Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "patchdvi".
2012 Aug 21
patchDVI: how to pass encoding of the .Rnw file?
On 12-08-19 3:47 PM, Marius Hofert wrote:
> Dear Duncan,
> I recently asked a question concerning patchDVI on r-help, see
> ,----
> | https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2012-August/321780.html
> `----
> Unfortunately, no one could help. I was wondering if you know a solution to the
> above problem. Any hint is highly appreciated.
Sorry, I'm writing this while offline, so...
2012 Aug 16
How to call patchDVI::SweavePDF on an .Rnw which is not the master file?
Dear expeRts,
I have a master file master.tex containing the preamble and which inputs (via
\input{chapter01}, \input{chapter02}, ...) chapters. The chapters are .Rnw
files. My goal is to use patchDVI::SweavePDF to compile the chapters (say,
chapter.Rnw) individually (each chapter starts with sourcing Sweave preliminary
The first problem is the following. If I execute (in the shell)
| Rscript -e "patchDVI::SweavePDF('chapter.Rnw')"
I obtain
| Lo...
2008 Aug 05
patchDVI update: SyncTex support
A while ago I wrote a package called patchDVI, that allowed
"reverse-search" from the YAP .dvi previewer (or others) to jump
directly to the .Rnw source of an Sweave document.
Recently support for reverse search has been integrated into pdflatex
(through SyncTex). There aren't many PDF previewers on Windows that
support thi...
2007 Jan 13
Working with Sweave: inverse search?
The xdvi and yap DVI viewers allow inverse (aka reverse) search: you
click on a location in the output display, and your editor moves to the
corresponding location in the input file. yap at least also allows
forward search, where you can have your editor tell it to location where
a particular input line is displayed.
I would like something like this to work in Sweave files. That is, I
2011 Jul 31
R 2.13.1 can't find package binaries on R-Forge
...method, mode = "wb", ...) :
cannot open: HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, :
download of package 'p3d' failed
The list of packages I install this way is:
special <- c("p3d", "patchDVI", "spacemakeR", "spida")
Is this just an R-Forge problem? The source packages are there, but not
the windows binaries. The log files
are uninformative:
p3d log file (build_win64)
Sun Jul 31...
2011 Mar 26
Sweave and Textwrangler
I am trying to get TextWrangler to work with LaTeX and Sweave. Ideally
I would call a script from TextWrangler that would run Sweave on a
document, then LaTeX (using SyncTeX), and finally
open the corresponding pdf in Skim. Of course I don't always need to
run Sweave and would be looking for the option of LaTeX -> Open. I
found this http://www.xs4all.nl/~msneep/latex/ but it
2009 Dec 17
Sweave Makefile issue
Dear R-specialists,
I am trying to create a Makefile that will first convert all my .Rnw
files into .tex files and then, that will run the LaTeX compiler to
produce a pdf document. This issue has been discussed before. Hence,
I've basically adapted a Makefile I found at
to make it compatible with a Windows
2007 Dec 01
Spellchecking Sweave documents
I have been using Aspell on a Linux system, but it doesn't
understand the noweb chunks, which I'd rather it not spellcheck. I
can run it on the generated .tex files, but then changes I make
during the spellcheck will not be propagated back to the original
source. Any suggestions on how to spellcheck Sweave documents?
I see from a search that some people seem to be trying Flyspell on
2013 Mar 13
sync+Rnw+TeXShop, again
I use a Sweave engine called Sweave2.engine that contains the following:
R CMD Sweave "$1"
latexmk -pdf -silent -pdflatex='pdflatex -shell-escape -synctex=1' "${1%.*}"
Rscript -e ".libPaths('~/Rlibs');
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Apr 16
Sweave.sh shell script on CRAN
Dear developeRs,
Martin Maechler has suggested that I resend this email to R-devel
instead to R-packages for further comments and potential availability
for Windows.
I have uploaded my Sweave (bash) shell script on CRAN. It is available at
In short this script runs Sweave on
2011 Sep 30
Understanding the workflow between sweave, R and Latex
Let's say I have written the following tiny .Rnw file:
I then can go to R and use sweave to translate the .Rnw file into a .tex
2010 Dec 31
Sweave for "big" data analysis
Maybe I'm missing the point here...but let's suppose you are working with
"large" data sets and using functions that take a significant amount of time
to run in R. I woulnd't like to run these functions every time I call
Sweave("myfile.Rnw") within R. What is the "common" practice to use Sweave
in these situations. I would just run the function once,
2010 May 08
Sweave Feature Requests and Questions
Hi everyone,
I would like to request the following features for Sweave:
1. The keep.source option, to respect empty lines in input.
2. The prefix.string option, to apply to all generated files, e.g. no
3. That Sweave, doesn't change the graphics settings for the entire
Latex Document. By default including a pdf image, should use it's
actual size, rather than making it a fixed
2012 Jan 16
Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
I tried looking for a Sweave-specific list but didn't find one, nor did I find an answer via google, so will send this question to the general R list. Please feel free to point me in the right direction.
I am using Sweave and would like to have a single .Rnw document that generates 1) a summary report, 2) a full report, 3) slides for a talk. I think my material lends itself to have
2013 Jan 09
Sweave, Texshop, and sync with included Rnw file
Hello everyone.
I am in the process of writing a book in Latex with Texshop, on Mac.
This book contains a lot of R code, hence the need to use Sweave.
I was able to compile Rnw files, and to sync back and forth from the pdf to the source Rnw.
My problem now is that the book is divided in Chapters, and every chapter is in its own Rnw file.
I can compile them from the main one (book.Rnw) using the
2010 Sep 14
Sweave and Miktex (Sweave.sty not found)
Hi all,
I know from googling that this is a common problem; I've just tried what I
understand to be the common solutions to know avail -- maybe I'm just
I installed Miktex 2.8 -- it seems to be working fine.
I'm using this demo document: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~houston/demo.Rnw
I've copied the Sweave.sty file into at this point multiple places on the
2010 Nov 11
Troubleshooting sweave
Hi All,
I've reproduced the example from Prof. Friedrich Leisch's webpage. When I
write sweave("Example-1.Snw") OR sweave("Example-1.Rnw"), (yes, I renamed
them). I get the following error:
Writing to file example-1.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : echo term verbatim
Error: chunk 1
Error in library(ctest) : there is no package called 'ctest'
Also while