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2011 Aug 02
Help with aggregate syntax for a multi-column function please.
...minal and Drug, but I can't seem to get the aggregate syntax
correct. All the examples I can find use single column function such as
mean, whereas this AUC function requires four arguments.
Could someone kindly show me the syntax?
This is what I've tried so far:
AUC.DF<- aggregate(PKdata, list(PKdata$Cycle, PKdata$DoseDayNominal,
function(x,tm,pt,conc) {AUC(x)},
tm="TimeBestEstimate", pt="Pt", conc="ConcentrationBQLzero" )
AUC.DF<- aggregate(PKdata, list(PKdata$Cycle, PKdata$DoseDayNominal,
2005 Mar 22
Writing R documentation
...="PKtools" PKtools man
came out quite nice.
However, my current HTML version does not tex the latex so there is
latex code in the files and looks bad.
example problem code:
\item NLME:
\item population level: identify(MM\$mm\$fitted[,1], MM\$pkdata\$conc)
\item individual level: identify(MM\$mm\$fitted[,2], MM\$pkdata\$conc)
\item NONMEM:
\item population level: identify(NM\$pred\$PRED, NM\$pred\$CONC)
\item individual level: identify(NM\$pred\$IPRE, NM\$pred\$CONC)
\item WinBUGS: