Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "rk4".
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2010 Apr 06
estimating the starting value within a ODE using nls and lsoda
I am interested in estimating a parameter that is the starting value for an ODE model.
That is, in the typical combined fitting procedure using nls and lsoda (alternatively rk4), I first defined the ODE model:
minmod <- function(t, y, parms) {
G <- y[1]
X <- y[2]
I_t <- approx(time, I.input, t)$y
dG <- -1*(p1 + X)*G +p1*G_b
dX <- -1*p2*X + p3*(I_t-I_b)
list(c(dG, dX))
Then I estimated the parameters of t...
2004 Oct 04
Beginners problem
I'm new to R and have a problem with a little test program (see below).
Why doesn't <<- in function rk4
assign the new value to y so that it is seen in rktest. I thought that
<<- does exactly this. But it seems that I
didn't get it right. I would be very appreciative for an explanation of
that behaviour of <<-. I know how to
write the whole thing so that it works (return the updated...
2008 Apr 09
LSODA not accurate when RK4 is; what's going on?
...on dy/dx = xy-1 with y(0) = sqrt(pi/2).
This can be used in computing the tail of the normal distribution.
(The actual solution is y(x) = exp(x^2/2) * Integral_x_inf {exp(-t^2/2) dt}
= Integral_0_inf {exp (-xt - t^2/2) dt}. For large x, y ~ 1/x, starting
around x~2.)
I'm testing both lsoda and rk4 from the package odesolve.
rk4 is accurate using step length 10^-2 and probably would be with even
larger steps.
lsoda is pretty accurate out to about x=4, then starts acting strangely. For
step length 10^-3, y suddenly starts to increase after 4, when it should be
strictly decreasing. For step le...
2004 Jun 10
odesolve: lsoda vs rk4
I'm trying to use odesolve for integrating various series of coupled 1st
order differential equations (derived from a system of enzymatic
catalysis and copied below, apologies for the excessively long set of
The thing that confuses me is that, whilst I can run the function rk4:
out <- rk4(y=y,times=times,func=func, parms=parms)
and the results look not unreasonable:
for (i in 2:(dim(out)[2]))plot(out[,1],out[,i], pch=".", xlab="time",
If I try doing the same thing with lsoda:
2004 Jan 22
Fitting compartmental model with nls and lsoda?
Dear Colleagues,
Our group is also working on implementing the use of R for pharmacokinetic compartmental analysis. Perhaps I have missed something, but
> fit <- nls(noisy ~ lsoda(xstart, time, one.compartment.model, c(K1=0.5, k2=0.5)),
+ data=C1.lsoda,
+ start=list(K1=0.3, k2=0.7),
+ trace=T
+ )
Error in eval(as.name(varName), data) : Object
2010 Sep 20
ERROR: Object not found
Dear All,
I am trying to use ode solver "rk4" to solve an ODE system, however, it
keeps saying: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "dIN" not found.
The sample codes are enclosed as follows, please help me. Thank you very
# The ODE system
ode <- function(t,x,p){...
2010 Sep 20
Ask for help with Error: Object not found
Dear All,
I am trying to use ode solver "rk4" to solve an ODE system, however, it
keeps saying: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "dIN" not found.
The sample codes are enclosed as follows, please help me. Thank you very
# The ODE system
ode <- function(t,x,p){...
2010 Sep 16
More accurate ODE solver?
Dear All,
I was using rk4 and lsoda to solve a ODE system. However, both of them gave
bad accurate solutions, especially compared with Matlab solver ODE45. For
example, ODE45 gave solutions that can go to a stable level (about 1.6) when
time goes to infinity, however, the solutions from lsoda are decreasing to
very very sma...
2007 Apr 09
How to solve differential and integral equation using R?
I want to know if there are some functions or packages to solve differential
and integral equation using R.
Shao chunxuan.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 12
External signal in ODE written in C (using deSolve and approx1?)
Dear list
The deSolve package allows you to specify the model code in C or Fortran.
Thanks to the excellent vignette this works fine. However I have not yet
managed to use forcing functions in C code.
In pure R code this works very well with approxfun() specified outside the
lvml <- function(t, x, parms) {
2004 Jun 08
Differential Equations
I would like to know if R can solve Differential Equations...
I don't think so because, in my point, I see R like a Statistical System, not a
Math System. Am I wrong?
Thank you very much.
M??rcio de Medeiros Ribeiro
Graduando em Ci??ncia da Computa????o
Departamento de Tecnologia da Informa????o - TCI
Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
Macei?? - Alagoas - Brasil
Projeto CoCADa
2018 May 31
Help in dynamic simulation using deSolve
...? ? ??? ? ? # Rate of change? ? ? dA <- inA+BtoA-AtoB-Aout? ? ? dB <- inB+AtoB-BtoA-Bout? ? ??? ? ??? ? ? return (list (c(dA, dB)))? ? })? }??? #Step 4: Define some starting values for the pools??? state <- c(A=5, B=3)??? ?return (ode(y=state, times=t,func=derivs, parms=parms, method="rk4"))}
# Starting values of fluxes/parameterspars <- c(kinA=5, kAtoB=0.3, kAout=0.1, kinB=2, kBtoA=0.3, kBout=0.3)
#Model results
Mod(time, pars)data <- data.frame(Mod(time, pars))plot(Mod(time, pars))
The result does not look right. I could not figure out where I made a mistake in compilin...
2003 Mar 06
question about model formula
Dear R Gang,
I'm interested in using R and the nls package for fitting kinetic
models. I'm having some difficulty getting a model specified for
nls though. The math for the model that I want to fit is
dg(t)/dt = K1 f(t) - k2 g(t)
where g(t) and f(t) are measured data at a sequence of times t.
K1 and k2 are the parameters of the model. If I solve this, the
solution is
g(t) = K1
2004 Feb 05
Installing odesolve under MacOSX
Installing odesolve in Raqua 1.8.0 or 1.8.1 under MacOSX gives the following
Warning message: Installation of package odesolve had non-zero exit status
in: install.packages(ui.pkgs, CRAN = getOption(where), lib = .libPaths()[1])
Moreover, in the source of odesolve is no makefile.
Does anyone know how to get a proper installation?
2020 Feb 27
[PATCH] Update the 5 year logo to 10 year logo
2008 May 21
Errors in using gdb (PR#11496)
2025 Jan 19
Test For Difference of Betas By Group in car
Hello R-Helpers,
I was looking into how to test whether the beta coefficient from a regression would be the same for two different groups contained in the dataset for the regression.
When I put that question into google, AI returned a very nice looking answer (and a couple of variations on it).
data <- data.frame(income = c(30, 45, 50, 25, 60, 55),
education =
2023 Apr 03
Simple Stacking of Two Columns
Hi R-Helpers,
Sorry to bother you, but I have a simple task that I can't figure out how to do.
For example, I have some names in two columns
and I simply want to get a single column
2024 Oct 17
DPLYR Multiple Mutate Statements On Same DataFrame
Hi R Helpers,
I have been looking for an example of how to execute different dplyr mutate statements on the same dataframe in a single step. I show how to do what I want to do by going from df0 to df1 to df2 to df3 by applying a mutate statement to each dataframe in sequence, but I would like to know if there is a way to execute this in a single step; so simply go from df0 to df1 while executing