Displaying 20 results from an estimated 72 matches for "riqu".
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2011 Feb 02
Ofcs2 Questions!
...data loss in case we lost lose power?
Does anyone have any other paramenter that should help us ?
Another info, the inscremental backup is taking 10 to 12 hours.
All nodes have VERY high I/O wait.
Thanks to all!!
If you could tell me any doc that i sould read would be nice to!
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2020 Jan 09
Is there a reason for the following behaviour?
> mean(c("1","2","3"))
[1] NA
Warning message:
In mean.default(c("1", "2", "3")) :
l'argument n'est ni num?rique, ni logique : renvoi de NA
> var(c("1","2","3"))
[1] 1
And also:
> median(c("1","2","3"))
[1] "2"
> quantile(c("1","2","3"),p=.5)
Error in (1 - h) * qs[i] :
argument non num...
2010 Aug 03
Dsync fatal error.
...trying it above, and after i do this, i run once
again to see if got any new mail after this, i change in my mysql setting of
mail location to /CX4/vdomains/%d/%u/mail/
My mysql settins override the conf file.
But firts i have to make the first command work, anyone has any ideias ?
2009 Aug 14
About sftp chroot dev!
...But when uer 1 logs in he see /user1 and if he gos down with cd .. he is
hable to see user2 and move around
Is there anyway to do what i want ?
And can you guys explain to me why the chroot path HAS to be owned by root ?
Sorry , i know i am beeing annoying
And Thanks anyway!
2018 Feb 08
...f 1095 data corresponding to a daily data of three years.
I want to know how to use ma(timeserie, order=??, centre=??) to detect the trend:
which order is suitable and what is the difference between centre= true or false.
How to avoid these errors:
1-Error in timeserie - trend :
? argument non num?rique pour un op?rateur binaire="non-numeric argument for a binary operator"
??????? Mean
1??? 3874.000
2??? 3869.000
3??? 3885.000
.???? .
.???? .
.???? .
???????? [,1]
?? [1,]?????? NA
?? [2,]?????? NA
?? [3,]?????? NA
???? .??????? .
???? .??????? .
???? .??????? .
2-m =...
2010 Dec 02
...ot list all emails or read an email.
I am also thinking in right index to an NFS but i don't know if this makes
any diferences in performance.
Thanks to all!
I use 3 servres wrinting on OCFS2 one is mailman, and other two are to
email, I have ipvs to load balance the conections.
2005 Jul 22
multiplicate 2 functions
Erreur dans dweibull(tmp[1], beta18, eta) : l'argument
"beta18" est manquant, avec aucune valeur par d??faut
> func1<-func1 * function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],beta18,eta)
Erreur dans func1 * function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],
beta18, eta) :
argument non num??rique pour un op??rateur binaire
> func1<-func1 & function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],beta18,eta)
Erreur dans func1 & function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],
beta18, eta) :
ces op??rations ne sont possibles que pour des types
num??riques ou logiques
> func1<-func1(beta18) & function(be...
2020 Jan 09
...t;>> Is there a reason for the following behaviour?
>>>> mean(c("1","2","3"))
>>> [1] NA
>>> Warning message:
>>> In mean.default(c("1", "2", "3")) :
>>> l'argument n'est ni num?rique, ni logique : renvoi de NA
>>> But:
>>>> var(c("1","2","3"))
>>> [1] 1
>>> And also:
>>>> median(c("1","2","3"))
>>> [1] "2"
2017 Jan 05
doveadm output format changes
...rendering) somewhere in the v2.2.x or 2.1.x.
Such changes render maintenance of wrapping scripts particularly tedious.
Could it be possible to avoid such breaking changes in the future ?
Service InfraStructures (SIS)
Direction du Syst?me d'Information et des Usages Num?riques (DSIUN)
Universit? Paris 1 Panth?on-Sorbonne
Centre Pierre Mend?s France
90 rue de Tolbiac - 75634 Paris cedex 13 - France
Bur. B406 - T?l +33 1 44 07 89 68 - Fax +33 1 44 07 89 66
Accueil: +33 1 44 07 89 65 - Assistance-DSIUN at univ-paris1.fr
2007 Feb 08
Impossible to get jpeg or png output
When I want to output a png file, I have the following error message :
Error dans X11(paste("jpeg::", quality, ":", filename, sep = ""), width, :
inpossible de d?marrer le p?riph?rique JPEG
De plus : Warning message:
impossible d'ouvrir le fichier JPEG 'Test.jpeg'
or in english
Error in X11(paste("jpeg::", quality, ":", filename, sep = ""), width, :
inpossible to start the JPEG peripheral
Warning message:
impossible to open th...
2010 May 28
Auto Block!
There is an plugin that makes dovecot lock an imap/pop/smtpauth if the user
miss passowrd more than N times ?
I would like to avoid brute force!
2011 Jan 27
Best way to calculate concurrent users?
...Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP XXX.XX.X.XX:143 lblcr
-> Masq 1 16 228
-> Masq 1 16 184
There is others ports and stuff.
Does any one have an ideia how to get this number ?
2011 May 25
Per user Namespaces From SQL
...ed all
configruation comming from mysql, not only the location.
Is that possible?
here: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Namespaces
at section:
Per-user Namespace Location From SQLI can set the location, is there an way
to make everything ? Like the name of namespace, and etc ?
Thanks to all!
2011 May 17
Queues.conf Language Agents
..., and have 6
other english speakers at waiting line end now one portuguese speaker gets
into to the line, is there an way that he "cut" the line and only be waiting
for those two agents?
Did i was clear? Sorry but as you can see english is not my first language!
Thanks to all!
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2007 Apr 16
2 samples KS-test...
...$ KD: num -0.0772 -0.6635 -0.1283 -0.0748 -0.3036 ...
Erreur dans ks.test(x = subset(mydata, Identified == "NO", select = KD), :
'y' doit ?tre num?rique ou bien une cha?ne de caract?res donnant
le nom de la fonction ad?quate
Thanks for any hint,
Conf: R-2.4.1 on win XP sp2.
"La science a certes quelques magnifiques r?ussites ? son acti...
2007 Feb 19
Problem to create directories
...tion = 0x2
[2007/02/12 11:13:47, 3] smbd/dosmode.c:unix_mode(147)
unix_mode(ctrl1/volc1/Nouveau dossier (2)) returning 0775
[2007/02/12 11:13:47, 2] smbd/open.c:open_directory(1936)
open_directory: unable to create ctrl1/volc1/Nouveau dossier (2). Error was Aucun espace disponible sur le p?riph?rique
[2007/02/12 11:13:47, 3] smbd/error.c:unix_error_packet(90)
unix_error_packet: error string = Aucun espace disponible sur le p?riph?rique
[2007/02/12 11:13:47, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(146)
error packet at smbd/trans2.c(2682) cmd=162 (SMBntcreateX) NT_STATUS_DISK_FULL
It returns me an e...
2010 Nov 05
Keep a copy of email.
...39;t guess sieve could get a parameter from the
email to make a filter.. or can it ?
like, if email from user2 at domain.com it goes to user2 folder, but this user2
would be variable, otherwise i have to create a sieve too bigm and would
work i guess.
Well, i am open to ideas.
2006 Jun 07
how to read hdf files under R?
...nished from either the CRAN or
BioConductors sites.
Can you tell me where it would be possible to find it or any R
library (or function) able to read hdf files?
Nicolas Degallier
UMR 7159 / IRD UR182
Laboratoire d'Oc?anographie et du Climat, Exp?rimentation et
Approches Num?riques (LOCEAN)
Tour 45-55, 4e ?t., case 100, 4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 5 France
t?l: (33) 01 44 27 51 57
fax: (33) 01 44 27 38 05
E-mail: <Nicolas.Degallier at ird.fr>
Publications (anonymous ftp):
2020 Jan 09
...> Hello,
>> Is there a reason for the following behaviour?
>>> mean(c("1","2","3"))
>> [1] NA
>> Warning message:
>> In mean.default(c("1", "2", "3")) :
>> l'argument n'est ni num?rique, ni logique : renvoi de NA
>> But:
>>> var(c("1","2","3"))
>> [1] 1
>> And also:
>>> median(c("1","2","3"))
>> [1] "2"
>> But:
>>> quantile(c...
2017 Jan 25
1 : accessing "mdbox_deleted" content destroys indexes
...ion = mdbox:~/mdbox:DIRNAME=_@@_dbox-Mails_@@_
I tested with and without appending ":DIRNAME=_@@_dbox-Mails_@@_" to
mail="mdbox_deleted:$home/mdbox" with same results.
Service InfraStructures (SIS)
Direction du Syst?me d'Information et des Usages Num?riques (DSIUN)
Universit? Paris 1 Panth?on-Sorbonne
Centre Pierre Mend?s France
90 rue de Tolbiac - 75634 Paris cedex 13 - France
Bur. B406 - T?l +33 1 44 07 89 68 - Fax +33 1 44 07 89 66
Accueil: +33 1 44 07 89 65 - Assistance-DSIUN at univ-paris1.fr