Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "phenology".
2013 Jan 02
Package check using --as-cran
I use R 2.15.2 on MacosX 10.8.2
I have a problem checking for a package that I want to submit in CRAN.
When I check like that, no problem or warning are detected.
system("R CMD check '[path]/phenology'")
I create the .tar.gz package with that. The file phenology_3.43.tar.gz
is generated. I can install the package and it works.
system("R CMD build '[path]/phenology'")
But if I check it using --as-cran as required by CRAN policy,
system("R CMD check '[path]/p...
2012 Feb 14
cumsum formula to determine plankton phenology
Dear R-users
-- Heather Anne
Heather A. Wright, PhD candidate
Ecology and Evolution of Plankton
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Villa Comunale
80121 - Napoli, Italy
Lab: +39 081 583 3201
Cell: +39 366 484 2196
Fax: +39 081 764 1355
2012 Apr 03
Package seems to be present but library don't find it
> package.skeleton("HelloWorld",code_files=c("HelloWorld.R"))
# to generate .rd files
> library("roxygen2")
> roxygenize("HelloWorld",copy.package=FALSE)
> system("R CMD build '/Users/marcgirondot/Documents/Espace de travail
R/Phenology/Source fit/Essai_package/HelloWorld'")
* checking for file ?/Users/marcgirondot/Documents/Espace de travail
R/Phenology/Source fit/Essai_package/HelloWorld/DESCRIPTION? ... OK
* preparing ?HelloWorld?:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking for LF line-endings in source...
2012 Feb 14
cumsum function to determine plankton phenology
8/17/1988 50.9
9/6/1988 225
9/15/1988 172.6
10/18/1988 752.1
11/3/1988 28
11/15/1988 32.8
11/30/1988 10.6
12/14/1988 2.6
I want to obtain the start, middle and end dates of cumulative
abundance (for those ecologically minded folks the reference is in a
Greve, et al., 2005 paper) to determine phenology of a species or
functional group. I previously applied this method in Excel and want
to replicate the formula in R using cumsum.
Easy right?
Excel method:
1. calculate cumulative sum
2. divide the cumulative sum for each time point by the annual
cumulative sum or maximum value
3. Calculate three d...
2017 Dec 31
Order of methods for optimx
...find the best advice about order of
methods ?
To reproduce what I said:
repos=NULL, type="source")
repos=NULL, type="source")
ECFOCF_2002 <- TableECFOCF(MarineTurtles_2002)
snb <- system.time(
? o_mu2p1_nb <- fitCF(par = structure(c(0.244863062899...
2011 Sep 15
Model Selection with Phylogenetic Independent Contrasts
...9;m trying to select a model under PCA using independent contrasts. Since
PICs need to be forced through the origin I've been using lmorigin for the
original regression, but it doesn't appear that stepAIC recognizes it. I
keep receiving an error message - "Error in na.fail.default(list(Phenology =
c(NA_integer_, NA_integer_, :
missing values in object"
I'm having trouble navigating around this error message, and any suggestions
would be appreciated.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Model-Selection-with-Phylogenetic-Independent-Co...
2011 Oct 25
Correlation Matrix in R
I am currently working with a data set which contains a list of julian dates
of phenological (flowering, leaf growth etc.)
I obtained a correlation matrix by simply using the cor function with the
dataset cor(dataset,use="complete.obs")
that gives me a correlation matrix but the correlations are somehow
different from when I run individual correlations using the cor function and
2001 Nov 26
Editing R graphics (fwd)
...t site, and/or highlight some critical species and include
a mention to relevant biological characteristics (ie., shade-tolerant,
evergreen etc.). Sometimes I also include another (reduced) figure, for
a reduced map indicating the geographic location of some sites, and or
time-series of the phenology as shown by satellite imagery. Another
example of adding ancillary information to an statistic graphic is
adding field-collected information to a graphic that displays results
from the analysis od remotely-sensed imagery.
Thanks, Paul, for you work at improving the (many) R graphic capabilities....
2012 Mar 11
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* EffectStars (1.0)
Maintainer: Unknown
Author(s): Gunther Schauberger
License: GPL-2
The package provides functions to visualize regression models with
categorical response. The effects of the covariates are plotted with
star plots in order to allow for an optical
2018 Aug 20
[jobs] postdoc in remote sensing with USDA-ARS
...ithin the Long Term Agroecosystems Research (LTAR)
Qualifications include a recent Ph.D. (within the last 4 years) in
Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Geography or a related discipline;
ability to participate as a team member in the collection of field data of
soil moisture, biomass, phenology and leaf area index (LAI); and knowledge
of remote sensing and geospatial analysis for using radar and optical data
from earth orbiting satellites. This job is open to U.S. Citizens and
Permanent Residents seeking US Citizenship.
The vacancy announcement (number RA-18-001-HA) can be accessed by...
2012 Nov 26
cosine curve fit
does anybody have a suggestion as to how to use R to fit some date to a
cosine function and then have some output statistics that will evaluate the
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/cosine-curve-fit-tp4650866.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2008 Jan 29
[Fwd: Re: Fourier Analysis and Curve Fitting in R]
well if you want to find the spectral density aka what frequencies
explain most of the variance then I would suggest the spectral
density. This can be implemented with spec.pgram(). This is
conducted with the fast fourier transform algorithm.
a<-ts(data, frequency = 1) #make the time series with 365readings/365days
and you should be able to take it from here
This will
2011 Apr 21
Converting 16-bit to 8-bit encoding?
Hello all-
I have a question related to encoding. I'm using a seperate program which
takes either 16 bit or 8 bit (flat binary files) as inputs (they are raster
satellite imagery and the associated quality files), but can't handle both
at the same time. Problem is the quality and the image come in different
formats (quality- 8bit, image- 16bit). I need to switch the encoding on the
2012 May 20
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
heplots (0.9-12), HTMLUtils (0.1.5), ImageMetrics (0.5), IPMpack
(1.1), IsotopeR (0.4.2), lifecontingencies (0.9.3), M3 (0.3), maps
(2.2-6), MatrixEQTL (1.6.0), mefa4 (0.2-7), meta (2.1-0),
MissingDataGUI (0.1-3), msgps (1.3), multitaper (1.0-1), muma (1.1),
OrgMassSpecR (0.3-12), pcaPP (1.9-47), phenology (3.31), planar
(1.2.1), plotrix (3.4-1), pomp (0.42-4), prefmod (0.8-31), primer
(1.0), psychomix (1.0-0), psychotools (0.1-3), QUIC (1.0), QUIC (1.1),
RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 (0.1-0), RcmdrPlugin.survival (1.0-1), RcppSMC
(0.1.1), relsurv (2.0-2), rfishbase (0.0-9), Rmpfr (0.4-7),
robCompositions (1...
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
...), ISIPTA (0.1-7), lavaan (0.4-13), lcmm (1.5.1),
lifecontingencies (0.9.2), LIHNPSD (0.2.1), LMERConvenienceFunctions
(, markdown (0.4), medAdherence (1.03), MKmisc (0.91),
modTempEff (1.5.1), mvnormtest (0.1-9), ncdf4 (1.6), ncdf4 (1.6.1),
negenes (1.0-1), oposSOM (0.1-4), pcaPP (1.9-46), phenology (3.29),
polySegratioMM (0.6-2), pomp (0.41-3), psgp (0.3-1), QCA (1.0-1), QCA3
(0.0-5), quantreg (4.79), Rcmdr (1.8-4), RcppArmadillo (,
RcppArmadillo (0.3.0), RcppDE (0.1.1), RDieHarder (0.1.2), rEMM
(1.0-5), reweight (1.2.1), rockchalk (1.5.4), rrBLUP (3.7), rrcovNA
(0.4-03), RRF (1.2), R...