Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "r_data".
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2009 Sep 23
Reading data
Dear R-users,
I am a new user for R. I am eager to lean about it.
I wanted to read and summary of the a simple data file
I used the following,
rel <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/ashta/My
Documents/R_data/rel.dat", quote="",header=FALSE,sep="",col.names=
Below is the error message,
rel <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/ashta/My
Documents/R_data/rel.dat", quote="",header=...
2013 Feb 03
Fractional logit in GLM?
Does anyone know of a function in R that can handle a fractional variable as the dependent variable? The catch is that the function has to be inclusive of 0 and 1, which betareg() does not.
It seems like GLM might be able to handle the fractional logit model, but I can't figure it out. How do you format GLM to do so?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Dec 09
Reducing code size of Position Independent Executables (PIE) by shrinking the size of dynamic relocations section
...e section consists of 64-bit entries: higher
> 8-bits contain delta since last offset, and lower 56-bits contain a
> bitmap for which words to apply the relocation to. This is best
> described by showing the code for decoding the section:
> typedef struct
> {
> Elf64_Xword r_data; /* jump and bitmap for relative relocations */
> } Elf64_Relrz;
> #define ELF64_R_JUMP(val) ((val) >> 56)
> #define ELF64_R_BITS(val) ((val) & 0xffffffffffffff)
> #ifdef DO_RELRZ
> {
> ElfW(Addr) offset = 0;
> for (; relative < end; ++re...
2008 Apr 18
Correspondence and detrended correspondence analysis
...eep same relationships between them in all three plots - which is expected. If some code is required i can provide it but i didn't want to clutter the message too much. But i am providing the resulting plots in case they will make my problem clearer.
PCA plot: ftp://stpfiles.er.usgs.gov/Monica/R_Data/pca_veg_lidarclass_phase2.pdf
CA plot: ftp://stpfiles.er.usgs.gov/Monica/R_Data/corresp_anal_phase2.pdf
DCA plot: ftp://stpfiles.er.usgs.gov/Monica/R_Data/detrend_corresp_anal_phase2.pdf
DCA how i would expect it: ftp://stpfiles.er.usgs.gov/Monica/R_Data/detrend_corresp_anal_phase2_a.pdf
Any thoug...
2006 Jun 08
Reading in a table with ISO-latin1 encoding in MacOS-X (Intel)
...Intel processor) with the same original text table does not seem to
work whichever way I try. Following the recommendations on the R site
and using the 'file' function to set the encoding breaks down at the
first encounter with a Scandinavian character:
THINK <- read.table(file("R_data/hs+sfnet.T.060505.tbl4",
Warning messages:
1: invalid input found on input connection
2: incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on
A sample exemplifying such ch...
2017 May 08
Reducing code size of Position Independent Executables (PIE) by shrinking the size of dynamic relocations section
Discussion here: https://sourceware.org/ml/gnu-gabi/2017-q2/msg00000.html
On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Suprateeka R Hegde
<hegdesmailbox at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02-May-2017 12:05 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> On 05/01/2017 08:28 PM, Suprateeka R Hegde wrote:
>>> So the ratio shows ~96% is RELATIVE reloc. And only ~4% others. This is
>>> not the
2023 Dec 08
regarding CCA plot
...ying to plot CCA using
species and environmental data. But I am getting error like
Error in cca.default(sptrans, envtrans) :
all row sums must be >0 in the community data matrix
*My code is like *
rassspec<-read.csv("C:/Users/hp/Desktop/R_data/rassspec.csv", header=T,
rassevee<-read.csv("C:/Users/hp/Desktop/R_data/rassenv.csv", header=T,
sptrans <- decostand(rassspec, "hellinger")
envtrans <- decostand(rassevee, "hellinger")
vare.cca <- cca(sptrans, e...
2017 Dec 07
Reducing code size of Position Independent Executables (PIE) by shrinking the size of dynamic relocations section
...coding and a bitmap of
offsets. The section consists of 64-bit entries: higher 8-bits contain delta
since last offset, and lower 56-bits contain a bitmap for which words to apply
the relocation to. This is best described by showing the code for decoding the
typedef struct
Elf64_Xword r_data; /* jump and bitmap for relative relocations */
} Elf64_Relrz;
#define ELF64_R_JUMP(val) ((val) >> 56)
#define ELF64_R_BITS(val) ((val) & 0xffffffffffffff)
#ifdef DO_RELRZ
ElfW(Addr) offset = 0;
for (; relative < end; ++relative)
ElfW(Addr) jump = E...
2012 Sep 24
boxplot of different colors
I tried to color the box using 13 colors but failed.
Only red and brown were displayed.
Green, blue, and grey disappeared.
Please kindly advise modification after checking the code below.
Thank you in advance.
R code
# data input
# graph
boxplot(GE_distance~Diet_B, data=dataN,xlab="Diet of Breeding
2017 Dec 11
Reducing code size of Position Independent Executables (PIE) by shrinking the size of dynamic relocations section
...; 8-bits contain delta since last offset, and lower 56-bits contain a
>>> bitmap for which words to apply the relocation to. This is best
>>> described by showing the code for decoding the section:
>>> typedef struct
>>> {
>>> Elf64_Xword r_data; /* jump and bitmap for relative relocations */
>>> } Elf64_Relrz;
>>> #define ELF64_R_JUMP(val) ((val) >> 56)
>>> #define ELF64_R_BITS(val) ((val) & 0xffffffffffffff)
>>> #ifdef DO_RELRZ
>>> {
2013 Jan 12
panel failure in xyplot
I ran the code below but it said:
no object "'panel.xyplot.intermediate.hh'"
Please kindly advise how to modify the code.
thank you.
(It works with panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh)
# data input
dataN <-read.csv("H:/R_data/Mig_bird_586.csv",header=T, row.names=1)
diet.code <- c("Herbivore", "Omnivore", "Carnivore")
Diet.colors <- c("forestgreen", "darkblue","red2")
levels(dataN$Diet) <- d...
2006 Dec 22
substitute creates an object which prints incorrectly (PR#9427)
Search Path:
.GlobalEnv, .R_Store, package:RODBC, package:xlsReadWrite,
package:cluster, package:vegan, package:ASOR, package:stats,
package:graphics, package:grDevices, package:utils, package:datasets,
.R_Data, .R_Utils, package:svIDE, package:tcltk, package:methods,
Autoloads, package:base
2007 Jun 19
Problems translating should_render from 0.8.2 to 1.0.5
...er a partial (mostly for ajax calls) we need to test the locals that get passed into the template.<br><br>here''s a typical spec:<br> specify "the :start_date should equal the date passed in" do<br> @mock_event_calendar_data = mock(''Mock event_calendar_data'')<br> EventCalendarData.should_receive(:new).and_return(@mock_event_calendar_data)<br> date = Date.today<br> controller.should_render :parti...
2011 Feb 16
remote data access from Sweave - does not evaluate?
Hello R users
I am having trouble accessing data on a remote server when using sweave.
An example is the loading of an .RData file e.g.
which works fine from the command line (this loads a small .RData file into
I have a sweave document with this sort of code in that is meant to import
data from the server and then process it. I am finding however that lines
of code that try and import data in this way...
2009 Nov 18
R_NilValue and segfault.
As I gathered, R_NilValue is declared in Rinternals.h:
> /* Special Values */
> LibExtern SEXP R_NilValue; /* The nil object */
> LibExtern SEXP R_UnboundValue; /* Unbound marker */
> LibExtern SEXP R_MissingArg; /* Missing argument marker */
So, in my r_data.c file, I have:
-1- an #include directive.
> #include <Rinternals.h>
-2- the function wrapping R data in OCaml data
> CAMLprim value Val_sexp (SEXP sexp)
> {
> CAMLparam0();
> CAMLlocal1(result);
> result = caml_alloc(1, Abstract_tag);
> Field(result, 0) = (va...
2007 Jan 07
substitute creates an object whichprints incorrectly (PR#9427)
...> >>> Search Path:
> >>> .GlobalEnv, .R_Store, package:RODBC, package:xlsReadWrite,
> >>> package:cluster, package:vegan, package:ASOR, package:stats,
> >>> package:graphics, package:grDevices, package:utils,
> >>> package:datasets, .R_Data, .R_Utils, package:svIDE,
> package:tcltk,
> >>> package:methods, Autoloads, package:base
> >>>
> >>> ______________________________________________
> >>> R-devel at r-project.org mailing list
> >>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listin...
2012 Dec 16
averaging X of specific Y (latitude)
I have a table describing butterfly range traits.
It is composed of three columns as below
Species name range size (X) latitude of range midpoint (Y)
There are 11 kinds of butterflies.
Each has its range size, and the latitude of each range midpoint ranges
from 9 to 19.
I would like to have the average range size of every degree of latitude.
For example, the average range