Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches for "pragmaticprogrammers".
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2005 Sep 26
Fwd: Rapid GUI Development with QtRuby
Just in case some of you missed it, Pragmatic Programmers just published
their first of a series of short, PDF-only books. This one is on qtRuby.
It would be great to have something like this for wxRuby. I don''t think
wxRuby is quite ready to this (yet), but I thought I''d plant the idea.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Thomas <dave@pragprog.com>
2006 Feb 21
Self-referencial habtm relationship
I am setting up a self-referencial habtm relationship with the users
of my app. I am using Chad Fowler''s "Rails Recipes" to get me started,
and everything works great with the join table "people_friends". I add
friends by doing somebody.friends << somebodyelse. However, with my
app, there is an approval process so my join table has columns
2006 Feb 06
Relationship Question (STI)
My girlfriend and I have been dating for two years, and she just told me she
has an STI...
Actually, I currently have three different models, like: Dog, Whale, Monkey
They all have some similar attributes, but, they are unique enough to
break into their own models. I could use STI, but I think the table would
just have too many columns.
Now, I wanted to let the Dog''s, Whale''s
2006 Feb 06
ActionMailer - ROR Recipes - Multipart/alternative
I am using the SaltedHashLoginGenerator. and would like to send the e-mail in multipart/alternative format.
By default my application is using forgot_password_en.rhtml template.
I read in the ROR Recipes book
"ActionMailer sees these templates, recognizes the pattern in their
file names, and automatically sets the MIME type of the message to
multipart/alternative and adds
2006 Feb 21
What do I need to learn Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, AJAX?
So I''ve sort of come to the conclusion that if I wanna get stuff done, I
need to either A) Find some dang money and pay people to do it or B) Do
it myself. I''m opting for B. Soooo...now I''ve got some
programming/technologies to learn. I''m self-employed and I can afford to
take a month (or 2) off to totally immerse myself in this and learn how
to do it.
2006 Feb 25
newbie advice
Hello Everyone -
Newbie here. My programming experience is primarily SQL, SAS (if anyone
knows that), and a little tiny bit of ASP. Want to get going on Rails.
Any suggestions? Was thinking of "4 Days on Rails". Thoughts?
Thanks - Brian
2006 Mar 08
migrations schema_info table, Rails Recipes Bug?
I have the rails recipes book and i was going through the migrations
recipe. Everything seemed to work except for the last part in trying to do
a rake migrate with a migration file version 1 and the schema_info version
set to 0. Without the force attribute, the rake migration fails, as
So the recipe says to run this:
ruby script/runner
2006 Mar 31
RJS templates outputting bloated code?
I''m an RJS newbie. I just did the tutorial at
http://www.codyfauser.com/articles/2005/11/20/rails-rjs-templates, and
then used wget to look at the output the RJS template generates. This is
what I got:
try {
new Insertion.Bottom("list", "<li>Fox</li>");
new Effect.Highlight("list",{duration:1});
Element.update("header", "RJS
2006 Feb 06
ROR Recipes Beta
Yesterday I got the beta version of ROR recipes book and the recipes are great. For those of you still thinking about it, I highly recommend the book.
The only thing I wish is that if there were some more recipes (greedy me), especially AJAX related and installing an application within your current application.
For instance, it will be great to see how one can implement the typo blog
2006 Feb 03
[ADV] Rails Recipes Beta Book is now available
I''m delighted to announce that Chad Fowler''s new book, Rails Recipes,
is now available
as a Beta Book.
This is a great title for folks who know Rails, and for folks who
want to get the most out of Rails. It contains detailed recipes for
doing real-world things with Rails, all illustrated with working
code. Some examples are drawn from Rails 1.1, the rest from Rails 1.0.
2006 Jul 20
Ruby beginner..
Hi All,
I am a java developer. I wanna learn Ruby on Rails. Can anyone suggest some good books on Ruby or some url where can I learn the basics of Ruby.
Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2?/min or less.
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2006 Jun 13
[ANN/ADV] Rails Recipes is Shipping
Hi All,
Pragmatic Dave Thomas tells me that Rails Recipes
(http://pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/fr_rr) is now shipping! He and
Andy apparently have over a ton of books to deliver. If you''ve
ordered a paper book, it''s soon on the way. If you''ve been waiting,
now''s the time.
Amazon is also has the book in stock
2005 Dec 26
Books for Beginners
I have experience in PHP/MySQL, but absolutely no experience at all in
Ruby (and Rails) and would love to get a few quality books aimed at
absolutley newbies. Any suggestions?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Feb 09
Howto work with a page not generated by the scaffold ?
I am a newbie Ruby and RoR user. In my tests using the turorials that
I found over the web, everthing is working fine and I am very impressed
about RoR framework.
As I am a Delphi developer, without any web development experience,
There is some thing hard to understando and I didn''t find a tutorial
about this.
I wonder how to create a non-scaffold page ? I have customers,
2006 May 09
Active Record HELP!!!!!
Can someone kindly tell what the heck creating a relationship does in
active record?
I understand the idea of joining the tables and such. But how do I use
it? Is it available in a scaffold? How about when I want to view a
record and want to see all the joined data from the other table? Do I
have to manually code the data I want from the other table? Does this
automatically make the
2006 Jan 11
NOOB: I need some Ruby/Rails Advice...
I''ve been doing lots of research about different languages and
frameworks for a project I''m planning. Your help in deciding what to do
would be of great assistance.
I used to program in highschool for a couple years. I haven''t done much
since then and I know i''m pretty useless as a programmer. I know that
if i put my head to it, I could muddle my way
2006 Jun 26
table name
hello freinds...
I m very new to ruby on rails and i m facing a problem...
whenever i add Scaffold table and try running in that broser it shos
error that the particular tbale doesnot exist....
also it changes the name of the table , for eg.table names Recipe gets
changed to Recipes and in order to get ountput i need to change the name
of the table TO Recipies........is there any reason to
2006 Jul 21
Source code missing for "Agile Web Development with Rails"
I purchased the first edition of "Agile Web Development with Rails" and
it says the source code shown in the book is available on
http://pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/rails . However, I can''t find it.
Does anyone know where I can get the code from?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jun 01
Best practices?
I just saw a mail about the best practices of something or other, and I was
wondering is there a place where Ruby and RoR best practices can be found?
Phil J.
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2006 May 12
Application error (Apache) -- depot_final sample code
I''ve been trying to run the application (depot_final) from the "Agile
Web Development with Rails" book
(http://pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/railscode.html), and keep getting
the "Application error (Apache)" screen when I go to
I tried this on 2 different Win2K machines with the same error. One
machine has the latest version (13a)