search for: priest

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 43 matches for "priest".

2003 Sep 05
Dotchart question
...ountant', 'Administrative assistant', 'Garment worker', 'Cook', 'Dentist', 'General practictioner', 'Graduate student', 'High level manager', 'Low level manager', 'Mechanical engineer', 'Mechanic', 'Minister/priest/rabbi', 'Nurse', 'Professor', 'Sales clerk', 'Server', 'Taxi driver') mol <- c(34, 29, 27, 36, 20, 40, 35, 32, 30, 31, 30, 32, 37, 37, 27, 28, 36) dotchart(mol, labels = prof, main = 'Dot chart', xlab = 'Meaning of life score') I ge...
2020 Nov 25
Stream over SSL and chrome
...f I stream with HTTPS under chrome , the player don’t work. If I stream without yes ! Could you please help me ? Thanks -------- Norbert Deleutre  <> P 0467149655 UMR CNRS 5508  <> A Campus Saint-Priest/Montpellier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2002 Nov 10
taking the 3.0 plunge
...ories. Stability? Platform? Compiler? Gotcha's encountered? Here is what I am considering: a Mandrake 9.0 box with it's default gcc 3.2, I am still using a windows 2K Advanced Server to do AD stuff but would eventually like to migrate that to the linux box as well. Thanks Barry Hunter Priest
2001 Aug 14
16 KHz clip-off?
Hello, congratulations to the Ogg Vorbis team - RC2 sounds good. But... RC2 in 128 kbps mode seems to clip off all frequencys beyond 16 KHz. On the tracks I tested Beta 4 gave response even beyond 18 KHz. Some testings on a randomly chosen track: (other tracks gave similar results) Artist: Judas Priest Album: Jugulator Title: Bullet Train Beta4: 127 kbps, ~ 18 KHz (!) RC2: 132 kbps (!), ~ 16 KHz This seems even more strange to me as RC2 benefits from channel coupling... BTW: As 128 kbps mode produces average bitrates higher than 130 kbps (please keep in mind that I am testing with Heavy Meta...
2002 Oct 22
Multiple codepage support curently using 2.2.6 (mandrake 9.0). It is ever so much more stable than the win2k server I am migrating the files off of. If there is currently a way to support multple users having their different character sets, I would greatly appreciate a shove in the right direction Thanks Barry Hunter Priest
2001 Feb 05
Could not find working SSLeay?
I'm installing openssl 0.9.5a and openssh 2.3.0p1 on an Ultra 5 running Solaris 8 with the latest cluster patch. Openssl installed without any problems. When I do a configure for openssh I get: Checking for OpenSSL directory. . . configure: error: Could not find working SSLeay / OpenSSL libraries, please install I've reinstalled openssl and everything is there. As a note I've
2010 Oct 15
Joining together multiple csv files
Hi, This feels like a kinda dumb basic question, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I have a bunch of csv files I'd like to put into one csv using R. I have tried cat, append, join, aggregate, and a bunch of other things, but none of them really work for combining the data. If it's one of those listed, then my syntax is goofy. The csv files have different row numbers but the
2008 Apr 20
[Bug 1460] New: openssh-4.9p1.tar.gz configure:15943: error: *** Can't find recent OpenSSL libcrypto
...Priority: P2 Component: Build system AssignedTo: bitbucket at ReportedBy: jfpriest at configure:15943: error: *** Can't find recent OpenSSL libcrypto (see config.log for details) I have tried ./configure ./configure --build=i386 ./configure --build=i586 I have tried both 4.9p1 and 5.0p1 with the same results. I am usin...
2020 Nov 25
Stream over SSL and chrome
My site : -------- Norbert Deleutre  <> P 0467149655 UMR CNRS 5508  <> A Campus Saint-Priest/Montpellier > Le 25 nov. 2020 à 13:04, Damien GENESTE <d.geneste at> a écrit : > > Hello Norbert, > > I don't know how i can help you but i'm actually streaming with HTTPS under chrome. > My Icecast is available at : https://domainname:8443 <https://d...
2004 Aug 06
ices 0.2.2 does not reencode mp3s
...t;Reencode>1</Reencode> <!-- Number of channels to reencode to, 1 for mono or 2 for stereo --> <Channels>2</Channels> </Stream> </ices:Configuration> ---[end]----- Thanks, -- Steve Chadsey <> Now playing: Rock Forever (Judas Priest - "Hell Bent For Leather") --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No su...
2003 Nov 05
FBSD All-in-one security box?
...t's needed is some sewing and, when core functionality is achieved, a GUI. This sounds like a fun project IMO, but I don't want to re-invent the wheel, especially when I have no spare time. ===== ----------------------------------------------------------- Get a taste of Religion ... eat a priest! ----------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
2015 Apr 03
[CentOS-announce] Release for CentOS Linux 7 (1503 ) on x86_64
...release 7.1.1503 (Core) >> >> /etc/redhat-release >> Derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 (Source) Hmmmmm. I wonder how the proposed 7.1.1503 became 7.1503 in practice. Bait and switch? Personally I do not care one way or the other what RH tells Centos to call itself. The priests can decide and the faithful can either put up with it or change pews. But I find it somewhat distressing to view otherwise intelligent people for whom I have a great deal of personal regard debase themselves with patently inadequate, and frequently deliberately misleading, justifications for unpo...
2006 May 09
XiphQT 0.1.5 released.
Dear all, Just an announcement about the recent visible activity in the Xiph QuickTime Components project. Version 0.1.5 is out. The most important new feature in this release, besides Intel Mac compatibility and a number of bug fixes, is support (decoding) for another two formats from the Xiph family: FLAC and Theora. The Theora decoder is actually very recent work, but that's probably even
2006 May 09
XiphQT 0.1.5 released.
Dear all, Just an announcement about the recent visible activity in the Xiph QuickTime Components project. Version 0.1.5 is out. The most important new feature in this release, besides Intel Mac compatibility and a number of bug fixes, is support (decoding) for another two formats from the Xiph family: FLAC and Theora. The Theora decoder is actually very recent work, but that's probably even
2002 Oct 31
Domain Users and file owners
...ip counterparts (I don't think this is a simple smbuser issue, but I could be wrong) so that on the windows clients it still sees "domain\user" as the owner of all created files? or to map UIDs on unix to their users SID on win2k? Any help would be appreciated Thanks Barry Hunter Priest
2004 Aug 27
template homdir vairable expansion
platform Mandrake 10.0 (with cooker) samba: 3.0.6-2mdk (from mandrake cooker) I am try to autocreate new user directories for users in my windows 2k3 ADS. I'm joined to AD, it's all cool. wbinfo -u works,wbinfo -g works, getent passwd username works. pam_mkhomedir works. i then changed template homedir to be template homedir = /home/%D/%G/%U and created a new test user with a primary
2006 Dec 12
Once again, thanks from all of us at the Janus Museum.
After leaving Lock Haven, Taylor started a new line of aircraft with Taylorcraft Aviation Co. " He asked if there was anything I wanted - tobacco, rum, a priest. As days go by, the officials have grudgingly admitted further blunders in one of the biggest embarrassments for the law enforcement agency in years. uuuu WATCH LITL ON WEDNESDAY DEC 13! Company: L INTL COMPUTERS INC (Other OTC:LITL.PK) Symbol: LITL Mon Close: $0.99 5-day Target: $5 L Reveals 8...
2006 Dec 12
Leroy and I strolled out in the dimming afternoon light for a breath of air and to check out the progress of the colors in preparation for the Museum's annual Fall Colors Stroll.
...dollars for distribution of this report. uuuu By the way, the furnace has not been ordered yet, and it's beginning to get cold, here. I happened to be in a Latin American prison, accused of running guns to the freedom fighters. " He asked if there was anything I wanted - tobacco, rum, a priest. The company was re-organized as the Taylor Aircraft Company with Taylor as President and Piper as treasurer. You can trust me on this - forget that unreliable narrator stuff for a minute. It helps keep us in pickelhaubes.
2006 May 09
XiphQT 0.1.5 released.
Dear all, Just an announcement about the recent visible activity in the Xiph QuickTime Components project. Version 0.1.5 is out. The most important new feature in this release, besides Intel Mac compatibility and a number of bug fixes, is support (decoding) for another two formats from the Xiph family: FLAC and Theora. The Theora decoder is actually very recent work, but that's probably even
2006 May 09
XiphQT 0.1.5 released.
Dear all, Just an announcement about the recent visible activity in the Xiph QuickTime Components project. Version 0.1.5 is out. The most important new feature in this release, besides Intel Mac compatibility and a number of bug fixes, is support (decoding) for another two formats from the Xiph family: FLAC and Theora. The Theora decoder is actually very recent work, but that's probably even