Displaying 20 results from an estimated 166 matches for "particl".
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2010 Jul 05
Left 4 Dead 2 Dropping Audio Bug/Issue
...0x202969a8 Wrong thread, returning 1.
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DOcclusionQueryImpl_GetData 0x16dcb7c0 Wrong thread, returning 1.
Reference Count for Material vgui_white (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __background (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __loading (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __particlesdepthwrite (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __particlesdepthwrite (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __fontpage (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __fontpage (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __fontpage (1) != 0
Reference Count for Material __fontpage (1) != 0
Reference Count for Ma...
2017 Jul 01
How to replace match words whith colum name of data frame?
...+ ifelse(apply(
+ sapply(chemical_df$chemical,
+ function(x) grepl(x, concept_df$concept)),
+ 1, any),
+ "chemical", ""))
concept category
1 butan acid chemical
2 nano diamond particl
3 slurri composit
4 composit ph polis chemical
5 inorgan particl
6 grind liquid
7 liquid formul
8 nanoparticl
9 size abras particl
10 agent malic acid chemical
Or, if you're wedded...
2004 Jun 30
funny plotting
...the code showing
the two plots seperately and together. I would have thought it should
work if I could use boxplot() then plot() overlayed but it won't allow
the command add=TRUE (which has worked for me in the past).
P.S. please excuse the clumsy code!
#Section 2 Data Set particle
2008 Feb 14
write output in a custom format
...t; 0 0
> 1 1
> #
> 1 100.0 0
> 0 0
> 0 1
> 1 0
> 1 1
where # is part of the format and not a R comment.
Each block (delimited by #) consists of a first line with three
values, call it dose, and a list of (x,y) coordinates which are a
matrix or data.frame,
> particle <- list(dose=c(1,100.0,0),pos=data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,1),y=c
> (0,1,0,1)))
> print(particle)
I'd like to establish a connection to a file and append to it a
"particle" block in the format above, or even write the whole file at
Because different lines have a...
2008 Jan 07
R and Clusters
...a non-directed graph] and I do not
want to rediscover the wheel.
I saw a large number of R packages dealing for instance with the
k-means method or hierarchical clustering for spatially distributed
data and I am basically facing a similar problem.
I am given a set of data which are the positions of particles in 3
dimensions; I define two particles A and B to be directly connected if
their Euclidean distance is below a certain threshold d. If A and B
are directly connected and B and C are directly connected, then A,B
and C are connected components (physically it means that they are
members of the same...
2012 Mar 22
New package RcppSMC 0.1.0 for Sequential Monte Carlo and Particle Filters
===== Summary =====
Version 0.1.0 provides the initial release of RcppSMC, an integration of the
SMCTC template classes for Sequential Monte Carlo and Particle Filters
(Johansen, 2009, J Statistical Software, 30:6) with the Rcpp package for R/C++
Integration (Eddelbuettel and Francois, 2011, J Statistical Software, 40:8).
RcppSMC allows for easier and more direct access from R to the computational
core of the SMC algorithm.
===== Overview =====
2012 Mar 22
New package RcppSMC 0.1.0 for Sequential Monte Carlo and Particle Filters
===== Summary =====
Version 0.1.0 provides the initial release of RcppSMC, an integration of the
SMCTC template classes for Sequential Monte Carlo and Particle Filters
(Johansen, 2009, J Statistical Software, 30:6) with the Rcpp package for R/C++
Integration (Eddelbuettel and Francois, 2011, J Statistical Software, 40:8).
RcppSMC allows for easier and more direct access from R to the computational
core of the SMC algorithm.
===== Overview =====
2009 Oct 22
Diffusion of particles inside a sphere
Hello veryone,
I am interested in the diffusion of particles inside a sphere, and its release through a small pore on the sphere surface. Unfortunately, I have not found the way to do this in R. Could you help me?
Thank very much in advance for your help
2017 Jul 01
How to replace match words whith colum name of data frame?
I have two data frame. I want to use "chemical_df" to match "concept_df "
concept_df <- data.frame(concept=c("butan acid ", "nano diamond particl", "slurri
composit", "composit ph polis", " inorgan particl ", "grind liquid", "liquid formul", "nanoparticl", "size abras particl", "agent malic acid"))
chemical_df <- data.frame(chemical=c("basic",...
2016 Mar 12
GSOC-2016 Project : Clustering of search results
...ors, one
representing a single item and one representing a cluster centroid.)
I may be misreading something fundamentally here, because aspects of
the combined algorithm just don't make sense to me. It doesn't help my
understanding that the paper seems to use overlapping references for
the particle positions and clusters (eg in (3), (4) and I think (5)),
and the cluster centres that are being used as particle data (at the
bottom of p207). I think rewriting it with different variables might
make this a lot clearer. (That may be the main source of my confusion,
in fact!)
As I understand it, t...
2016 Mar 14
GSOC-2016 Project : Clustering of search results
...ed by eq (3) that you mentioned
> too. Here it is :
> http://www.sau.ac.in/~vivek/softcomp/clustering%20PSO+K-means.pdf
Ah, that's helpful -- thanks!
> The whole point of this approach is to use global search of PSO and fast
> convergence of K-means together.
> So we take every particle and assign it k randomly initialized cluster
> centroids.
>From the above paper, it sounds like they are randomly chosen
documents as the initial centroids.
> For every particle, we consider the cluster centroids that we have assigned
> to that particle and assign all other documents...
2016 Mar 07
GSOC-2016 Project : Clustering of search results
On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 01:36:43AM +0530, Richhiey Thomas wrote:
> My questions are:
> 1) Can you direct me on how to convert this raw idea into a proposal in
> context to Xapian with more detail? What areas do I focus on?
Our GSoC guide has an application template
<https://trac.xapian.org/wiki/GSoCApplicationTemplate> which you
should use to structure your proposal. It has some
2002 Nov 04
uncertainty principle is untenable !!!
...cs, the microscope can resolve (that is, "see" or distinguish) objects to a size of dx, which is related to and to the wavelength L of the gamma ray, by the expression:
dx = L/(2sinA) (1)
However, in quantum mechanics, where a light wave can act like a particle, a gamma ray striking an electron gives it a kick. At the moment the light is diffracted by the electron into the microscope lens, the electron is thrust to the right. To be observed by the microscope, the gamma ray must be scattered into any angle within the cone of angle 2A. In quantum mechanics...
2002 Oct 16
uncertainty principle is untenable !!! (new)
...cs, the microscope can resolve (that is, "see" or distinguish) objects to a size of dx, which is related to and to the wavelength L of the gamma ray, by the expression:
dx = L/(2sinA) (1)
However, in quantum mechanics, where a light wave can act like a particle, a gamma ray striking an electron gives it a kick. At the moment the light is diffracted by the electron into the microscope lens, the electron is thrust to the right. To be observed by the microscope, the gamma ray must be scattered into any angle within the cone of angle 2A. In quantum mechanics...
2008 Feb 24
where can I find source code for particle filters applied to stochastic volatilities?
Hi all,
Could anybody point me to some overview/survey papers about using
particle filters and sequential monte carlo methods to estimate
stochastic volatilities? I couldn't find any such articles giving a
big-picture view of the literature.
How do these estimation methods compare to EMM and other Bayesian
methods for estimating stochastic volatilities?
Also, I am looking...
2007 Aug 23
Calculating diameters of cirkels in a picture.
Maybe this is more a programming questions than a specific R-project question, but maybe there is someone who can point me in the right direction.
I have a picture of cirkels which I took with a digital camera.
Now I want to use the diameter of the cirkels on the picture for analysis in R.
I can use pixmap to import the picture, but how do I find the outside cirkels and calculate the
2012 Jun 09
Help getting Torchlight 2 Beta running (Mac)
...resource group Internal
Creating resource group Autodetect
SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Material
Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Font
ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
ArchiveFactory for arc...
2012 Dec 28
I am using the package Multicore/Parallel to do importance sampling. I have
5 cores on my computer. And I have
let's say 10 000 particles to generate. What I did was to send 5 particles
in each time, calling the package parallel. Which means in all I am calling
the parallel command 2000 times.
What happens is in the end somewhere along the way I end up with the error
message error in fork unable to create a pipe. Would it be better...
2007 Apr 14
[LLVMdev] "Name that compiler"
Looks like people send many names in the contest,
so shall I do too.
I propose "Lepton", loosely meaning light (featherweight) in Greek.
It is used in particle physics to refer to very light particles
(electrons, muons).
For me it also has the connotations of fastness and
restlessness (in the LLVM sense of post-compile
See more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepton#Etymology
2011 Nov 12
Please Help
HiI want to construct a logliikelood function in RHere is the situationy=number of particles emitted in 1 hr period~pois(30)p=probability of detection of radiation particlesx=number of particles detected by a radiation detector~pois(30p)where p~beta(a,1)I have to calculate the loglikehood for a for the range a(2,50)I wish to simulate 100 random samples for each aHere is my code:-m=481n=1...