Displaying 20 results from an estimated 78 matches for "roebuck".
2004 Sep 15
Splitting vector into individual elements
Is there a means to split a vector into its individual
elements without going the brute-force route for arguments
to a predefined function call?
offred.rgb <- c(1, 0, 0) * 0.60;
## Brute force style
offred.col <- rgb(offred.rgb[1],
names = "offred")
## Desired style
2006 Apr 13
[R] S4 method dispatch matrixOrArray (fwd)
...= "vector"
A = "array"
A = "integer"
(inherited from A = "vector")
A = "matrix"
(inherited from A = "vector")
But including setMethod("bar", "matrix", ...) in the source code makes
bar() work fine.
Paul Roebuck wrote:
>Sorry to bother but could you shed some light on this?
>I don't understand why order of setMethod calls makes
>any difference. Since it obviously does, it has shaken
>the foundations of what I thought I understood about
>S4 methods. Even Gabor was surprised...
2012 Feb 07
Canonical package directory name for JAR files?
We have an R package which needs to include a JAR file.
Is there a canonical directory for it?
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
...sweep.cols": calc.medians,
"recalc.after.sweep": sweep.cols,
not those of the generic:
From: Michael Lawrence <lawrence.michael at gene.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 11:28 AM
To: "Roebuck,Paul L" <PLRoebuck at mdanderson.org>
Cc: R-devel <r-devel at r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Rd] [Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
Would you please clarify your exact use case?
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Roebuck,Paul L
<PLRoebuck at...
2004 Jul 12
.Platform addition (was Re: where does R search when source()?)
On Sun, 11 Jul 2004, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> search.path <-
> function(fn,
> paths = strsplit(Sys.getenv("PATH"), split = ";")[[1]],
> fsep = "\\") {
> for(d in paths) {
> f <- file.path(d, fn, fsep = fsep)
> if (file.exists(f))
> return(f)
> }
> return(NULL)
> }
2006 May 03
sprintf question
How would one go about getting sprintf to use the
values of a vector without having to specify each
argument individually?
> v <- c(1, 2, -1.197114, 0.1596687)
> iv <- c(3, 1, 2, 4)
> sprintf("%9.2f\t%d\t%d\t%8.3f", v[3], v[1], v[2], v[4])
[1] " -1.20\t1\t2\t 0.160"
Essentially, desired effect would be something like:
2006 Feb 08
invalid graphics state using dev.print (fwd)
On Mon, 6 Feb 2006 18:12, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2006, at 5:24 PM, Paul Roebuck wrote:
>> Tried on R-Sig-Mac with no responses, but I need some kind
>> of answer.
>> [...]
>> Does the following work on your system?
> Interesting, no, it doesn't either. For png and pdf I use
> Quartz + quartz.save (it produces much nicer results) so
2006 Apr 20
Breakdown a number [Broadcast]
numPieces <- sum(s == 1)
ans <- diff(c(0, breaks[1:numPieces], x))
Some tests:
> chop(1200, c(250, 800))
[1] 250 550 400
> chop(800, c(250, 800))
[1] 250 550
> chop(100, c(250, 800))
[1] 100
> chop(600, c(250, 800))
[1] 250 350
From: Paul Roebuck
> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> > On 4/19/06, Paul Roebuck <roebuck at mdanderson.org> wrote:
> >
> > > Isn't there a builtin method for doing this and, if so,
> what is it
> > > called?
> > >
> > >...
2006 Mar 29
Recall for parent
What's the best way to simulate Recall for parent function?
Consider this one-time recursive code:
alwaysEven <- function(x) {
handleOdd <- function(x) {
alwaysEven(x-1) # use Recall-like here
return(if (x %% 2) handleOdd(x) else x)
any2even <- alwaysEven
2005 Feb 14
Test Tools
Anyone aware of tools available that can provide complexity
metrics and/or code coverage analysis for R source?
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
2005 May 18
R Include File Guards
R 2.1.0/src/include from 2005/04/18 download
Naming inconsistent for guards as well but that's pedantic.
Simple convention:
file <foo.h>
#ifndef R_FOO_H
file <R_ext/bar.h>
#ifndef R_EXT_BAR_H
Missing guards:
2005 Jul 19
Had been looking into Luke Tierney's R_AllocatePtr() and
was left with a question about exactly when does R reclaim
heap memory. Implication of 'simpleref.nw' is that one can
allocate C data on the R heap, and as long as pointer object
is alive, the data and pointer will remain valid. But it
calls allocString() which is implemented using R_alloc().
'Writing R Extensions" says
2005 Nov 12
sibling list element reference during list definition
Can the value of a list element be referenced from a
sibling list element during list creation without the use
of a temporary variable?
The following doesn't work but it's the general idea.
> list(value = 2, plusplus = $value+1)
such that the following would be the output from str()
List of 2
$ value : num 2
$ plusplus: num 3
2015 Jan 29
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
At this point I would just due:
At some point we need to figure out what to do with this .local() confusion.
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Roebuck,Paul L <PLRoebuck at mdanderson.org>
> I'm attempting to reflect the information for use with corresponding
> fields in GUI (in a different package), to provide default values,
> argname as key for UI label lookups, etc.
> So I want something much more like the fo...
2004 Dec 31
install.packages() for local source file
Wish to install a local source package on Un*x platform from
within R. Same thing as I can accomplish from cmdline as
$ export R_LIBS=~/R/library
$ cd /path/to/pkg
$ R CMD INSTALL -l $R_LIBS <pkgname>
So, how do you go about this anyway?
And isn't this a bug in 'install.packages'?
$ R
R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 1.9.0
2015 Jan 29
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
...cal"))) {
local <- eval(b[[2]][[3]])
warning("Expected a .local assignment to be a function. Corrupted method?")
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Roebuck,Paul L <PLRoebuck at mdanderson.org>
> wrote:
>> I'm attempting to reflect the information for use with corresponding
>> fields in GUI (in a different package), to provide default values,
>> argname as key for UI label lookups, etc.
>> So I want...
2004 Sep 28
S4 method selection based on second argument
I'm translating some Matlab code and need some help figuring
out how to change this call into an S4 generic method.
In matlab, there's a function called 'repmat' with three
calling sequences (all I have to deal with anyway):
1) B = repmat(A, m, n)
2) B = repmat(A, [m n])
3) B = repmat(A, n)
In all cases, A is the fill value, m is number of rows,
and n is number of
2004 Jun 22
[Q] GET_DIM() crash on Windows only
I have the following contrived code in package format.
On Solaris and Mac OS X, code runs just fine. On Windows,
it crashes the R environment with the "Send Bug Report"
dialog. I tried R 1.8.1 (Win2K) and R 1.9 (WinXP) binaries
with the same result. PCs otherwise appear properly
configured for creating R packages. Anything blatantly
wrong? Suggestions?
Relevant files from package
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
Interrogating some (of my own) code in another package.
>norm.meth <- getMethod("normalize", "MatrixLike")
>message("show(norm.meth at .Data)")
>show(norm.meth at .Data)
Last show() displays this:
function (object, ...)
.local <- function (object, method = c("median",
2004 Jul 06
Enumeration in R
I want the equivalent of this 'C' declaration.
enum StoplightColor {
green = 3,
yellow = 5,
red = 7
This mostly works except the validity checking doesn't
seem to occur automatically. What didn't I do to enable
representation(value = "integer"),
prototype = integer(1))