Displaying 20 results from an estimated 32 matches for "readgdal".
2011 Nov 24
readGDAL or raster for reading bit map files
Dear all,
I have asked yesterday of how I can read a simple bitmap file in R cran.
I was suggest to use either readGDAL or raster for loading my bitmap
a. I have done it with readGDAL like
and it works,... but it converts my matrix-like notion of a bitmap to a large vector
b. Raster also returns a class that I can not understand.
So 1, I want to load it an...
2010 Mar 17
In readGDAL(destfile, silent = TRUE) : GeoTransform values not available
Dear Ruser,
I am trying to use the map library. But I have been problem the follow
Warning message:
*In readGDAL(destfile, silent = TRUE) : GeoTransform values not available
> GetMap(markers =
destfile = "MyTile1.png");
Read 1 item
2010 Mar 19
error in map library
Dear Ruser,
> I am trying to use the map library. But unfortunately I am facing the
> warning message above:
> Warning message:
> *In readGDAL(destfile, silent = TRUE) : GeoTransform values not available
> *
I want to use that library because I intend to plot some station in a
Brazilian map.
I really appreciate any help.
===here what I was testing========
> library(rgdal)
> library(RgoogleMaps)
> > GetMa...
2009 Jul 16
Problems generating image from tiff file
I imported the attached tiff file and converted the coordinate system to
long lat and graphed it:
californiatiff<- readGDAL("california1.tif")
> rasterprojection <- spTransform(californiatiff, CRS("+proj=longlat")
however, when using the plot command for rasterprojection, I get a blob. I
can see the outline of the state of california and nevada, but rather than
2010 Sep 24
Reading in .aux (ESRI raster files) into R
Dear All,
I'v tried to read in data in numerous ways including:-
Error in readAsciiGrid("F://RMap//sp10kpointid1.aux") :
object 'cellsize' not found
In addition: Warning message:
In readLines(t, n = 6) :
incomplete final line found on 'F://RMap//sp10kpointid1.aux'
2007 Sep 20
Superimposing vector polygons over raster grid in a plot
I would like to superimpose vector polygons (state outlines) from a
Shape file on top of a satellite image,
imported into a SpatialGridDataFrame from GEOTIFF via gdal_translate and
When I plot polygon and point shape files in R, into
SpatialPointDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame,
the two feature sets line up geographically, so it seems logical that a
SpatialGridDataFrame should behave
in the same way.
From my initial research, the spplot function is the correct func...
2011 Aug 26
Problem in calling R functions from Matlab
...ows that rgdal library is loaded, also the rscproxy library is loaded, in addition to all others. I tried following:
imshow(imread('testimg_p.tif')) displays the image properly, however calling this from R using rgdal from within Matlab gives error;
>> [a b c] = evalR('img <- readGDAL("testimg_p.tif")')
a = ?????[]
b = ?????0
c = Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Object is static; operation not allowed
The command works from R prompt:
> img <- readGDAL("testimg_p.tif")
testimg_p.tif has GDAL driver GTiff
and has 280 rows and 272 columns
It i...
2009 Jul 15
Read PNG file and display with more than 256 colors RGDAL
...eally I would like to read in the png image and display in its original form as a plot background, hopefully with all its colors represented rather than being converted to a 256 color scale.
A code example is below:
png(file="file.png", 4000,4000)
myTile <- readGDAL("basemap.png",silent=TRUE); #basemap.png is a PNG file returned from googlemaps
myTile at data <- myTile at data[,1:3]
col <- SGDF2PCT(myTile,ncolors=256) ## myTile is a spatialGridDataFrame with 3 bands
myTile$ind <- col$idx ## add the colour index to the data frame
2012 Sep 22
timeIsInterval function not found
...pacetime but has not worked
any suggestions?
setwd("C:/Documents and Settings/bob/Documenti/tuesday")
dts0 <- c("19980401", "19980701", "19981001", "19990101")
fn <- "_Gambia__the_Extract.tif"
ndv_gambia <- readGDAL(paste("NDV_", dts0[1], fn, sep=""))
for (i in dts0[2:4])
ndv_gambia <- cbind(ndv_gambia, readGDAL(paste("NDV_", i, fn, sep="")))
names(ndv_gambia) <- paste("ndv", dts0, sep="_")
dts <- as.Date(dts0, "%Y%m%d") #dal testo...
2012 Oct 18
Re-projecting geotiff
...ould like to
reproject into UTM 18. I was wondering if it was possible in R.
Furthermore, I looked into 'rgdal' package, but I can't really find out if
I'm doing the right thing. So far, here is what I'm doing:
myTiff = 'L5014028_02819840617_B10.TIF'
a = readGDAL(myTiff)
aa = spTransform(a, CRS("+proj=utm +zone=18 +datum=WGS84"))
However, after few seconds, the memory is full and R crashes. I used other
proprietary tools to reproject and it takes only like 10 seconds to
reproject. Therefore, I suspect I'm not using the 'rgdal' package...
2007 Sep 06
write geotiff with projection - RGDAL package
proj4string(data.grid) = CRS("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0.00000000000 +lon_0=-81.00000000000 +k=0.99960000 +x_0=500000.000000 +y_0=0.0000000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m")
tr <- "e:\\JELA_veg\\test_gtiff\\test.tif"
writeGDAL(data.grid["class.pca"], tr)
mg3 <- readGDAL(tr)
[1] " +proj=utm +zone=17 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"
I will really appreciate if anybody can point me in the right dirrection.
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2011 May 05
R - problem with my loops which operate on raster data
for (i in 1:length(my_asc))
r <- readGDAL(my_asc[i])
z <- as.matrix(r)
vectordata[i] <- mean(z)
vectordatamax[i] <- max(z)
vectordatamin[i] <- min(z)
vectordev[i] <- sd(z,na.rm=True)
<li>I try to do some modyfication of this loop, but it stil...
2008 Jan 11
clipping a large image on R
Dear all,
I have a so large image (43,000 x 18,000 pixels) and I need clip this image with a smallest one (1000x1000 pixels). I can read the second image using rgdal package. But the first image can´t be read on my system because if memory limitation (I have about 2GB availabe).
So I would like hear from you if anyone have some suggestin in this regards. I have also ArcGis 8.6 ans Erdas 8.3
2010 Sep 25
Help required
Is it possible to read jpeg files into R?
If yes please guide, Thanks.. I tried to search many time but failed to do.
Thankis in advance..
with Best Regards,
Malik Shahzad
Visiting Researcher
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Tokyo, Japan
Doctoral Student
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Bangkok, Thailand
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2008 Nov 05
Using RGDAL to "copy" header information...
outcon <- file(outfile, "wb")
for (row in 1:nl) {
templine <- readGDAL(infile,region.dim=c(1,ns),offset=c(row-1,0))
writeBin(templine[[1]], outcon,size=4)
# Below doesn't work
# writeGDAL(templine,outfile_base,drivername='EHdr',type="Float32")
The issue is this: I need to be able to effectively copy the
2013 Jan 14
How to open grib file in R?
I have this https://echange-fichiers.inra.fr/get?k=6TdTdezNeZwAqJtpwVm
grib file which is a regular lat-lon 0.25x0.25 degrees and contains 4 fields
I tried to open it using :
grib <-
but I got this error:
C:\Users\aalyaari\Desktop\Vol_025_H14_2010060700.grib has GDAL driver GRIB
and has 721 rows and 1440 columns Error in validityMethod(as(object,
superClass)) :
Geographical CRS given to non-conformant...
2010 Aug 05
using grib files in R
I am not new to R, but I am new to .grib files. I am downloading some
climate data and I would like to analyze it in R. R has a nice netcdf
package, but I don?t see any package available to deal specifically
with grib files. I see a few posts from other people using grib files
in R. However, I was unclear if they used grib files in a different
software program and then imported the data
2010 Aug 02
read the middle of a file
The other day Justin Peter presented a mini program to plot a topographic map with an overlay of the worldHires. I seemed interesting so I checked the ETOPO5 site and find that there is a new file ETOPO1 with a 1 minute grid. I downloaded it and tried a similar procedure. Now the ETOPO1.gz is 1 Gb and the uncompressed file is 5 Gb. They do not fit into my laptop. I tried the following
2007 Mar 03
R software to place points on Yahoo maps
Is there any R software that create an image from Yahoo maps together
with points of known UTM coordinates (or lat/long marked? Note that
my region of interest is not covered in sufficient detail by Google maps.
It actually does not have to be Yahoo maps as long as it has sufficient
coverage of my region but that's the one I have found with coverage of
my region. The scale I am interested in
2007 Mar 12
reading BMP into R
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado...
Nome: n?o dispon?vel
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