search for: readogr

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "readogr".

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2008 Dec 04
reading files (readOGR) and non-ascii characters
I'm forwarding to this list as I've got no answer in [R-sig-Geo] and perhaps this issue is not exclusive of readOGR() I'm using ubuntu 8.04 andR version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) -------- Original Message -------- Subject: readOGR and non-ascii characters Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 14:22:34 +0100 From: Agustin Lobo <aloboaleu at> Reply-To: Agustin.Lobo at To: sig-geo <r-sig-geo at stat...
2009 Jul 14
Error when sampling from SpatialLines
...le(nwlim,n=1000,"random") Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :   unable to find an inherited method for function "coordinates", for signature "numeric"     I found a similar error message in the archives, where prof. dr. Bivand indicated to try to use readOGR instead of readShapeLines, however, I get the same error message.     nwlim2<-readOGR("C:/Limburg_nwshape.shp", "Limburg_nwshape") OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile Source: "C:/Limburg_nwshape.shp", layer: "Limburg_nwshape" with  6074...
2010 Apr 01
Using GIS data in R
I have a simple problem: I need to load a ERSI shapefile of US states and check whether or not a set of points are within the boundary of these states. I have the shapefile, I have the coordinates but I'm having a great deal of difficulty bringing the two together. The problem is the various GIS packages for R do not play well with each other. sp, shapefiles, maptools, etc all use different
2012 Feb 22
How can I save plot()/points() using SHP files into KML format?
...This is as far as I've gotten (code below) and am lost as to next steps, Any suggestions or references would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for any help. Gabe # Initialize pseudo random number generator set.seed(700124) # Read vector representation of the map Kasur <- readOGR("Kasur3.shp", layer = "Kasur3") # Plot points png("Kasur.png") plot(Kasur) points(spsample(Kasur, n=100, type='random'), col='red', pch=0, cex=0.5) -- View this message in context:
2012 Dec 17
looping through spatial points and getting counts of spatial points in spatial grid in R
...oints in the spatial grid. However, since there are many of these spatial points, I want this process to be automated. Can someone help me with this? All my spatial points are in one folder.  # Creating spatial points in R - reading the POI shapefiles as SpatialPointsDataFrame in R autopts.rg <- readOGR(".", "AutoSvc")class (autopts.rg) # Getting a count of the Spatial Points in the Spatial Data Frame in.cell <- overlay(SpatialGrid_LS,FinInstq2) newdata <- data.frame(table(in.cell))View(newdata) "SpatialGrid_LS" is the spatial grid that I had created in R.  I g...
2014 Mar 12
Sobreponer dos mapas
... Ahora lo que deseo hacer es agregar datos, por ejemplo el cociente de localización de la industria de la electronica para cada municipio de las zonas. Anteriormente lo he hecho con spplot, pero primero agregando los datos a traves de: zm <- readOGR(?.?, ?zm?) datos <- read.csv(ql.csv) #cocientes de localización por sector por municipio (345 obs) zonas en data=data.frame(datos) y después lo he pintado así: spplot(zonas, c(?industria_electronica?)) Este es el resultado: Quisiera...
2011 May 01
vector file
Dear All   I want to import the vector file (   .shp) to R. I could import the file by rgdal package before, by following:   geology<-readOGR('C:/geology//saga/geo.geom','finalgeology')   but now there is an error:   Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, input_field_name_encoding = input_field_name_encoding) :           GDAL Error 4: .shx file is unreadable, or corrupt.   Can you tell me where is the problem. Tha...
2011 Dec 03
side-by-side map with different geographies using spplot
Hello, I want to create side-by-side maps of similar attribute data in two different cities using a single legend. To simply display side-by-side census block group boundary (non-thematic) maps for Minneapolis & Cleveland I do the following: library(rgdal) library(sp) Minneapolis=readOGR("../Minneapolis/Census/2010/Census_BlockGroup_GEO/","tl_2010_27053_bg10") Cleveland=readOGR("../Cleveland/Census/2010/Census_BlockGroup_GEO/","tl_2010_39035_bg10") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(Minneapolis) plot(Cleveland) I can display a single thematic map for a...
2012 Aug 08
map axis on projected shapefiles
...he x-axis ticks the prime meridian (0?) is in totally the wrong position. I have tried "degAxis" which only changes the axis to 4e+05?W, 3e+05?W,..., and I cant seem to get map.grid to work. Does anyone know why this would happen or what I have done wrong? #Code is shelfline <- readOGR(dsn="C:\\ArcGIS\\phy_bathy_contours.shp", layer = "phy_bathy_contours") world <- readOGR(dsn="C:\\ArcGIS\\phy_coastline_plus_ssi_so.shp", layer = "phy_coastline_plus_ssi_so") plot(shelfline, axes=T,xlab=expression("Longitude"^o), ylab=expression...
2017 Nov 13
how to label station names on point
I have a shapefile point and I plot it over my polygon. Is it possible to label station names over points?Sincerely. S_Point = readOGR(".","point")plot(S_Point,add=TRUE,col="black",pch=20,cex=2) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 02
Need help extracting info from XML file using XML package
.../outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon> Thanks! -Don p.s. There is a lot of other stuff in this file, i.e, some points, and attributes of the points such as color, as well as a legend describing what the polygons mean, but I can get by without all that stuff, at least for now. Note also that readOGR() would in principle work, but the underlying OGR libraries have some limitations that this file exceeds. Per info at -- --------------------------------- Don MacQueen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA, USA 925-423-1062 macq at
2007 May 30
Connecting to PostgreSQL/PostGIS from R (rgdal?)
....1, but I was unsuccessful at creating a proper binary package for R. I was only able to get it to work by substituting the rgdal.dll that was installed by CRAN with the one that I compiled that links against the GDAL library from FWTools. Even though it works (at first glance with ogrInfo(), and readOGR()), I still get a warning message when I load the libary: "DLL attempted to change FPU control word from 8001f to 9001f". So my question with respect to rgdal is a) is it likely that an rgdal package is going to be released in the future with the PostgreSQL driver included in GDAL/OGR, o...
2012 Mar 21
To overlay my raster and its boundary
..."C:\\Users\\Documents\\Nouveau\\Frequence.txt",sep="",dec=",",header=TRUE) >testo<-rasterFromXYZ(Image) >plot(testo) >testo2 <- aggregate(testo,fact=10, fun=mean) >plot(testo2) # open shapefiles= boundary >library (rgdal) >test1<-readOGR(dsn="C:\\Users\\Documents\\DISC D\\Nouveau",layer="pays") >plot(test1) But How to overlay both layers (raster and shapefile) to have a same map?. Thank you in advance -- View this message in context:
2011 Jul 09
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame holes problem
I have obtained shapefiles for Indian states from here: Problem: I want to extract centroid coordinates for each State, but there is some coding problem with the shapefiles that prevents this. #Code: #After extracting the shapefiles from the file, then:
2011 May 07
spdep::poly2nb problem
...ritories shapefile from and unzipped it into my working directory. Then in R (version 12.2.0 for ms-win32): library(rgdal) # Version: 0.6-28 library(spdep) # Version: 0.5-24 (loads sp: Version: 0.9-72) # read in the data states<-readOGR(".","s_01de10") summary(states) # now create a neighbors list states_nb<-poly2nb(states) # create a 0/1 matrix of the neighbors nb_mat<-nb2mat(states_nb,style="B",zero.policy=TRUE) # add names nms<-as.character(states$NAMES) # set the matrix names dimnames(nb...
2012 Aug 17
RGDAL OGRwrite question
...v0.7-12 (R version 2.15.1, OSX 10.6.8) writeOGR will not write a shapefile the the current directory. Is this correct? An earlier version of rgdal must have allowed this because I have a older script that used to work, but doesn't now. So, as an example, here is what I get today: > shape = readOGR('.', layer='S20_G75_V00_HAASHP10_R00') OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile Source: ".", layer: "S20_G75_V00_HAASHP10_R00" with 169 features and 23 fields Feature type: wkbPolygon with 2 dimensions > writeOGR(shape, '.', layer='temp', d...
2010 Jun 23
Plotting Data on a Map
...e know if I need to explain better what I am trying to accomplish. library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(ggplot2) dsn="C:/Documents and Settings/fcarrillo/Desktop/Software/R Scripts and Datasets/NCTC/Data Analisys II/Data 4 Data Analysis II March 2009- March2010/Data" <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="PNW_wolf_habitat_grid") class( dim( head(,1) names( gpclibPermit() wolves.ds <- fortify( head(wolves.ds);tail(wolves.ds) # Shapefile of 5 states wolves.plot <- ggplot(wolves.ds,aes(long,lat,group=group)) + geom_po...
2009 Aug 30
Trying to rename spatial pts data frame slot that isn't a slot()
...sDataFrame(spol, data=data.frame +(getSpPPolygonsLabptSlots(spol), +row.names=getSpPPolygonsIDSlots(spol)), match.ID = TRUE) writeOGR(spdf,dsn=mcp.dir,layer="All Mantas MCP", driver="ESRI +Shapefile") #Read shapefile manipulated in qGIS mymcp<-readOGR(dsn=mcp.dir,layer="All mantas MCP land differenc") My spatial points data frame has a number of "Slot"s, including one that contained the original names called Slot "ID". However, I can not access this slot using slot() or slotNames(). > slotNames(mymcp) [1] &...
2013 Feb 14
Clip a contour with shapefile while using contourplot
.../s/khi7nv0160hi68p/mydata.csv The data for shapefile can be found on THe code I have used so far is as follows: # Load Libraries library(latticeExtra) library(sp) library(rgdal) library(lattice) library(gridExtra) #Read Shapefile hello <- readOGR("shape", layer="Export_Output_4") ## Project the shapefile to the UTM 16 zone proj4string(hello) <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=16 +ellps=WGS84") ## Read Contour data mydata <- read.csv("mydata.csv") head(mydata ) summary(mydata) #Create a c...
2010 Jun 23
...9;rgdal' and 'maptools' much but it appears to be a great way bring map data into R. Please take a look at the comments and let me know if I need to explain better what I am trying to accomplish. library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(ggplot2) dsn="C:/Data" <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="PNW_wolf_habitat_grid") class( dim( head(,1) names( gpclibPermit() wolves.ds <- fortify( head(wolves.ds);tail(wolves.ds) # Shapefile of 5 states wolves.plot <- ggplot(wolves.ds,aes(long,lat,group=group)) + geom_po...