Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60 matches for "pjmiller_57".
2010 Mar 17
How good is R at making publication quality tables?
Hello Everyone,
I have just started learning R and am in the process of figuring out what it can and can't do. I must say I am very impressed with R so far and am amazed that something this good can actually be free.
Recently, I finished reading R for SAS and SPSS Users and have begun reading SAS and R and Data Manipulation with R. Based on what I've read in these books and elsewhere,
2012 May 17
Correlation in Rattle
I recently installed Rattle for R 2.15.0 and all the functions work properly except for the Correlation button. After I choose the Correlation radio button in Explore tab, I click Execute, but nothing happens. No results at all. What is it that I am missing?
Thank you,
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2012 Aug 20
A LaTeX question -- Hope people won't mind
Hello All,
Hope people won't mind my posting a LaTeX question here. I know a lot of people who use R are also using LaTeX. I'm in a bit of a rush to complete a document and am having trouble with one aspect of the formatting.
I'm creating a list of tables using:
I also have some table captions that contain the number of patients in an anlysis like:
2010 Oct 01
How many R packages are not free?
Hello Everyone,
Just finished reading A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R by Everitt and Hothorn. I'll begin by saying that I quite liked the book. It's both little and mighty in the sense that it's very compact but contains a tremendous amount of useful material.
The last chapter of the book deals with cluster analysis. There's a package used in this chapter (I believe
2011 Apr 20
[test message] Can R replicate this data manipulation in SAS?
...I am resending the message that
I sent earlier on behalf of Paul Miller, but with a
certain word used in the variables names of the SAS code
changed to a different word.
With thanks for your tolerance ...
[*** PLEASE NOTE: I am sending this message on behalf of
Paul Miller:
Paul Miller <pjmiller_57 at yahoo.com>
(to whom this message has also been copied). He has been
trying to send it, but it has never got through. Please
do not reply to me, but either to the list and/or to Paul
at that address ***]
Hello Everyone,
I'm l...
2012 Apr 23
Selecting columns whose names contain "mutated" except when they also contain "non" or "un"
Hello All,
Started out awhile ago trying to select columns in a dataframe whose names contain some variation of the word "mutant" using code like:
names(KRASyn)[grep("muta", names(KRASyn))]
The idea then would be to add together the various columns using code like:
KRASyn$Mutant_comb <- rowSums(KRASyn[grep("muta", names(KRASyn))])
What I discovered though, is
2013 Apr 09
Converting matrix to data frame without losing an assigned dimname
Hello All,
Would like to be able to convert a matrix to a dataframe without losing an assigned dimname.
Here is an example that should illustrate what I'm talking about.
tableData <- state.x77[c(7, 38, 20, 46), c(7, 1, 8)]
names(dimnames(tableData)) <- c("State", "")
State Frost Population Area
Connecticut 139 3100 4862
2013 Feb 18
odfWeave: Trouble Getting the Package to Work
Hello All,
Have recently started learning Sweave and Knitr. Am now trying to learn odfWeave as well. Things went pretty smoothly with Sweave and Knitr but I'm having some trouble with odfWeave.
My understanding was that odfWeave should work in pretty much the same way as Sweave. With odfWeave, you set up an input .odt file in a folder, run that file through the odfWeave function, and then
2017 Jul 13
Extracting sentences with combinations of target words/terms from cancer patient text medical records
...n search for your pattern either via regex or via these extra packages you use which probably use the PCRE regex library anyway. However, as this is basically what you did, I'm not sure why you're not happy with your existing approach.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Miller [mailto:pjmiller_57 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 3:01 PM
To: Robert McGehee <rmcgehee at walleyetrading.net>
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Extracting sentences with combinations of target words/terms from cancer patient text medical records
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your reply. An...
2011 Aug 16
What's your favourite R book that doesn't have R in the title?
Hello All,
Recently, I discovered that there are appear to be some good R related books that don't have R in the title. For example, I'm currently reading Gellman and Hill's book Data Analysis using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. The book uses R (and BUGS) but doesn't appear to be on the CRAN list of R books.?I stumbled across it by accident.
This got me to
2010 Dec 16
Code for The R Book
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone have the R code for this book? I contacted the author about this and was told that it used to be on the book's website, but that the publisher had asked that it be taken down. I'm hoping that someone will have downloaded the code when it was available, and that they will be willing to share it with me.
The book is almost 1,000 pages long and I'd like to
2013 Apr 15
Convert results from print(survfit(formula, ...)) into a matrix or data frame
Hello All,
Below is some sample survival analysis code. I'd like to able to get the results from print(gehan.surv) into a matrix or data frame, so I can manipulate them and then create a table using odfWeave. Trouble is, I'm not quite sure how make such a conversion using the results from a print method.
Is there some simple way of doing this?
2010 Sep 14
Using McNemar's test to detect shifts in response from pre- to post-treatment
Hello Everyone,
I've been asked to check if there is a significant difference in the following:
Pre Post
Group A 15/19 14/19
Group B 14/19 10/19
My sense is that I need to perform McNemar's test on these data because responses are correlated within patient from the pre-test to the post-test.
The question is how to do this. I'm a SAS user
2010 Dec 03
What is the SAS equivalent of this R glm() code?
Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to use SAS to replicate some results obtained in R. I was wondering if anyone call tell me the SAS equivalent of the code that appears below.
fm.glm.x <- glm(resp ~ . - 1, data = as.data.frame(mm.x),
na.action = na.exclude, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
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2012 Jul 13
Power analysis for Cox regression with a time-varying covariate
Hello All,
Does anyone know where I can find information about how to do a power analysis for Cox regression with a time-varying covariate using R or some other readily available software? I've done some searching online but haven't found anything.
2012 Jan 26
R-help Digest, Vol 107, Issue 25
...l arguments and (very) simple formating.
{ cat("Error: Invalid date values in", DateNames[[i]], "\n",
TestDates[DateNames][[i]][TestDates$Invalid==1], "\n") }
Rui Barradas
Message: 53
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 08:54:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Miller <pjmiller_57 at yahoo.com>
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs
<1327424089.1149.YahooMailClassic at web161604.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Hello Everyone,
Still new to R. Wrote some...
2011 Nov 07
Problem working with dates
Hello All,
I've been reading books about R for awhile now and am in the process of replicating the SAS analyses from an old report. I want to be sure that I can do all the things I need to in R before using it in my daily work.
So far, I've managed to read in all my data and have done some data manipulation. I'm having trouble with fixing an error in a date variable though, and was
2012 Mar 22
Plotting patient drug timelines using ggplot2 (or some other means) -- Help!!!
Hello All,
Want very much to learn how to plot patient drug timelines. Trouble is I need to figure out how to do this today. So not much time for me to struggle with it. Hoping someone can just help me out a bit.
Below are some sample data and code that produces what I think is the beginning of a very nice graph.
Need to alter the code to:
1. Get the lines for the drugs to appear on the
2010 Apr 22
R and S-Plus: Two programs separated by a common language?
Hello Everyone,
My company purchased S-Plus before it was bought out by Tibco. My understanding is that we own version 7.0 outright.
So far, I've been learning in R but thought I might also try working in S-Plus. My understanding is that S-Plus has some useful extra features. Another potential benefit would be the ability to purchase technical support, which I thought might help me to
2010 Dec 22
Seeking feedback on my first attempt at R programming
Hello Everyone,
Below is my first attempt at R programming. The code replicates example 5.1 from Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples. I was hoping that people more experienced than myself would be willing to take a look and let me know what I did well and what could have been done better. I'd be particularly grateful if anyone could tell me why the two user