Displaying 20 results from an estimated 53 matches for "ppois".
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2018 Dec 04
Bug report: Function ppois(0:20, lambda=0.9) does not generate a non-decreasing result.
Le 04/12/2018 ? 11:27, I?aki Ucar a ?crit?:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 11:12, <qweytr1 at mail.ustc.edu.cn> wrote:
>> function ppois is a function calculate the CDF of Poisson distribution, it should generate a non-decreasing result, but what I got is:
>>> any(diff(ppois(0:19,lambda=0.9))<0)
>> [1] TRUE
>> Actually,
>>> ppois(19,lambda=0.9)<ppois(18,lambda=0.9)
1999 Apr 09
Error in ppois function (PR#161)
Full_Name: Murray H Smith
Version: 0.63.3
OS: Windows NT
Submission from: (NULL) (
The ppois function is displaced by -0.5.
> ppois(-0.5,1)
[1] 0.3678794
> ppois(-0.51,1)
[1] 0
> ppois(0,1)
[1] 0.3678794
> par(mfrow=c(2,1))
> x<-seq(-1,5,0.01)
> plot(x,ppois(x,1),type="s",ylab="F(x)",main="Poisson CDF?")
> plot(x,pbinom(x,10...
2018 Dec 03
Bug report: Function ppois(0:20, lambda=0.9) does not generate a non-decreasing result.
function ppois is a function calculate the CDF of Poisson distribution, it should generate a non-decreasing result, but what I got is:
> any(diff(ppois(0:19,lambda=0.9))<0)
[1] TRUE
> ppois(19,lambda=0.9)<ppois(18,lambda=0.9)
[1] TRUE
Which could not be TRUE.
Code is tested in bo...
2018 Dec 04
Bug report: Function ppois(0:20, lambda=0.9) does not generate a non-decreasing result.
>>>>> Serguei Sokol
>>>>> on Tue, 4 Dec 2018 11:46:32 +0100 writes:
> Le 04/12/2018 ? 11:27, I?aki Ucar a ?crit?:
>> On Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 11:12, <qweytr1 at mail.ustc.edu.cn> wrote:
>>> function ppois is a function calculate the CDF of Poisson distribution, it should generate a non-decreasing result, but what I got is:
>>>> any(diff(ppois(0:19,lambda=0.9))<0)
>>> [1] TRUE
>>> Actually,
2004 Jan 09
Poisson distribution help requested
Could somebody help me to understand the syntax of R's ppois function? I'm looking to calculate the cumulative probability density of an observed value (y) given the expected mean (mu) and the level of significance (alpha). I'm coming from using SAS to do this and don't recognize the descriptions of the arguments for ppois. The definitions of lam...
2004 Jan 15
Exactness of ppois
...ing "inexactness":
We work with R Version 1.8.1 (2003-11-21) on Windows systems (NT, 2000,
Try the code:
## Kolmogorov distance between two methods to
## determine P(Poisson(lambda)<=x)
Kolm.dist <- function(lam, eps){
x <- seq(0,qpois(1-eps, lambda=lam), by=1)
max(abs(ppois(x, lambda=lam)-cumsum(dpois(x, lambda=lam))))
erg<-optimize(Kolm.dist, lower=900, upper=1000, maximum=TRUE, eps=1e-15)
Kolm1.dist <- function(lam, eps){
x <- seq(0,qpois(1-eps, lambda=lam), by=1)
which.max(abs(ppois(x, lambda=lam)-cumsum(dpois(x, lambda=lam))))
2006 Sep 20
A quick question!
The number of episodes per year of otitis media follows a Possion
distribution with lambda = 1.6 episodes per year. Wouldn't the
probability of getting 3 or more episodes of otitis media in the first
2 years of life be:
> ppois(q=3, lambda=1.6*2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
[1] 0.6025197
I am confused with the lambda and 3 or more..
thx much
2010 Oct 25
Ayuda con una función
...De manera muy comedida les pido ayuda con la función indicada abajo. La usan
en un artículo de inventarios. No veo dónde estoy errado.
Gracias de antemano.
César Escalante C.
> lamb<-50
> L<-1
> h.<-10
> p<-25
> K<-5
> integ<-function(y){integrate(function(x)ppois(x,lamb*L),0,y)$value}
> G<-function(y){(h.+p)*integ(y) + p*(lamb*L-y)}
> G(0:43)
[1] 1250 1225 1200 1175 1150 1125 1100 1075 1050 1025 1000 975 950 925
900 875 850 825 800 775 750 725 700 675 650 625 600 575 550
[31] 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275...
2006 Sep 20
Poission distribution
The expected number of bladder cancer over next 20 years a tire
industry is 1.8. Poission distribution is assumed to hold and 6
reported deaths are caused by bladder cancer among the employees.
Trying to find how unusual this event is.
> ppois(q=6, lambda=1.8, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
[1] 0.9974306
not sure if ppois is the right one to use and the parameters...
thx much
2007 May 31
Problems when linking to R shared library
...std::cout << pf(1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 1, 0) << std::endl;
Outputs 1, expect 0.646447
std::cout << pchisq(1.5, 2.0, 1, 0) << std::endl;
Outputs 1, expect 0.527633
std::cout << pgamma(1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 1, 0) << std::endl;
Outputs 1, expect 0.090204
std::cout << ppois(2.0, 5.0, 1, 0) << std::endl;
Outputs 0, expect 0.124652
std::cout << qchisq(0.5, 2.0, 1, 0) << std::endl;
Outputs -0.61379, expect 1.38629
std::cout << qgamma(0.5, 2.0, 3.0, 1, 0) << std::endl;
Outputs 0.0282703, expect 5.03504
I should stress that within the R...
2017 Aug 04
Latin hypercube sampling from a non-uniform distribution
I am performing a sensitivity analysis using a Latin Hypercube sampling. However, I have difficulty to draw a Hypercube sample for one variable. I?ve generated this variable from a Poisson distribution as follows:
mortality_probability <- round(ppois(seq(0, 7, by = 1), lambda = 0.9), 2)
barplot(mortality_probability, names.arg = seq(0, 7, by = 1), xlab = "Age class", ylab = "Probability")
How can I draw a Hypercube sample for the variable ?mortality_probability? so that this variable exhibits the same pattern as the observe...
2008 Aug 21
pnmath compilation failure; dylib issue?
...dunif.o dweibull.o fmax2.o fmin2.o ftrunc.o gamma.o
gamma_cody.o i1mach.o imax2.o imin2.o lbeta.o lgamma.o lgammacor.o
mlutils.o pbeta.o pbinom.o pcauchy.o pchisq.o pexp.o pf.o pgamma.o
pgeom.o phyper.o plnorm.o plogis.o pnbeta.o pnbinom.o pnchisq.o pnf.o
pnmath.o pnorm.o pnt.o polygamma.o ppois.o pt.o ptukey.o punif.o
pweibull.o qbeta.o qbinom.o qcauchy.o qchisq.o qexp.o qf.o qgamma.o
qgeom.o qhyper.o qlnorm.o qlogis.o qnbeta.o qnbinom.o qnchisq.o qnf.o
qnorm.o qnt.o qpois.o qt.o qtukey.o qunif.o qweibull.o sign.o
stirlerr.o toms708.o -lgomp -F/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/.. -...
2004 Jun 20
Greater than 1 or less than 1?
I have problem evaluating the expression h = exp(x)/(exp(exp(x))-1) for
large negative x. This expression is actually the probability
that y = 1 when y is a Poisson random variable truncated at 0, hence
must satisfy 0 <= h <= 1. However, when
x < -18, I may get an h value that is larger than 1 while the true
value should be a quantity that is smaller than but very close to 1.
1997 Jul 09
R-beta: Problem with `rpois'
There is a problem with `rpois'. It does seem to take care about the
order of the arguments. This is an example:
> rpois(n=1,lambda=2)
[1] 3
> rpois(lambda=2,n=1)
[1] 2 0
It obviously uses the first argument as the number of samples to be
drawn, which is wrong.
I used Version 0.49 Beta (April 23, 1997).
1997 Jul 09
R-beta: Problem with `rpois'
There is a problem with `rpois'. It does seem to take care about the
order of the arguments. This is an example:
> rpois(n=1,lambda=2)
[1] 3
> rpois(lambda=2,n=1)
[1] 2 0
It obviously uses the first argument as the number of samples to be
drawn, which is wrong.
I used Version 0.49 Beta (April 23, 1997).
2003 Mar 29
Goodness of fit tests
...ith a given parameter. I would like to know what is the proper way to do a ''goodness of fit'' test using R.
I know the steps I''d take if I were to do it ''manually'': grouping the numbers into classes, calculating the expected frequencies using ''ppois'', then calculating Chi_2_obs = Sum (e_i - o_i)^2/e_i) (where e_i represents the expected frequencies and o_i the observeds ones) and then finally calculating the p-value (using pchisq).
I''ve read a lot of documentation, also tried googling for ''goodness of fit R'...
2017 Aug 07
Latin hypercube sampling from a non-uniform distribution
> How can I draw a Hypercube sample for the variable mortality_probability so
> that this variable exhibits the same pattern as the observed distribution?
One simple way is to use the uniform random output of randomLHS as input to the quantile function for your desired distribution(s).
For example:
q <- randomLHS(1000, 3)
colnames(q) <- c("A", "B",
2017 Aug 07
Latin hypercube sampling from a non-uniform distribution
Thanks for your answer.
However, my variable is simulated from the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution. So, the pattern obtained from the function "qpois" is not the same as the observed pattern (i.e., obtained from the function "ppois")
mortality_probability <- round(ppois(seq(0, 7, by = 1), lambda = 0.9), 2)
barplot(mortality_probability, names.arg = seq(0, 7, by = 1), xlab = "Age class", ylab = "Probability")
parm <- c("var1", "var2", &qu...
2006 Jun 30
Query : Chi Square goodness of fit test
N <- length(No_of_Frouds)
# Estimation of Parameter
lambda<- sum(No_of_Frouds)/N
pmf <- dpois(i, lambda, log = FALSE)
step_function <- ppois(i, lambda, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
# Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test
# Ho: The data follow a Poisson distribution Vs H1: Not Ho
Frauds <- c(1:13)
counts<- c(2,3,3,5,7,2,1,1,2,3,2,1,1,0) # Observed frequency
2009 Mar 17
R does not compile any more on FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT
...pt.o qt.o rt.o dnt.o dchisq.o pchisq.o qchisq.o
rchisq.o rnchisq.o dbinom.o pbinom.o qbinom.o rbinom.o rmultinom.o
dcauchy.o pcauchy.o qcauchy.o rcauchy.o dexp.o pexp.o qexp.o rexp.o
dgeom.o pgeom.o qgeom.o rgeom.o dhyper.o phyper.o qhyper.o rhyper.o
dnbinom.o pnbinom.o qnbinom.o rnbinom.o dpois.o ppois.o qpois.o rpois.o
dweibull.o pweibull.o qweibull.o rweibull.o dlogis.o plogis.o qlogis.o
rlogis.o dnchisq.o pnchisq.o qnchisq.o dnbeta.o pnbeta.o qnbeta.o pnf.o
pnt.o qnf.o qnt.o ptukey.o qtukey.o toms708.o wilcox.o signrank.o
ranlib libnmath.a
config.status: creating src/unix/Makefile
make: /us...