Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "rediris".
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2011 Oct 10
yum update
Can anyone help me on how to fix this problem?
when i run yum update from CLI i got this one
[root at ict ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: sunsite.rediris.es
* extras: sunsite.rediris.es
* updates: sunsite.rediris.es
---> Package python-libs.x86_64 0:2.4.3-44.el5_7.1 set to be updated
[Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-3, 'Temporary failure in nam...
2008 Jun 29
Weird problems with OpenOffice
...in advance.
Rafael J. Alc?ntara P?rez.
| Departamento de Sistemas <sistemas@dedaloingenieros.com>
| Tel?fono fijo: 952 602 959
| Fax: 952 602 959
| Direcci?n: C/ Afligidos 2, 3? Derecha, 29015 M?laga
| D?dalo Ingenieros, S.L.: http://www.dedaloingenieros.com/
| PGP: http://pgp.rediris.es:11371/pks/lookup?op=index&search=0x1899F325
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Url : http://lists.samba.org/arc...
2005 May 20
send patchs
...ult policy will be added at the end of compilling period.
cheer up, Tom!
Juan Jes?s Prieto - Consultor?a TI
fingerprint: BFC2 0370 7708 F800 0BEC 60A4 EC71 4BB1 CC85 99F5
2018 Oct 30
Problem with cached userdb info
user_filter =
and in /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext (passdb) I have:
pass_attrs =
2015 May 06
lmpt director and ldap userdb
...doveadm_password = <password>
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auth_bind = no
base = <base dn>
default_pass_scheme = MD5-CRYPT
dn = <user dn>
dnpass = <password>
iterate_attrs = uid=user
iterate_filter = (&(objectClass=CourierMailAccount)(irisUserStatus=urn:mace:rediris.es:um.es:userstatus:correo:estado:activo))
pass_attrs = irisMailbox=userdb_mail,homeDirectory=userdb_home,uidNumber=userdb_uid,gidNumber=userdb_gid,=proxy=y,=proxy_timeout=600,irisMailHost=host
pass_filter = (&(&(objectClass=CourierMailAccount)(irisUserStatus=urn:mace:rediris.es:um.es:users...
2009 Apr 27
Otros grupos donde se use R: ¿podemos contactar con ellos?
Hola, ¿qué tal?
Voy a ejercer de portavoz oficioso del "petit comité" que inició esta
lista de correo y pedir un favor a los actuales miembros de la lista.
Como más de uno ya sabe, crearla, aparte del interés "per se", tenía un
objetivo adicional y de mayor alcance: reunir a la comunidad
hispanohablante de usuarios de R y, en particular, a la española para
2005 May 13
In/out calls from/to same sip provider
I must be missing something obvious, but can't figure out what it is.
Pizco Dominguez
GPGKEY: gpg --keyserver pgp.rediris.es --recv-key 8DE37A4D
FINGERPRINT: 85CB 4323 F322 5837 EDB5 2033 6FB2 C326 8DE3 7A4D
2005 May 18
SIP/nat situation
...t; or "Better back
to tam-tam and smoke signalling" are wellcome.
Thanks for your time.
Pizco Dominguez
GPGKEY: gpg --keyserver pgp.rediris.es --recv-key 8DE37A4D
FINGERPRINT: 85CB 4323 F322 5837 EDB5 2033 6FB2 C326 8DE3 7A4D
2020 Apr 29
[Posible SPAM] Re: Stopwords: Topic modelling con LDA
> Y también aplicaría tf-idf a tus comentarios. Con tf-idf seguro que
> desaparecen como relevantes esas palabras comunes, será otra forma de
> confirmar que es buena la decisión de hacer el análisis eliminandolas.
> Saludos,
> Carlos Ortega
> https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVI2PTg1Nip6MT0iPCplaDE8PTY8PSp/ZWtibXh5fmkxNW1qPG49bm09PzluaDtpPzk9aG5uPj89bm0/bj06bjpvOWk7PDtuaSp4MT05NDQ8Oz0+Pz4qfWVoMTw/X01+fFVmPD47OTg0ITw/X01+fFVgPD47OTg0Kn5vfHgxYWV+ZW1hIm1gdm14aUx5Ym16bX5+bSJpfypvMTU8&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.qualityecellence.es
> El mar., 28...
2005 Jul 04
Problem with routing decisions, and multihop
...'' doesn''t work; also does the route
decision part.
I absolutely don''t know what more to do... I''m running iptables
v1.2.11, and kernel 2.6.11-gentoo-r11. Exactly same happened with
kernel 2.4.28-gentoo. :(
For example, here is a test. I want to ftp to "ftp.rediris.es". I look
which would be the route:
# ip route get via dev eth2 src
cache mtu 1500 advmss 1460 metric10 64
I try the ftp:
# ftp ftp.rediris.es
And in the kernel log appears:
Jul 4 16:19:25 thecrow WRONG IFACE: IN= OUT=eth1 SRC=192.168....
2005 May 24
...e the project for a while, maybe it will be necesary
some cooperation system.
Juan Jes?s Prieto - Consultor?a TI
fingerprint: BFC2 0370 7708 F800 0BEC 60A4 EC71 4BB1 CC85 99F5
2020 Apr 28
Stopwords: Topic modelling con LDA
Buenos días,
Estoy realizando un análisis de topic models con el método LDA. En
principio, he quitado del análisis las palabras "stopwords" universales. A
la hora de ver los topics y sus palabras más frecuentes encuentro que son
muy similares y hay palabras que aparecen en todos los topics. Los textos
que estoy analizando son opiniones de consumidores sobre una categoría
concreta de
2002 Dec 12
Samba update FreeBSD
Perhaps a rather stupid question, but I have not found the complete correct
way to upgrade a Samba installation on FreeBSD.
I always use the ports to install the newer version, but after a while I
discovered that the installation of the new version did not uninstall the
previous version, so when you look at the installed packages (pkg_info) you
can see all older versions, they can be uninstalled
2004 Aug 11
Re: Flash plugin for CentOS
...t; - -- begin --
> [macromedia]
> name=Macromedia Flash Player for Red Hat Linux 3
> baseurl=
> # http://macromedia.mplug.org/apt/redhat/3/
> # http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/macromedia/apt/redhat/3/
> #
> http://ruslug.rutgers.edu/macromedia/apt/redhat/3/
> # http://macromedia.rediris.es/apt/redhat/3/
> gpgcheck=1
> failovermethod=priority
> - -- end --
> Uncomment one of the repository URIs as appropriate.
> You'll also
> need to either set gpgcheck=0 (not recommended) or
> install the Fedora
> project GPG key which is used to sign these
2018 Oct 02
Bug in conditionals to assign values to variables?
> I can't seem to be able to reproduce this, not even with v2.2.33. It simply works without logging any errors.
I've made a lot of changes now. I can't neither reproduce it anymore :-(.
If I could, I'll send the complete configuration.
Angel L. Mateo Mart?nez
Secci?n de Telem?tica
?rea de Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
2002 Dec 13
Some doubts
...users have their uid
All users are in same gid
Some project admins (they are on "admin users" tag on smb.conf)
I want only admins can delete files.
Best regards.
Sergio Jim?nez <sjimenez@censa-cat.net>
CENSA network administrator
pgp key at pgp.rediris.es
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2004 Aug 09
Shockwave Flash player for CentOS
I am using CentOS-3 as a desktop distribution. With
the exception of fewer red hats and some different
logos, it looks exactly like RedHat 9 to me.
The problem is some web sites do not work right, as
there is no Shockwave Flash player and Java support
seems to be a problem. For some web sites, I have to
used Windows.
I prefer not to download and install something that
YUM could not
2004 Dec 02
Quantian with over 500 CRAN / BioC packages
The most recent release is also available at
o Bittorrents are available via
o The main European mirror has already caught up:
and the second Sunsite mirror should hopefully catch up soon:
o CD/DVD vendors will probably update their offerings soon as well.
BudgetLinuxCDs.com is typically the fastest:...
2004 Dec 02
Quantian with over 500 CRAN / BioC packages
The most recent release is also available at
o Bittorrents are available via
o The main European mirror has already caught up:
and the second Sunsite mirror should hopefully catch up soon:
o CD/DVD vendors will probably update their offerings soon as well.
BudgetLinuxCDs.com is typically the fastest:...
2005 Dec 14
New Quantian release with over 800 CRAN/BioC packages
...em such
as squid. It may be best to rely on rsync or bittorrent instead
of http.
o Bittorrents should be available shortly at
o The main European mirrors should catch up shortly:
o CD/DVD vendors will probably update their offerings soon as well.
See the Quantian site for a list.
IV Mailing lists
o Two mailing lists exist for Quantian