Displaying 20 results from an estimated 152 matches for "regime".
2003 Jun 26
degrees of freedom in a LME model
Dear All,
I am analysing some data for a colleague (not my data, gotta be published
so I cannot divulge).
My response variable is the number of matings observed per day for some
My factors are:
Day: the observations were taken on 9 days
Regime: 3 selection regimes
Line: 3 replicates per selection regime.
I have 81 observations in total
The lines are coded A to I, so I do not need to do any extra grouping.
my model is:
anova(lme(Matings ~ Day * Regime, random = ~1| Line/Day, mydata))
I would expect to have:
1 df per Day
2 df per Regi...
2007 Oct 30
markov regime switching models
I am looking for a package to estimate regime switching models (states
following a markov chain).
I found packages for Hidden Markov Models but I am looking for something a
little different: In the HMM the conditional distribution of the
observations (give the state) is a known distribution (normal or others),
while the package I need should a...
2009 Feb 15
Package for Markov (Regime) Switching (ARMA) Models
Hello R-Users
Is there a package in R, that handles Markov (Regime) Switching (ARMA) Models for time series modelling and prediction?
Thank you very much.
2012 Jul 23
setar function error message
...error message.
Here is the code:
## there are 4175 observation in the series (a).
> a[1:10,1] [1] 1.496498 1.496602 1.496636 1.496515 1.496515 1.496463 1.496429 1.496549 1.496480
[10] 1.496498
> library("tsDyn")
> selectSETAR(a, m=2)Using maximum autoregressive order for low regime: mL = 2
Using maximum autoregressive order for high regime: mH = 2
Searching on 1552 possible threshold values within regimes with
sufficient ( 15% ) number of observations
Searching on 6208 combinations of thresholds ( 1552 ), thDelay ( 1
), mL ( 2 ) and MM ( 2 )
Results of the grid search for 1...
2012 May 30
anova.coxph for multiple events model
...;m trying to do a multiple events model using coxph. I need to choose which
covariates stay in the final model and i'm using anova but it seems that it
doesn't work with robust variances as a error message appears when I try to
do it:
+ CD4+CV+Neo+IO+cluster(idPARTICIPANTE)+strata(Estrato),data=PWP)
> anova(PWPfit)
Error in anova.coxph(PWPfit) :
Can't do anova tables with robust variances
However when I fit two different nested models the function anova seems to
2003 Jul 30
Lula-Cuba, "bloqueio", patrulhas"...
...[1]InEnglish - [2]EnEspanol
Caros amigos luso-brasileiros,
? de se perguntar se as "patrulhas ideol?gicas" esquerdistas estar?o
impedindo que os ?ltimos artigos do ex preso pol?tico e escritor
cubano Armando Valladares - que abordam delicados aspetos das rela??es
entre o regime comunista de Cuba e o atual governo brasileiro -
cheguem aos grandes jornais. Por via de d?vidas, e qualquer que seja a
resposta, lhes enviamos diretamente, via e-mail, o mais recente desses
artigos, com um tema sem d?vida pol?mico. No final, encontrar?o links
para tomar contato direto...
2009 Jul 26
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn, nonlinear time series
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn presented at useR! 2009 is now on CRAN,
extended with several new features.
The package tsDyn is aimed at estimating nonlinear time series models
which exhibit regime specific properties. The regime switching dynamics
can either be described by smooth transition (STAR and LSTAR) or
threshold effects (SETAR). The package furthermore offers nonlinear
models such as neural networks (NNET), and additive autoregressive (AAR)
The version 0.7 enhances the...
2009 Jul 26
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn, nonlinear time series
Version 0.7 of package tsDyn presented at useR! 2009 is now on CRAN,
extended with several new features.
The package tsDyn is aimed at estimating nonlinear time series models
which exhibit regime specific properties. The regime switching dynamics
can either be described by smooth transition (STAR and LSTAR) or
threshold effects (SETAR). The package furthermore offers nonlinear
models such as neural networks (NNET), and additive autoregressive (AAR)
The version 0.7 enhances the...
2010 Oct 26
Markov Switching with TVTP - problems with convergence
Greetings fellow R entusiasts!
We have some problems converting a computer routine written initially for
Gauss to estimate a Markov Regime Switching analysis with Time Varying
Transition Probability. The source code in Gauss is here:
We have converted the code to R, and it's running without errors, but we
have some convergence problems. According to the autho...
2009 Nov 14
formatting dates in axis labels (ggplot2)
...ther", "Other", "Other", "Other", "Other", "Other"), Deaths = c(1.4,
6.2, 4.7, 150, 328.5, 312.2, 197, 340.6, 631.5, 1022.8, 822.8,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, 32.1, 51.7, 115.8, 41.7, 30.7, 16.3, 7, 4.6,
2.5, 9.6, 11.9, 27.7, 50.1, 42.8, 48, 120, 140.1), Regime = structure(c(1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L
), .Label = c("Before", "After"), class = c("ordered", "factor"
))), .Names = c("Date", "Cause"...
2015 Mar 24
how to add service at boot up
Hi there,
I am used to traditional update-rc.d et all.
Now I wonder how to add a a script that used to called by init.d (wit
start/sop ..) to the new "service start xx" regime.
All the tutorials I found talk about how to use update-rc.d..
2009 Feb 08
Rsync from Windows to Linux
I have installed rsync on my Windows and Linux PCs. I would like to use it
to copy a folder from Windows to Linux on a regular basis as part of my
backup regime. It works but always prompts me for a password. Is there any
way to make Windows pass authentication automatically so that I can batch
this process?
Tyson & Ackland
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2012 Jul 24
setar function error message (SOLVED)
...>>> 1.496429 1.496549 1.496480
>>>>> [10] 1.496498
>>>> library("tsDyn")
>>>> selectSETAR(a, m=2)Using maximum autoregressive order for low regime:
>>>> mL
>>>>> = 2
>>>>> Using maximum autoregressive order for high regime: mH = 2
>>>> Searching on 1552 possible threshold values within regimes with
>>>> sufficient ( 15% ) number of observa...
2016 May 05
Resuming the discussion of establishing an LLVM code of conduct
appropriateness as things stand. If those same comments had been poorly
worded and seemed to apply specifically to a particular person... Well,
that's likely to lead to exactly the type of personal arguments we're
all hoping to avoid.
Does my concern make sense?
> Under your regime - would I be forbidden from calling someone else out
> for generally being a bully or troll.. Specifically if I went through
> and found say 6 cases where X caused friction in the community and in
> general their behavior was more noise than actually productive.
Your point is directly cont...
2016 May 05
Resuming the discussion of establishing an LLVM code of conduct
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:55 AM C Bergström <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Chandler - I do not want to derail, hijack or change the topic of this
> discussion - Would you be ok with me going into specific examples?
IMO, no, I don't think that would be a productive direction. I also suspect
it would have a high probability of (unintentionally) leading to exactly
2011 Apr 30
using tapply with multiple variables
HI All,
I have a long data file generated from a minimal pair test that I gave to
learners of Arabic before and after a phonetic training regime. For each of
thirty some subjects there are 800 rows of data, from each of 400 items at
pre and posttest. For each item the subject got correct, there is a 'C' in
the column 'Correct'. The line:
tapply(ALLDATA$Correct, ALLDATA$Subject, function(x)sum(x=="C"))
gives me...
2001 Sep 14
Our Sympathies
The following is a message to be sent to the President
of the United States of America. Although we may not be able to do a
great deal from where we are, but for the people of America just
knowing we care and feel their sadness will help. Please put your name
on the following list and send it to all you know and who care. If you
are the 100th name and every 100th there on could you please also
2008 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] Linux Kernel Compile for Sparc v8 Arch
Does anyone succeed at compiling Linux kernel for Sparc v8 architecture?
I am currently trying to expand the regime of LLVM to Sparc kernel codes.
The following is the initial error messages. Any comment is welcomed.
#1. Inline Assembly
register struct thread_info *current_thread_info_reg asm("g6");
Error Message:
include/asm/thread_info.h:77: error: invalid register name f...
2007 Nov 25
[LLVMdev] OCaml and Exceptions
...cially when unwinding
deep stacks. Objective-C 2 on Leopard may be one of the few systems
which has this combination of properties. (But exceptions in Cocoa
code are discouraged even more strongly than in C++.)
Note that there is nothing in LLVM that prevents alternative exception
handling regimes, they just won't benefit from the existing
infrastructure, and will not interoperate with the DWARF runtime.
— Gordon
2004 Jul 28
Simulation from a model fitted by survreg.
Dear list,
I would like to simulate individual survival times from a model that has been fitted using the survreg procedure (library survival). Output shown below.
My plan is to extract the shape and scale arguments for use with rweibull() since my error terms are assumed to be Weibull, but it does not make any sense. The mean survival time is easy to predict, but I would like to simulate