search for: pessoall

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 45 matches for "pessoall".

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2007 Feb 23
Hi, i configured Musiconhold and Works, but the sound is very low. I haved put the volume in the max, but is equal. I tested to my voice, and the sound is also low. exten=>8000,1,Wait(2) exten=>8000,2,Record(menu:gsm) exten=>8000,3,Wait(2) exten=>8000,4,Playback(menu) exten=>8000,5,Hangup() when the musicaonhold is play e recieved this warning. ?exten =>
2006 Jul 17
Quantreg error
Dear User, I got the following error running a regression quantile: > rq1<-rq(dep ~ ., model=TRUE, data=exo, tau=0.5 ); > summary(rq1) Erro em, y, tau = tau + h) : Error info = 75 in stepy: singular design Any hint about the problem? Thanks a lot, ________________________________________ Ricardo Gon?alves Silva, M. Sc. Apoio aos Processos de Modelagem Matem?tica
2006 Jul 26
Moving Average
Dear R-Users, How can I compute simple moving averages from a time series in R? Note that I do not want to estimate a MA model, just compute the MA's given a lenght (as excel does). Thanks ________________________________________ Ricardo Gonçalves Silva, M. Sc. Apoio aos Processos de Modelagem Matemática Econometria & Inadimplência Serasa S.A. (11) - 6847-8889
2011 Feb 28
Dovecot+Postfix+Mysql+quotas doesn't work
Hi ! I'm using postfix with mysql, dovecot and squirrelmail for WEBMAIL In my dovecot.conf I've: plugin { quota = maildir:User quota quota2 = maildir:Shared quota:ns=Public/ quota_rule = *:storage=400M quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=100M quota_exceeded_message = Quota excedida. Por favor, exclua alguns emails! quota_warning = storage=95%% /usr/local/bin/ 95 quota_warning2 =
2014 Dec 21
Home auto creation
I want to auto create home directories for users when they login for the first time . I need kerbos authentication is possible to set it up on same host as domain controller so ad users can take ownership of home folder -- Join my framily E02705708hn 3032 last name BURGHARDT state is co Cheapest sprint service only 25 a month.
2014 Dec 21
Home auto creation
At the institution where I work, we have created a GPO to create and mount the directories persons from users, follows the script. create the file name.vbs with the content Option Explicit Dim objNetwork, objShell, wshShell, wshell, strDesktop, oShellLink, user1, FileClass, Directory Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath, strUserName, strNewName Set wshell =
2006 Feb 16
error loading RWinEdt
Dear R Helpers, I would be very pleased with your help, again. I have this problem when installing / loading RWinEdt. I use R 2.1.1version. The same error message occurs when installing from mirrors. thanks in advance, Rodrigo Tsai. > install.packages("c:/tsai/pessoal/soft/r-project/", repos=NULL, method="source") package 'RWinEdt' successfully
2009 Nov 27
[OT] - Estrutura de armazenamento de uma grande quantidade de arquivos
Ol? pessoal, Desculpem o off-topic, mas n?o sabia onde postar minha d?vida. Se algu?m tiver uma sugest?o de lista para postar essa d?vida eu agrade?o. O sistema do qual administro os servidores, possui uma funcionalidade que ? exibi??o de imagens cadastradas pelos usu?rios. Estas imagens s?o armazenadas atualmente em um ?nico diret?rio, e s?o gravadas com um n?mero (ex.:123456.jpg), em um
2007 Mar 19
problemas com wine
Pessoal, estou tentando utilizar o programa aqui da empresa com wine, ai d? o seguinte erro C?digo: rafael@notebook:~/Soma$ wine soma fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x10020, 0x7fd59e90): stub fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x1002a,0xff00000f,255,1): stub! err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {88d969c0-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5} not registered err:ole:create_server class
2011 Jul 13
SQL Server com Ruby on rails
Boa noite pessoal, seu muito trabalho mas consegui fazer conectar o sqlserver com ruby mas só que quando vou inserir qualquer dado da o seguinte erro ODBC::Error: 22008 (242) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.: INSERT INTO [usuarios] ([created_at], [updated_at], [login], [senha],
2009 Apr 01
Erro de update no rails 2.3.2
Pessoal, estou precisando de ajuda... Estou usando o rails 2.3.2. Quando tento fazer qualquer update (método save em um registro existente), recebo o erro abaixo: ArgumentError in RequisicaosController#enviar_rede wrong number of arguments (3 for 1) c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:2875:in `attributes_with_quotes''
2012 Oct 05
Dúvida função Anova pacote car - Medidas repetidas
Olá pessoal, estou realizando uma ANOVA com medidas repetidas e estou utilizando a função "Anova" do pacote "car". Medi o biovolume de algas a cada dois dias durante 10 dias (no banco de dados abaixo só coloquei até o 4° dia). Tenho 2 tratamentos ("c","t") e o experimento foi realizado em tréplicas ("A","B","C"). > Pa2
2006 Jul 13
MLE and QR classes
Hi, I load my data set and separate it as folowing: presu <- read.table("C:/_Ricardo/Paty/qtdata_f.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) dep<-presu[,3]; exo<-presu[,4:92]; Now, I want to use it using the wls and quantreg packages. How I change the data classes for mle and rq objects? Thanks a lot,
2010 Mar 10
Using R in a corporate envinronment
Dear r-useRs, After a couple of years in a 'R exile' of sorts, I've recently changed jobs and my current employer (an American multinational in the food manufacturing industry) is much more open than my past employer (which wouldn't even want to hear about anything that didn't begin with SAS...). So, after my insistence corporate IT is now considering adopting R as part of our
2010 Mar 10
Using R in a corporate envinronment
Dear r-useRs, After a couple of years in a 'R exile' of sorts, I've recently changed jobs and my current employer (an American multinational in the food manufacturing industry) is much more open than my past employer (which wouldn't even want to hear about anything that didn't begin with SAS...). So, after my insistence corporate IT is now considering adopting R as part of our
2010 Mar 23
usuários não consegues acessar pastar compartilhadas após upgrade do samba
...verificou se existe >> alguma msg de erro no log ?!? >> >> >> F?bio Rabelo >> >> >> 2010/3/23 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac <lscarneiro at >> <mailto:lscarneiro at>> >> >> Ol? pessoALL, >> >> Fiz um upgrade quase 'painless' do samba 3.2.5 para a vers?o >> 3.4.7 do backports, para permitir m?quinas com windows 7 no >> dom?nio. Ap?s algumas pequenas mudan?as, todos estavam >> logando normalmente no dom?nio. Por?m...
2015 Jan 10
Asterisk e Busca Automatica
Pessoal, Bom dia a Todos!!! Sou novo aqui na lista e tamb?m no uso do Asterisk. Estou implementando um ambiente de laborat?rio para entender melhor todo a quest?o de uso e configura??o da ferramenta. Bom o meu problema esta no seguinte:--------------------------------------------------- Tenho uma placa FXO com 4 canais anal?gicos (Troco), onde estou conectando minhas 4 linhas da anal?gica da
2007 Nov 23
Disconnected: Mailbox is in inconsistent state, please relogin
Bom dia, Pessoal eu tenho um servidor HP Proliant ML 110 com 4gb de memoria e processador Xeon. Minha distribui??o ? um Fedora Core 7 com Postfix + Procmail e este chama Spanassasim e Clamav Para IMAP, POP3 utilizo dovecot. Estava tendo o erro de Corrupted dovecot.index, atualizei da versao 1.05 para a 1.07 Agora o mesmo problema ocorre algumas messagens ficam presas na caixa e o usuario nao
1999 Aug 05
Problem on RH 5.2 LX164 Alpha
Hi, I have had samba (1.9.18p1) on RH 5.0 LX164 Alphas for over a year, without a glitch. Recently I bought some new boxes which came with RH 5.2 pre-installed. I installed the same samba version, used the same smb.conf and now I'm having some irritating problems: every few hours all smbd's simply stop answering, although they keep lurking in the background, and no new smbd gets started.
2000 May 04
C cedilla problem
Hi, I'm having a problem with Samba (which is strange because I don't usually have any problems with Samba). I have the following directories on a Windows NT 4.0 server, as I see them from my SuSE Linux 6.3 box with Samba 2.0.7 (self-compiled). Both the Linux and Windows box are the English versions, however we're using Portuguese language filenames. .