Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "raudenbush".
2010 Feb 05
metafor package: effect sizes are not fully independent
In a classical meta analysis model y_i = X_i * beta_i + e_i, data
{y_i} are assumed to be independent effect sizes. However, I'm
encountering the following two scenarios:
(1) Each source has multiple effect sizes, thus {y_i} are not fully
independent with each other.
(2) Each source has multiple effect sizes, each of the effect size
from a source can be categorized as one of a factor levels
2003 Oct 04
(no subject)
...ividuals ( in this instance the impact of the
GDP per capita on the attitudes towards the EU enlargement) by allowing
national differences in both slopes (GDP per capita) and interceps.
In R programm for the fitting the hierarchical models i can use the nlme
package. I found a literature (Bryk and Raudenbush) for the hierarchical
models and understood how to build this models by using the survey data.
The question arise if I?m thinking about the combination of the datasets:
the GDP per capita that will be hold as a constant and the survey data for
each respondent.
My question is how I could solve this...
2002 May 02
problem with lme in nlme package
...unction in the nlme package in R and results obtained with lme in S-PLUS.
I'm using version 3.1-24 of nlme in R 1.4.1 under Windows 2000, and both
S-PLUS 2000 and 6.0, again under Windows 2000.
I've noticed discrepancies in a couple of instances. Here's one, using data
from Bryk and Raudenbush's Hierarchical Linear models:
From R:
> attach(Bryk)
> cses <- meanses <- numeric(length(ses)) # initialize
> for (sc in unique(school)) {
+ meanses[school==sc] <- mean(ses[school==sc])
+ cses[school==sc]<-ses[school==sc]- meanses[school...
1999 Apr 15
regression with uncertainty in both variables
Hi, all.
I'm trying to use some linear regression models in which both the
dependent and independent variables are measured with some error. To
make things worse, while the errors in the dependent variable are uniform,
the errors in the independent (or explanatory, or "x") variables can be
heteroskedastic. I've been looking at the book _Measurement Error Models_
by Fuller
2003 Jun 25
within group variance of the coeficients in LME
...for the variability of the
coefficients across levels. I have a simple 2-level problem, where I want to
check weather a certain covariate varies across level 2 units. Pinheiro
Bates suggest just looking at the intervals or doing a rather conservative
ANOVA test in their book. I have also consultet Raudenbush Bryk on the
subject and they suggest using a Chi sqare statistics. It is defined as
SUM by j( (beta_hat_qj - y_hat_q0 - sum(y_hat_qs*w_sj))^2/V_hat_qqj)
beta are the within 2-level coffecients - got them with the coef()
y is a fixed effect or grand mean
the sum is for accounting of the l...
2003 Aug 25
Book recommendations: Multilevel & longitudinal analysis
Hi, does anyone out there have a recommendation for multilevel / random
effects and longitudinal analysis?
My dream book would be something that's both accessible to a
non-statistician but rigorous (because I seem to be slowly turning into a
statistician) and ideally would use R.
2002 Jun 21
Interpreting output from glmmPQL
...zed Within-Group Residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-1.2951648 -0.8865510 -0.7183326 1.0428044 1.6135857
Number of Observations: 1042
Number of Groups:
groupid participantid %in% groupid
20 137
Raudenbush & Bryk (1992; 2002) suggest that the Intraclass Correlation is
a useful statistic for a hierarchical linear model. My understanding is
that this statistic is the proportion of the model's total variance that
is "explained" by each level of the model. I have calculated this for
2013 Dec 05
mgcv gam modeling trend variation over cases
data = PCP,
random =~ (1|fPID),
family = poisson (link="log"))
It is not clear to me whether either of these gives me what I want. In
generalized linear mixed models, I am accustomed to the HLM approach
(e.g., Raudenbush & Bryk) where each case would have a trend
coefficient, and the random effect would tell me if those four
coefficients varied significantly. So that is what I am looking for, but
adding the nonlinearity modeling of GAM. Is either of these formulations
giving me what I want--a test of whethe...
2007 Apr 04
Power analysis and mixed model
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
Url : https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20070404/0f61f54a/attachment.pl
2005 Jun 09
can nlme do the complex multilevel model?
data from multilevel units,first sample the class ,and then the student in calss.following is the 2-level model. and the level-1 model deals with the student,and the level-2 model deals with the class level the students belong to.
Level-1 Model
Y = B0 + B1*(ZLEAD) + B2*(ZBUL) + B3*(ZSHY) + R
Level-2 Model
B0 = G00 + U0
B1 = G10 + G11*(ZWARMT) + U1
B2 = G20 + G21*(ZWARMT) + G22*(ZABLET) +
2004 Aug 27
FIML in lme
I was asked if lme can use FIML (Full Information Maximum Likelihood)
instead of REML or ML but I don't know the answer. Does anybody know if
this is implemented in R?