search for: reflect_on_association

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "reflect_on_association".

2010 Oct 06
reflect_on_association method
Hi all, I am having trouble trying to use reflect_on_association method with given the simplified model: class Order < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :contractor, :class_name => "BusinessUnit" end I expected the reflect_on_association method to return associated_foreign_key "contractor_id" but it returns "business_unit_id":...
2007 Jul 24
Mock or Stub strategy for validates_uniqueness_of
Hi, I''m a bit stuck with mocking a unit test of a join model with regards to a validates_uniqueness_of clause. I have class Book < AR:B has_many :clippings various validates_presence_of etc end class Clip < AR:B has_many :clippings various validates_presence_of etc end class Clipping < AR:B belongs_to :book belongs_to :clip validates_uniqueness_of :clip_id,
2007 Aug 10
How to spec a model method
Still new to Specs... How do I create a spec to test a model method? Specifically, here is my spec: #testing model describe User do it "should have many user roles" do User.reflect_on_association(:user_roles).should_not be_nil end it "should have many roles though user roles" do User.reflect_on_association(:roles).should_not be_nil end it "should know what role it has" do #User.should end end The last spec is incomplete... basically, I will want the...
2006 May 14
searching on foreing keys
Hey all, I''m using a simple search function. It''s working great except for foreign keys. I have one table pets (id,name,owner_id) and another table people(id,name) owner_id being a foreign key of pet pointing to people name. here it is on the pet controller: @paginator, @pets= paginate(:pets, :conditions =>["name OR owner_id like
2007 Mar 18
How to get more informations about an association at runtime
Hi all I''m working on a Custom Formbuilder. I want it to create me with a single method call checkboxes for a given HABTM association. My model looks like this: [code=ruby]class Member < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :preferred_music_styles, :class_name => ''MusicStyle'', :join_table =>
2006 Apr 19
Using Reflections to find out ActiveRecord class association
I want to find out what are the associations with another active record class. So If my class is as below: Class Component < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :branches end class Branch < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :component end and then I do Component.reflections[:branches].active_record I would expect that to be Branch but it is in fact Component. The inspection of
2007 May 23
Modifying Conditions for has_many at runtime in controller?
I am attempting to bring Rails into my company, and so far I have been able to impress the senior managers with the flexibility / configurability of Rails on ActiveScaffold. I have hit a point now where I am stumped, and would really appreciate the help of the community. I have a Person ActiveRecord model that has_many Orders. class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :orders end I am
2010 Apr 19
Problem with mongrel_rails, but works with script/server
...working perfectly when I start it with > "script/server", but > when ?I "use mongrel_rails start" it starts the app but on several > controllers it breaks (not all of them though <-how come???) and when it > braks ti shows the > message "undefined method `reflect_on_association'' for Service:Module" > Do you have a model called Service? mongrel_service it also contains a module called Service, so maybe ActiveRecord might be clashing, which is strange. Please provide a backtrace of the error, not just the last line of the error. > When I set the break...
2009 Jan 21
Nested serialization with to_json and to_xml with array and hash element
Title: Nested serialization with to_json and to_xml with array and hash element class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :address has_one :job def office() return "Executive_Suite" end end class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person end class Job < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person has_one :paygrade def Title return "Engineer" end end
2007 Feb 16
some fun functionality for all your specs
I''ve found these two snippets of code useful and would love some feedback. first, .should_have_valid_associations usage: context "A new Product" do specify "should have valid associations" do @product.should_have_valid_associations end end code: (thanks to Wilson/Defiler for converting to rspec) module Spec module Expectations module Should
2006 Aug 16
acts_as_paranoid and alias_method_chain
...ain is near the bottom. please advise. class << ActiveRecord::Base def belongs_to_with_deleted(association_id, options = {}) with_deleted = options.delete :with_deleted returning belongs_to_without_deleted(association_id, options) do if with_deleted reflection = reflect_on_association(association_id) association_accessor_methods(reflection, Caboose::Acts::BelongsToWithDeletedAssociation) association_constructor_method(:build, reflection, Caboose::Acts::BelongsToWithDeletedAssociation) association_constructor_method(:create, reflection,...
2007 Jan 28
problems with acts_as_paranoid (noticed while using acts_as_versioned)
...s_as_paranoid, I can''t figure out why it is getting stuck in a loop: def belongs_to_with_deleted(association_id, options = {}) with_deleted = options.delete :with_deleted returning belongs_to_without_deleted(association_id, options) do if with_deleted reflection = reflect_on_association(association_id) association_accessor_methods(reflection, Caboose::Acts::BelongsToWithDeletedAssociation) association_constructor_method(:build, reflection, Caboose::Acts::BelongsToWithDeletedAssociation) association_constructor_method(:create, reflection, Cabo...
2009 Mar 18
set_table_name woes, fragmented domain class
Hi all, I''m running Rails on top of a Mongrel cluster. I have several model classes that are going to have so many records it is not feasible to keep them all in the same table. So I''ve split out the records into many different tables, each with its own suffix which corresponds to the id of the model to which all records in that particular table belong. For example,
2006 Aug 12
Administrative Console Screencast
The first administrative console screencast is now available at: I''ve posted a bunch about the Admin Console, but it''s essentially an automated scaffold that works as an engine. The screencast is a quick overview of the minor things you''ll need to do in models, environment.rb, and others, as well as ::drumroll:: a demo of
2006 Jul 05
Serialized object behaves weird
Hi! I got a class named EinsatzFilter which I serialized to session. Before saving to session it works afterwards I keep getting the message: "undefined method `to_s'' for #<Person:0x38c6ab8>". "Person" is a from ActiveRecord::Base inherited class. Code: class EinsatzFilter include ApplicationHelper attr_reader :personen, :monat, :projekte, :kunde
2007 Mar 29
a better "should have valid associations"
This is pretty much the same as last time around, if you recall. Thanks to Wilson for converting to the new form. I''ve added a few lines. Basically, it iterates over your model associations and does two things. - First, just try to call the association. Usually fixes speeling erors or other such silliness. - Second, try to find a record with an :include on the association. This
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to
2006 Jun 13
Dead horse: validates_associated
Regarding validates_associated... Let''s say I have: article belongs_to author But for whatever reason, I want an article to also be written anonymously and therefore not require an author. Then I have: Article: belongs_to :author validates_associated :author But I DON''T have validates_presence_of. What I want to do is validate that an author is valid --if it is
2006 Feb 01
Explanation of "alias_method"
Hi! I''m trying to extend ActiveRecord''s find method (Rails 1.0, Ruby 1.8.2), but I recognize a strange behaviour of the "alias_method" call. I wrote a very simple script to explain my problem: ------------------------------------------------------ module ActiveRecordExtension def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_eval do