Displaying 20 results from an estimated 79 matches for "rgraphgallery".
2007 Nov 02
add histograms or distributions on regression line
hello, does anyone know how to add histograms or distributions
on regression like just like quantiles regression in RGraphGallery
below, a very
delicate codes. Thanks alot.
2010 Feb 19
plot circular histogram
In conducting studies of animal orientation and displacement, I need to
produce circular histograms of angles (bearings in radians 0-2pi) where the
centre of the circle indicates very few observations for a given bin of
angles and outwardly concentric circles indicate greater frequencies of
observations for a given bin of angles. I'd like not to have to write the
function myself but I
2011 Mar 03
Ordering several histograms
Hallo everyone,
I want to evaluate the change of the distribution for several size classes.
How can i order these separate histograms with the same y-axis along a
common x-axis according to their size classes. It would like it to look a
bit like this
(http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=109) without
the quantile regression. I can produce the separate histograms, but have no
clue how to merge them. i can put them next to each with separate x- and
Much obliged,
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Ordering-several-histograms-...
2006 Sep 06
histogram in the background?
I intend to draw a plot of y against x. In the background of this graph I
wish to creat a histogram of the horizontal variable x. Does any expert know
how to produce such a plot?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Apr 14
Problems getting symbols() to show table data
...ches = FALSE, xlab="",
ylab="", bg="blue")
symbols(xaxis, yaxis, circles = zvalues_neg, inches = FALSE, xlab="",
ylab="", bg="red", add=TRUE)
[Incidentally, I have tried to work through this example (
http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=152 ) but I am
out of my depth in making sense of the code.]
Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks,
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Problems-getting-symbols-to-show-table-data-tp1839676...
2007 Jul 26
multiple graphs
Does anyone have a simple explanation and example on how to add histograms or barcharts to an other graph like in the example at the R-graph gallery:
looking at the code I'not undertand very well how to add graphs in arbitrary/clever position with an adequate scale.
If somebody have a simplier example with explanations it will be highly appreciate.
2009 Jun 08
Re flect Back to Back Histograms in x-axis?
I've looked long and hard for this, but maybe I am missing something...
There is a nice module that displays histograms reflected in the y axis,
i.e. http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=136
but is it possible to reflect in the x-axis, so to have two datasets, one
pointing up and one down rather than left and right? I haven't been able to
find a way to plot this way using the guide, or elsewhere.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Refl...
2010 Sep 16
Help with customizing a histogram figure
...e are empty spaces on the x-axis. How would I eliminate
these spaces? I want a nice, smooth, empty-spaceless x-axis.
(2) How could I add tracing lines to each histogram? I am undoubtedly using the
wrong terminology. What I want to do is something like this:
Note that each histogram has a tracing line that summarizes the histogram.
In summary, I'd like to modify the code above to (1) get rid of the dead spaces
on the x-axis, and (2) add lines that traces to each of the histograms therein
(all on the same graph).
I am very bad at us...
2007 Aug 14
diffusing GIS data in maps
...uld really like is for there to be some sort of
diffusion, such that instead of discrete points, the European map is
covered in color so I can see more clearly whether there are regional
patterns (something that will presumably look like this contour chart:
<http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=20> only
on the European map).
I have absolutely no idea where to start because I can't find a function
that will allow me to diffuse the datapoints on a map.
thank you for any help
2010 Sep 21
Combined plot: Scatter + density plot
in order to save space for a publication, it would be nice to have a
combined scatter and density plot similar to what is shows on
I wonder if anybody perhaps has already developed code for this and is
willing to share. This is the reproducible code for the histogram
version obtained from the site:
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting...
x <- pmin(3, pmax(-3, rnorm(50)))
y <-...
2005 Oct 26
hclust leaf color
Hello everyone,
I wanted to know if it was possible to change the color of certain leaves in a
hclust object in order to make my graph more readable. I know I can color
certain groups but I would like to enter a vector telling the plot function
which leaves to color in which color.
Thanks in advance,
2006 Oct 19
Rug-like density plots on margins of figure
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to plot density curves on the axes of a plot, in a
similar way to the 'rug' function.
I have had a look at a few approaches and libraries, including:
* layout http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?
* fancygraph http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?
* ggplot - gave up since it needs R 2.3.0 and today I need to run on
less than that
* grid - probably powerful, good approach, but too much effort for a
midnight hack
* rug - since it does somethi...
2010 Jun 07
graphical representation of a correlation between 3 variables (~30 datapoints)
Dear Ms and Mr R,
I am seeking a visually appealing presentation of 3 variables (~30
datapoints) that are correlated and that should to into the same direction.
The objective is to show that they do go in the same direction and what
differences there might be while also giving an idea of the values of the
variables. I had done this with simple bargraphs for 6 datapoints in the
past, but for
2012 Feb 28
Dotplot edition
Hi everyone,
Im very new with R and I would like to change the size text (names) in the ylab in a dotplot. I have checked many webpages and R sites, but I have not found any help.
This is the same structure of the plot in R graph Gallery: http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?graph=150
thanks in thanks is advance
Mi code is this:
### setup the key
k <- simpleKey( c( "Perdidas ", "Contestadas" ) )
k$points$fill <- c("lightblue", "lightgreen")
k$points$pch <- 21
k$points$col <- "black"
2006 Aug 03
bullseye or polar display of "circular" data
I have data for several rings of a left heart chamber, and which I would like to display in concentric rings, with color-encoding of the values. Each ring corresponds to one slice through the heart, and the rings correspond to positions from the base to the apex of the heart as you move from the outermost ring to the innermost one. The data have a circular pattern. These types of displays are
2009 Jan 27
3-axis Barplots (plus qplot like staked histogram capability)
Searched my R reference docs*, and the Rseek, but evidently I've overlooked this capabilty.
Is it possible to produce a 3d Barplot using R?
For example would like to have a three axis bar plot - \
x-axis = location(discrete),
y-axis = data value,
z-axis = frequency of value occurance (of location and value)
Would also if could also do something like what "qplot" allows,
2005 Sep 28
scatterplot3d + density() + polygon(color)
...How to use the function polygon()
together with the package scatterplot3d?
I am trying to color below of the curves
defined for the function density().
I tried to use the site: R GRAPH GALLERY
as tutorial.
I tried to adapt the example of this page:
to my case but I do not obtain success.
Somebody could give a tip to me, please?
I am thankful anticipatedly.
Cleber Borges
#My code test
x=c(0.4, -1.2, .8, -.7, 0)
d1 = den...
2012 Aug 16
question about A2R
Dear List
I'm trying to install a package not present in cran named A2R (
After running the demo script I retrieve the following error:
cannot change value of locked binding for '._a2r_counter'
Please could someone give to me a tip about my error?
Thank you very much
Here is my sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linu...
2006 Feb 13
Plotting contour & filled.contour in one graph
Dear All,
I have a question on overlaying a filled.contour (e.g. on soil properties data) and contour (by elevation) in one graph. Both have the same z matrix dimension. I'm able to overlay both graph, but the plots dimension did not overlap well on the same plots. How can I have both filled.contour and contour on the same graph? The commands that I have written are as follows:
2009 Feb 15
How to plot image of contour in percent?
I have searched this forum with keywords contour and percent, it only
give one irrelevent result.
My problems is how to plot contour in percent.
In my figure, I have use kde2d to generate density of an array with
two dimension point.
Using image and contour could plot it.
But the line contour generated represent absolute value of population,
not how much pecent point within this cycle.
So, i there