Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "pron".
Did you mean:
2001 Dec 08
almost printing
...update encrypted = Yes
unix password sync = Yes
local master = No
printer admin = @gary
hosts allow = melody gary linuxbox sunbox
printing = bsd
print command = lp -o nobanner -c -d%p %s; rm %s
comment = Root
path = /
comment = Private
path = /var/pron
path = /tmp
printer admin = gary
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
printer name = deskjet
printer driver file =
Gary Ferrer
-------------- next part --------------
2005 Jul 06
Multiple Internet IP to Local Server at Datacenter
Now the Question is :
1. Is it possible to setup such way as the above diagram ? If NO,
appreciate someone could shade some lights on the correct setup.
2. Can Shorewall translate Apache Virtual Hosts IP''s so it knows which
servers to pass through ? Same goes to FTP, Mails, etc.
3. Any prons and cons doing this way of setup ? Would it hurt the firewall
server in terms of bandwidth and processors ?
4. Or does I need to use local ip rather than my internet IP''s for the
servers ?
5. Can IDS runs together with Shorewall in the same box ?
Really appreciate if someone could assist...
2001 Dec 11
deskjet on Solaris
...update encrypted = Yes
unix password sync = Yes
local master = No
printer admin = @gary
hosts allow = melody gary linuxbox sunbox
printing = bsd
print command = lp -o nobanner -c -d%p %s; rm %s
comment = Root
path = /
comment = Private
path = /var/pron
path = /tmp
printer admin = gary
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
printer name = deskjet
printer driver file =
Gary Ferrer
-------------- next part --------------
2006 May 11
/public content security
...orize the comic, which moves the record from the
pendingcomics table over to the public_comics table so that it can be
viewed by the rest of the world.
Now the problem. Is this secure enough? What if one of my editors
forgets to log out and someone hi-jacks the account and posts a ton of
pron. Now its true that these are not immediately available to the
public, however, if someone knows the name of the files that were
uploaded, can they be retreived directly from the public/comics/id/
One possible solution I thought of was to rename the file uploaded
with random jib...
2004 May 14
...omes when there is more than 70 users + or -, when interactive
traffic stops working at all, or it has a very VERY high latency.
I have a setup based on HTB and WRR.
I have only two possible explanations, or either the CONNMARK module
introduces a very high latency when the number of entries on
/pron/net/ip_conntrack rises above lets say 800, or maybe the Ethernets I
have (cheap Ethernets) are getting saturated with that amount of traffic.
My server is a AMD Duron 800MHz with 768Mb of RAM.
Anyone knowing the marvellous solution? :)
Thank you guys..
2004 Mar 27
Moron v0.6.0b released
notorious "Method for Object Recognition of Obscure Nature"
(or Moron, for short) has been switched to the R language.
Given a directory of images (i.e. jpegs), Moron attempts
to predict a category distribution for the content of each
image. The default categories modelled are {healthy,pron,
latex/fetish,japanese_cg,manga,b/w photo}. Supposing
good statistical models can be designed for problems
like these, Moron could eventually be usable as a spam filter
for visual data or to sort images, depending on your taste.
Currently it is not accurate enough for production use.
The Moron pac...
2004 Mar 27
Moron v0.6.0b released
notorious "Method for Object Recognition of Obscure Nature"
(or Moron, for short) has been switched to the R language.
Given a directory of images (i.e. jpegs), Moron attempts
to predict a category distribution for the content of each
image. The default categories modelled are {healthy,pron,
latex/fetish,japanese_cg,manga,b/w photo}. Supposing
good statistical models can be designed for problems
like these, Moron could eventually be usable as a spam filter
for visual data or to sort images, depending on your taste.
Currently it is not accurate enough for production use.
The Moron pac...
2002 Oct 25
language in posts
I am not sure what is going on, but I have been missing potentially
important information from the samba digest mailing because someone has
chosen to use words such as as**hole and p**is in their posts.
He have a filter at work that block these messages containing a variety
of words. I cannot think of how these could have legitimate uses in
samba admin.
I look forward to receiving the samba
2005 Jan 22
Collins Master Dictionary (closer yet)
...n) then begins to type. As each letter in the word
is typed, the closest alphabetical match is selected. For example, if I were
looking for the word "titipuchal", I would begin typing and for each letter
the definition field (on the left) would display:
t - T,t: the letter t
i - ti: PRON. PERS. you
t - tit?n: titan, giant
i - titilar: [light, star] to twinkle; [eyelid] flutter, tremble
p - titipuchal: mex. a large quantity, abundance
u - titipuchal: mex. a large quantity, abundance
c - titipuchal: mex. a large quantity, abundance
h - titipuchal: mex. a large quantity, abundance
a -...
2010 Nov 08
Flash plugin not working
I have a fresh install of CentOS 5.5, with a minimal GNOME desktop. I
configured RPMForge as third party repo.
I updated everything first, then installed flash-plugin. (And yes, I
restarted Firefox... :oD). All I see when I try to see some things Flash
on the Internet, like Youtube or the likes, I get... nothing. The space
remains white. Sometimes a black square will appear, sometimes it
2010 Nov 22
Hello I am new to RExcel and I would like to run a source code form the
excel worksheet. I would like to run the following code
source("C:\\Quantil Aplicativos\\Genercauca\\BackwardSelectionNC.r")
from the excel wroksheet. Does anybody know how to do this?
Thank you
Felipe Parra
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jun 12
A/V sync in Theora
I've been thinking about how a Theora encoder could be integrated into
mencoder or transcode and I'm not sure whether I understand the A/V sync
strategy of Theora/Vorbis correctly.
When transcoding from some video format (ie MPEG2 or DivX), at least
some images of the video stream will have time stamps, as well as the
fragments of the audio stream. Or at least time stamps can be
2008 Jun 10
School Server Setup
Hello All!!!
I was wondering if you can help me little bit....
I am trying to help (voluntary service) a country side school
(Aboriginal community) in Northern Queensland Australia setup lab
infrastructure, it's a very remote school and they don't have enough
funds to go commercial
The school has only till grade 6
They have 25 machines that was bought out of the
2006 May 11
crating a ajax datagrid
Im looking to build a live data grid, where you can add delete rows
using dhtml.
and was just wondering if anyone is aware of any plugin''s taht may help
Ive found this example but if anyone is aware of any other plugin''s
please let me know
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2010 Nov 24
4. Rexcel (Luis Felipe Parra)-how to run a code from excel
...r-help <r-help at r-project.org>
Subject: [R] Rexcel
<AANLkTimtvxE9BvWqZ+=bK7LZOcAou_jrA3OFDJOZ5Gcj at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Hello, I am trying to use RExcel and I would like to know if it is possible
to use in excel the following function I made for R
Pron = function(path="C:\\Quantil Aplicativos\\Genercauca\\V5\\"){