Displaying 20 results from an estimated 103 matches for "pintos".
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2007 Nov 27
windows vista
Hello there
Im suzuky Pinto from Mexico.
And Im buying a new computer and this have windows vista. Could I have any problem using R on it?
Comparte video en la ventana de tus mensajes (y también tus fotos de Flickr).
Usa el nuevo Yahoo! Messenger versión Beta.
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2006 Jul 04
inverse of eval() ?
I''m trying to figure out how to turn a string into an object. Can anyone point me? Here''s some background.
Here''s the part of what I''m trying to do that works.
@ford = [''mustang'', ''pinto'']
make = ''@ford''
puts eval(make)
--> produces
2006 Mar 30
Unbalanced Manova
Dear all,
I need to do a Manova but I have an unbalanced design. I have
morphological measurements similar to the iris dataset, but I don't have
the same number of measurements for all species. Does anyone know a
procedure to do Manova with this kind of input in R?
Thank you very much,
Naiara S. Pinto
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
2006 Jul 25
Typo 4.0.0 on Dreamhost (how to disable article preview?)
I''ve just finished installing it, I''m blog-posting about it. as soon
as i finish this post, I''ll let you know.
Btw, how can I disable the preview when posting a new article? It''s a
little lagged and slowish while I see a dispatcher consuming some
considerable cpu time.
On 7/25/06, Tiago Pinto <thpinto@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried without any
2006 Jan 10
reading contigency tables
Hi all,
I need some help using read.ftable to read a contingency table. My columns
are organized as follows:
order--family--species--location--number of individuals
I couldn't figure out how to change the data on my text file to be
imported into R; and after you do that, is it possible to convert the
table into a data frame? Any tips would be greatly appreciatted!
Thanks a lot,
2006 Jan 21
" 'x' must be numeric"
Hello all,
I am importing data from a txt file and try to get a histogram, I get the
message: "Error in hist: 'x' must be numeric".
When I use mode R returns "List".
However when I use srt I get:
`data.frame': 456 obs. of 1 variable:
$ V1: num 0.6344 0.4516 0.0968 0.7634 0.7957 ...
My file consists of one column only (no headers) and I can't figure out
2006 Jan 24
polr (MASS)
Hello all,
I am trying to use polr (the ordered logistic model from MASS) but I am
getting the following error message:
Error in if (all(pr > 0)) -sum(wt * log(pr)) else Inf :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
My response variable is a factor with 3 levels and I have 2 independent
variables. I am not sure if I guessed the starting parameters right, which
I imagine could be a source of
2011 Jul 11
Congratulations to the Centos Team for the hard work on Centos 6
I just wanted to say Congratulations and thank you to the Centos Team for
all of the work on Centos 6 - I know the last few months have not been easy
- but the real benefit will be that Centos 6 will be as good and as stable
as Centos 5 has been for me and everyone who has been using it for the past
4 years. It has never a matter of just getting it done - but getting it
done right.
Thank You
2004 Nov 08
Dear List,
My 'puter runs SuSE Linux version 8.0
I have just compiled and installed, using ./tools/wineinstall
The compile and install appeared to go smoothly without error messages,
and was installed using 'su' to root.
But, a segmentation faults prevents me from starting Wine :-(
Please, is there a remedy to fix this ?
Thank you,
2010 Aug 20
how to interpret KS test
Dear R users
I am using KS test to compare two different distribution for the same
variable (temperature) for two different time periods.
H0: the two distributions are equal
H1: the two distributions are different
ks.test (temp12, temp22)
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: temp12 and temp22
D = 0.2047, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
Warning message:
2015 Jun 29
CPAN issues
?CPAN is a core module which can be tricky to update on the RedHat based
Suggest investigating:
?If you need a newer Perl, check out www.softwarecollections.org.
2005 Dec 29
They help me please!!!
Necessary urgent of a version of xen that it functions. The question, my
people, is that I am with a stated period for the delivery of a dedicated
server, and bet in the Fedora Core 4/5, however I do not obtain to make to
function the versions of xen for this. The problem is that when xen does
not break, is the net (xen-br0) that it does not function... Somebody would
have the RPMs functional that
1999 Jun 23
problems with a WinNT SMB server
as a new Linux user (Red Hat6.0) I am trying to mount hard drives from a
local network which is managed by a windows NTServer. When I try to
launch from the command line:
smbclient -L servername
I am prompted for a password, which I presume is the same password that
I use when I login from a Windows environemt. Given the pasword I get
the message:
session setup failed: ERRDOS -
2005 Jan 27
Installing rails without gems
After reading the article about rails in OnLamp, I''ve decided to give it a try.
In many way it resembles a product that I used to work several years ago,
but based on Tcl. So I this might just be what a Pythonier as me needs
to try out Ruby. :)
Now the problem is, right now the computer where I want to play around
with rails doesn''t have net access. I already downloaded the
2007 Dec 18
Random forests
Dear all,
I would like to use a tree regression method to analyze my dataset. I
am interested in the fact that random forests creates in-bag and
out-of-bag datasets, but I also need an estimate of support for each
split. That seems hard to do in random forests since each tree is
grown using a subset of the predictor variables.
I was thinking of setting mtry = number of predictor variables,
2003 Dec 01
No subject
When I run smbclient
1. smbclient //LINUX01//homes -U test
password is requested, I enter the password, and I get in
2. smbclient //LINUX01//homes -U Jane
password is requested, I enter the password, and I cannot
get in
(ERRSV - ERRbadpw (Bad Password - name/password pair in a
Tree Connect
or Session Setup are invalid)
3. smbclient
2009 Feb 13
Add columns to data frame automatically
Hello fellows: I've een trying to set up a function that performs 100
loops producing the coresponding 100 series. I want to save all those
datasets in a dataframe, so I wrote this...
prep <- function()
# Clase[1]/Categoria[2]/Phi[3]/Rf[4]
peso <- c(.0,.03,.3,.6)
# Extension del calculo
for (i in 1:100)
# Calculos de todas las curvas
# Variables (Valor Base)
2023 Feb 16
[PATCH 17/17] drm/cirrus: Use VGA macro constants to unblank
...The PAS setting is actually part of the primary plane, so it's current
location in the CRTC code is misleading. I didn't want to change the
driver logic too much, but I guess I'll fix that in the next iteration.
Best regards
> take care,
> Gerd
Thomas Zimmermann
Graphics Driver Developer
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 N?rnberg, Germany
(HRB 36809, AG N?rnberg)
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Ivo Totev
-------------- next part --------------
A non-...
2005 Sep 28
DomU on SMP
Im trying to set create a RHAS4 DomU on a HP proliant 360DL 4 processor SMP.
Since the xenified kernel that came with FC4 didnt work, I compiled a
xen-unstable enabled kernel for FC4. all was fine untill it gave me a
''unable to open an initial console''
I tried to make an initrd for my xen0 kern but it didnt work.
So I tried using the old initrd image that I had and Dom0
2023 Feb 16
[PATCH 17/17] drm/cirrus: Use VGA macro constants to unblank
...primary plane, so it's current
> location in the CRTC code is misleading. I didn't want to change the
> driver logic too much, but I guess I'll fix that in the next iteration.
> Best regards
> Thomas
> [1]
> https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs140/projects/pintos/specs/freevga/vga/attrreg.htm#3C0
> >
> > take care,
> > Gerd
> >
> --
> Thomas Zimmermann
> Graphics Driver Developer
> SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
> Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 N?rnberg, Germany
> (HRB 36809, AG N?rnberg)
> Gesch?ft...