search for: responsexml

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "responsexml".

2007 Sep 27
transportXML returns null?
Hi, I want to load an XHTML file into DOM. I issue Ajax.Request and on success do: var response=transport.responseXML Response is null. On the other hand: var response=transport.responseText; // has the data. Why is response=transport.responseXML returns null? Here is the code: function display() { url = "http://" + location.hostname + port + "/fusion/ restlet/"; url =...
2006 Jul 24
XML Question
I''ve got an XML file which is pretty well structured. I need to retrieve specific elements from that file to fill out empty HTML elements on a page. I think what I need is xPath? Or - is that overkill? Is there some easier way to locate an XML element? What I have in mind is pulling the XML file using Ajax, then xPath to get the bits I need. Am I on the right path and does
2005 Oct 18
responseText Vs responseXML
.... If I have a xml file that I am opening using Ajax.Request, then the response is trapped using responseText. Now this response is a set of xml tags, if I need to traverse through it using DOM, I am not able to use the getElementByTagName method? If I write my own ajax function, then when I do t.responseXML.getElementByTagName(''items'') it works but with responseText it doesn''t work. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Mandy.
2008 Mar 25
responseXML not working on XML file
When creating an Ajax.Request(''/path.xml'') i don''t get responseXML. I''m confused what I am doing wrong. If i change the response variable and dump responseText, it shows the file, it just doesn''t recognize it as xml. function xml(url){ new Ajax.Request(url, { method: ''post'', parameters:''resultSet=simcall'', o...
2009 Jun 14
Basic AJAX Response (Mootools)
...a node to see that it works, yet the response doesn''t come through / isn''t interpreted as it should. Long story short, code : // Have to use Mootools to integrate a Moo-specific JS Script // @.js : new Request( { url: ''bla'' onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML) { console.warn(responseText); console.warn(responseXML); } , onFailure: function(xhr) { alert(STD_ERR); } }).send(); // @SomeController : respond_to do |format| format.html { head :ok } format.xml { render :xml => ({:foo => "bar"}.to_xm...
2008 Jan 16
Ajax Response responseXML is null in IE
This may be a Prototype question but is probably a general JavaScript question. I am creating an Ajax.Request and getting back a response that should be evaluated as XML. But in IE, in my onSuccess function, the response.responseXML object is null. In Firefox it works properly. I have checked the three things that are supposed to determine whether the browser interprets the response text as XML: the content-type is application/atom+xml, the ready state is 4, and if I open the requested URL in Internet Explorer, it shows the...
2005 Sep 07
XMLHttp question
I''m continuing my work on integrating fckeditor with Rails. Currently I''m working on implementing the filebrowser / upload features, but I''ve ran into this problem. The response I get back is being loaded into the "responseText" property instead of the "responseXML" property. I''m trying to figure out why this is the case, but am coming up blank. The response is a well-formed xml document, and I''m sending the "content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" header. Is this an encoding problem? What do I need to do to make sure that...
2007 Aug 02
Problems with Element.extend() on responseXML elements with IE
I have the following code in the "onSuccess" function of an Ajax.Request() call. The content type of the response message is "text/ xml". function interactionSuccess(request) { var root = $(request.responseXML.documentElement); ... So more or less I extend the root element of my XML response. This call triggers the onException callback. The exception is a "TypeError: Object doesn''t support this property or method" exception. I tracked it down to the following line in Element.exten...
2006 Feb 23
prototype ajax + xml response
Hi, I am looking for a solution to use ajax.request object. Return response text will be in xml format and I like to know how to parse that xml information, so that I can put those info into the "span" or "div" tags of my html page. Is there any easy way to parse that xml info using prototype library? Thanks, kevin. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 16
Prototype $$() on arbitary DOM element ?
I am bit confused with this function. Should I be able to pass in a DOM element e.g. someAjaxRequest.responseXML and interrogate it ? Seems not but perhaps I am missing something... TIA Matt
2005 Oct 25
Content-Type: application/rdf+xml
Hi, I am trying to parse the response received from a rdf file using DOM. However, I am not able to get anything in the responseXML. It always returns null. Following is the content type I receive from the server. Content-Type: application/rdf+xml Can someone let me know how I can receive this as an xmlObj? Thanks in advance, Mandy. _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1...
2006 Apr 17
Serve static XML files how?
Hi, a Javascript in one of my Rails templates needs to load a static XML file. I tried several places to put the actual XML file, and I also tried to make the file a rails template (tried both .rhtml and .rxml) and access it via a controller action. None of these ways worked. Does the lighttpd server know how to serve XML files, or do I need to configure it first? Or, is there a good workaround?
2007 Apr 03
Some cryptic error in IE
...terface supported No such interface supported undefined Error -2146828218 Permission denied Permission denied Code Base: URL = ''/ParserServlet?action=ajaxnews''; new Ajax.Request(URL, { method: ''get'', onSuccess: function(transport) { var newsDoc = transport.responseXML; var newDocument = processor.transformToDocument(newsDoc); $(''_loadingId'').update(''''); $(''_content'').update(''''); $(''_content'').appendChild(newDocument.firstChild); }, onError: function(transport,exceptio...
2006 Mar 17
good javascript xml parser
Anyone know of a javascript function that will take an xml document and turn it into an associative array? Basically it would take something like this: <body> <item> <id>1</id> <name>Bob</name> </item> <item> <id>2</id> <name>John</name> </item> </body> And turn it into something like this: {
2013 Jun 05
[PATCH] Change javascript feed fetch from GET to POST
...a/index.html b/index.html index 41d81d8..b4efb6b 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ } else { xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } -"GET",dname,false); +"POST",dname,false); xhttp.send(""); return xhttp.responseXML; } diff --git a/news.html b/news.html index 88e8ab6..02048df 100644 --- a/news.html +++ b/news.html @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ } else { xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } -"GET",dname,false); +"POST",dname,false); xhttp.send(""); r...
2013 Jun 05
[PATCH website] Even more brands for links and sourceforge pages
On 05-06-13 10:41, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote: > Have you tried replacing the "GET" here: > >"GET",dname,false); > xhttp.send(""); > return xhttp.responseXML; > > with a "POST" operation instead? See the "GET or POST?" section of this > page: Right, I didn't know about that. Here's a patch, it seems to work, but I'm not really sure. With this patch, there seems to be no caching, but when I reverted it, it work...
2013 Jun 05
[PATCH website] Even more brands for links and sourceforge pages
On 05-06-13 00:45, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote: > I notice that in the feeds/feed.xml file there is a item titled "Sony > launches its first FLAC-playing receiver" but that does not show up on > Any idea what's going on here? Yeah, sure, I have that all the time. The weird thing is that even when using Ctrl+F5, my browser (Firefox)
2006 Feb 07
Question about Classes.
...39;'../../xml_files/session_data.xml'', {method:''get'',parameters:''time=''+Math.random()*4,onComplete: this.createArray}) }, createArray: function(response) { xmlDoc = response.responseXML; var ei = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(''event_info''); for(j=0;j<ei[0].childNodes.length;j++) { if (ei[0].childNodes[j].nodeType != 1) continue...
2005 Aug 25
IE and the activeX security warning
I''ve been testing my page, which not only includes my new slider code but the drag and drop code as well. You can see it here: My issue is that in IE, I get the annoying security warning across the top saying ''IE has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer''. If I allow the
2008 May 13
MGeoRSS and IE in IE "out of the box". Here''s a fix: =============== MGeoRSS.prototype.callback = function() { if (this.request.readyState == 4) { if (this.request.status == "200") { var xmlDoc= null; if (!isIE) { xmlDoc = this.request.responseXML; } else { // use the IE/ActiveX XML parser xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async="false" xmlDoc.loadXML(this.request.responseText); } ... =============== Hope this helps...