search for: quicks

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2020 Feb 05
[Release-testers] [10.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 1 is here
Hello, When running using GCC 5.4.0 we encountered this error : /home/anil/llvm1000_rc1_binary_upload/rc1/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/clangd/Hover.cpp: In function ‘llvm::StringLiteral clang::clangd::{anonymous}::getNameForExpr(const clang::Expr*)’: /home/anil/llvm1000_rc1_binary_upload/rc1/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/clangd/Hover.cpp:450:10: error: could not convert
2014 Jan 20
Read factory0x7f32f4005940 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them
Hi every body our Calls are begging dropped for no reason and it starts with the sound quality dropping and then the caller unable to hear our call center agents. Then the call drops or the caller hangs up unable to hear. I could see following lines inside full log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Jan 20 15:21:35] DEBUG[14982] audiohook.c:
2010 Nov 09
make quicktest failed
I had 444 errors I didn't want to put them all up here. Maybe I missed a step, maybe it's an easy "oops you forgot to do this" I'm on ubuntu 10.10 amd64 server completely uptodate today. I followed the My git is also today. == samba4.rpc.echo on ncacn_ip_tcp with validate and --option=socket:testnonblock=True
2015 Apr 05
nutdrv_qx hangs after send: QS
Hi, I have used the truss command as directed. I have attached both the driver output and the last few sections of truss output leading to the hang. Both outputs end at the CTRL+C i pressed when i was forced to end the processes. Hope this is helpful. Please bear with me if i didn't run it with the right options etc - as I mentioned, I'm a little new to Solaris. Regards, Richard On
2015 Apr 05
nutdrv_qx hangs after send: QS
Thank you for the rapid response. I will try and investigate getting answers to some of your points but I'm a little new to Solaris so I'll need some time. Glancing at the configure output, it looks like it built against v0.1.7 of libusb (yes i think that is derived from the one you mention), checking for libusb version via pkg-config... 0.1.7 found checking for libusb cflags... checking
2010 Mar 02
crash when using the cp command to copy files off a striped gluster dir but not when using rsync
Hi, I've got this strange problem where a striped endpoint will crash when I try to use cp to copy files off of it but not when I use rsync to copy files off: [user at gluster5 user]$ cp -r Python-2.6.4/ ~/tmp/ cp: reading `Python-2.6.4/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/myfixes/': Software caused connection abort cp: closing
2011 Feb 24
No subject
which is a stripe of the gluster storage servers, this is the performance I get (note use a file size > amount of RAM on client and server systems, 13GB in this case) : 4k block size : 111 pir4:/pirstripe% /sb/admin/scripts/nfsSpeedTest -s 13g -y pir4: Write test (dd): 142.281 MB/s 1138.247 mbps 93.561 seconds pir4: Read test (dd): 274.321 MB/s 2194.570 mbps 48.527 seconds testing from 8k -
2011 Jan 19
audiohook.c: Write factory 0x153cf678 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them
Hello list, what does this mean in the debug-log : [Jan 19 15:11:04] DEBUG[1475] audiohook.c: Write factory 0x153cf678 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jan 19 15:11:04] DEBUG[1701] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x14fe5ef0 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them. [Jan 19 15:11:04] DEBUG[1475] audiohook.c: Read factory 0x153cec40 and write factory 0x153cf678 both fail to provide
2010 Jun 16
Quick question.
I have a quick question regarding Samba, can i mount a Windows share on a Unix server? -- Thanks Jorge
2004 Apr 06
how to learn R quickly?
i am new to R,so i post here to ask you how to learn R quickly? is there some usefull materials about using R. ps:though the manual is a good materials,but it is not the best for a newbie,i think. thank you !
2008 Nov 26
bridging - Didn't get a frame from channel
Hi, I am having a difficulty with getting two realtime user?s to bridge on answer. I have managed successfully to bridge the same two users/channels via the Bridge Manager api command and confirm that the two communicate directly bypassing the asterisk server (I confirmed this with Wireshark). Does anyone have some ideas? I have put some log entries below. I haven?t attached my
2010 Mar 29
Suggestion: Adding quick rowMin and rowMax functions to base package
Hi, I wonder whether similarly to the very quick rowSums and colSums functions in the base package, one could add quick functions that calculate the min or max over rows / cols in a matrix. While apply(x,1,min) works, I found out by profiling a program of mine that it is rather slow for matrices with a very large number of rows. A quick functionality seems to be already there in the
2008 Feb 08
Quick bug in speexenc
Good day, a quick bug while encoding speexes in speexenc. While reading a .wav in function read_samples, size can get to negative values, as long as fread is able to go forward with reading the file. This can happen with Protools-generated wavs, where they put additional information after the "data" fourcc. I created a very quick hack by adding: int tentative_read =
2005 Mar 22
Quick Newbie Question - Auto Call Routing
Hello all, Quick description of scenario: Would like to be able to plug in an analog line to a Digium Wildcard X100P FXO card in an * server. Whenever that line receives a call, we would like it to automatically ring a hunt group of VoIP soft phones that are connected to the * server. Is this possible, and if it is, what's the easiest way to go about it? My thanks in advance. Gordon
2003 Nov 24
Picking an open channel (FXO port) for outbound calls
Greetings: I did some quick searching of my history of this list, and I tried a quick Google search as well, but perhaps someone on the list can quickly answer this question. I have a very nicely working Asterisk system at home with two Digium X100P FXO cards. When my SIP phones want to dial-out I have them setup to grab the first analog card (Zap/1) with the following extensions.conf segment:
2011 Apr 05
[PATCH] staging: hv: Fix GARP not sent after Quick Migration
After Quick Migration, the network is not immediately operational in the current context when receiving RNDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT event. So, I put the netif_notify_peers() into a scheduled work, otherwise GARP packet will not be sent after quick migration, and cause network disconnection. Thanks to Mike Surcouf <mike at> for reporting the bug and testing the patch. This
2011 Apr 05
[PATCH] staging: hv: Fix GARP not sent after Quick Migration
After Quick Migration, the network is not immediately operational in the current context when receiving RNDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT event. So, I put the netif_notify_peers() into a scheduled work, otherwise GARP packet will not be sent after quick migration, and cause network disconnection. Thanks to Mike Surcouf <mike at> for reporting the bug and testing the patch. This
2005 Aug 30
quick, quick, slow...
Hi, I'm (still) evaluating dovecot for a switch from UW in the near future. All the following happens on a Solaris server. Functionally, all is well. However, I see strange phenomena. Normally, dovecot is pretty swift. Every now and then, though, things slow down to a crawl. Everything seems to be working, still, but a few orders of magnitude slower. A copy of an outgoing message (of a
2015 Feb 22
Menu too quick
Hi, I'm trying to add a boot image to syslinux. It errors out, but the menu quickly comes back to cover the message(s). I'm running syslinux under QEMU/KVM. Is there a way to see the messages? Thanks -Mike
2006 Jan 09
Zaptel errors (power alarm?)
We've been having lost dialtone problems on one of our analog station ports. Just before rebooting this time I noticed these in our dmesg output....once the PBX comes back I'll get the times, but I can't help but think this must have something to do with it. Anyone? Do we need to have digium send us a replacement part? Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (1) Power alarm