 Site1 Site1 Site1 [8] Site2 Site2 Site2 Site2 Site2 Thanks in advance -- Rog?rio R. Silva MZUSP Linux/Debian User # 354364
2005 Jan 19
Troubles with Broadvoice (register)
Hi! Are you also getting in trouble while trying to register in Broadvoice? Cumprimentos / Best regards, Helder Rog?rio __________________________________________ Microrede - Tecnologias de Informa??o, Ltd. *** ? There are only two types of people in the world, those who have lost data and those who will. ? -- Richard Nixon
2004 Aug 18
labeled break statements in R?
Hi, Are there labeled break statements in R? i.e., something along the lines of TOPLOOP: for(i in 1:m) { for(j in 1:n) { ... if(condition) { break TOPLOOP } } } Thanks, Roger
2006 May 31
trouble with boot ()
Dear members, I am trying to use boot () to compute the distributions of a statistic of a data set. The statistic is defined in the following code: eds<-function(x) { r<-cor(x) paren<-1-abs(r)/2 denom<-sum(sum(paren)+0.5) desvio<-sd(x) media<-mean(x) a<-desvio/media
2005 Feb 09
Dear all, I am trying to extract rows from a data.frame based on the rowSums != 0. I want to preserve rownames in the first column in the subset. Does anyone know how to extract all species that don't have rowSums equal to zero? Here it is: # dataset x <- data.frame( species=c("sp.1","sp.2","sp.3","sp.4"), site1=c(2,3,0,0), site2=c(0,0,0,0),
2004 Mar 04
boot package
Dear all As part of an ongoing study on the ecomorphology of ant communities, I have obtained a matrix with 156 row (species) and 20 columns (several measurements of body shape) for 4 localities. For each community, I calculated a matrix of Euclidean distances between all pairs of species. From this matrix, I extracted two measures of community structure: i) I identified the distance from a
2005 Jan 03
SipSak: error: this FQDN or IP is not valid: voicegw
Hi, I've tried to use SIPSAK to understand the troubles i'm having about sending my voice to the person I've called (extension), after doing this tests below I always got this error "error: this FQDN or IP is not valid: voicegw". This could cause problems (namely audio problems)? Best regards, Helder voicegw:~# sipsak -C empty -a password -s
2006 Jun 23
Dear All, My doubt about how to integrate a simple kernel density estimation goes on. I have seen the recent posts on integrate density estimation, which seem similar to my question. However, I haven't found a solution. I have made two simple kernel density estimation by: kde.1 <-density(x, bw=sd(x), kernel="gaussian")$y # x<- c(2,3,5,12) kde.2 <-density(y,
2002 Feb 28
transfer users and password form win NTto linux files erver
Once you have the samba set up with winbind (use samba 3.0alphaxx), you could use getent passwd and getent group to get all the users and group information. There are freeware nt password cracking programs that you can use if you are admin on the nt box to crack and get a list of all users' passwords. I suppose you could create then all the users and groups on the samba box. Have a look at
2003 Sep 24
Privileges of administrator
As I can obtain privileges of administrator in the client computer from where a user join in the Samba domain