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2006 Jul 06
questions on data management
Dear friends, suppose i have two datasets: A and B A: id<-1:6 x<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6) y<-c(2,4,6,8,3,2) xy<-data.frame(id,x,y) B m<-c(1,1,3,3,5,5) n<-c(2,2,6,6,3,3) mn<-data.frame(m,n) Now, i want to perfomr two tasks: 1. get a subset of B,no duplicate values,: C: m n 1 2 3 6 5 3 2.Extract the values in A on the conditions that x=m and y=n the results should be: id x y 1 1 2 3
2009 Jun 08
To deploy or not to deploy on App Engine
I am nearing the end on a project i have been working on and am trying to figure out where to host it. I am very tempted to host it on google''s app engine. you get a ton of space, band width, and processor all for free! I was hoping to get some advice as to what people think about deplying on the app engine. Would it better to wait until ruby is supported? Are there perfomrance issues
2018 Feb 26
[networkupstools/nut] Riello IDG400 wrong values & not powering off (#530)
On Feb 26, 2018, at 4:58 AM, Elio Parisi <e.parisi at> wrote: > > Hi Charles, > this type of UPS doesn't support realtime autonomy calculation, instead a fixed countdown must be used. > > How we can fix non supported values? If a value is not supported, the driver should not publish it with the dstate API. Dhould the driver be modified to not return
2010 Jul 20
zfs raidz1 and traditional raid 5 perfomrance comparision
Hi, for zfs raidz1, I know for random io, iops of a raidz1 vdev eqaul to one physical disk iops, since raidz1 is like raid5 , so is raid5 has same performance like raidz1? ie. random iops equal to one physical disk''s ipos. Regards Victor -- This message posted from
2018 Feb 26
R: [networkupstools/nut] Riello IDG400 wrong values & not powering off (#530)
Hi Charles, attached there is a patch for a new version of riello drivers: Changes: - small changes in riello_usb.c and riello_ser that solved problem with UPS that not support realtime autonomy calculation (and also internal temperature); - the second problem I think is related to the first because the shutdown command that I sent to UPS by NUT monitor works without problems; Cheers, Elio
2005 Jun 23
Hi, I am using errorest function from ipred package. I am hoping to perform "bootstrap 0.632+" and "bootstrap leave one out". According to the manual page for errorest, i use the following command: ce632[i]<-errorest(ytrain ~., data=mydata, model=lda, estimator=c("boot","632plus"), predict=mypredict.lda)$error It didn't work. I then tried the
1999 Oct 26
Samba running but stops working? Then no work after restart?
...pposed to be doing is happening. Again this box serves many operations on the network and all except samba is working. So I stop samba via stop from the rc.d folder and I do a ps -x and there is several smbd processes running still (about 30 or so) . I restart samba since the server is perfomring normaly for other operations. I examine the samba log files and they say all is well, but, still no logons occuring from win9x boxes. After about an hour of trying to get samba restarted I reluctantly took the server down and upon a reboot all is well again. I have no idea what would cause thi...
2000 Feb 07
modification time
When I copy an old file to a share the motification time is not changed. Ok, the file has not been modified but since it is new to this share I like to change it's time to the copy time! There MUST be an option to do this!But I haven't found it yet :( Can anyone help? -- Torsten