search for: pclos2

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2012 Dec 27
A Couple Questions About a New Project
...s:? an NTFS pasrtition and an ext2 partition.? /boot/syslinux lives on the [first] NTFS partition with a bunch of other files, while the other partition contains a live Linux system. I need help translating this stanza (from a working isolinux.cfg) to access the vmlinuz on ext2 partition: KERNEL /pclos2/vmlinuz APPEND livecd=/pclos2/livecd initrd=/pclos2/initrd.gz root=/dev/rd/3 acpi=on vga=788 keyb=us vmalloc=256M nokmsboot home=usb splash=no The problem is how one references sub-directories on a different partition. One more thing: the DVD that uses the above stanza has another stanza that boo...