search for: par

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7131 matches for "par".

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2004 Oct 01
Configuring X Ten to make call using FX0
...k server of mine (i)But today i just wanted to know if someone can help me to set X-Ten Lite to call PSTN line using my FX0 Currently , I am able to use X Lite to call another X lite user locally (LAN) I also has attached my setting together Thanking you all in advance -------------- next part -------------- {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\lang1033\ul\b\f0\fs24 This is My Working setting for the TDM11B\par \pard\ulnone\par /etc/zaptel.conf\par \b0\fs20 fxoks=1\par fxsks=4\par loadzone = us\par defaultzo...
2003 Dec 09
Samba locking database errors : V 2.2.8 a on HP-UX 11i
...ize locking database' and 'no locks available' logged to the syslog and no new connections can be established (can not even browse - get message 'Network name could not be found'). This can only be cleared by restarting the daemons. I have checked our smb.conf file with the testparm utility and this looks ok, and checked the parameters (including the defaults) against the smb.conf man page at in an attempt to identify any bad config. I have also verified the obvious - that the lock directory exists and the permissions are correct (if they didn't I guess it would...
2010 Jan 20
Error meaning
Hi r-users,   I have the following code to solve 4 simultaneous eqns with 4 unknowns using newton iteration method.  But I got the error message:   pars <- c(1.15, 40, 50, 0.78) newton.input2 <- function(pars) {  ## parameters to estimate      alp <- pars[1]    b1  <- pars[2]     b2  <- pars[3]    rho <- pars[4]   f1 <- pars[1]*pars[2] f2 <- pars[1]*(pars[1]+1)*pars[2]^2 f3 <- pars[1]*(pars[1]+1)*pars[3]^2 f4 <-...
2003 May 12
on.exit(par(old.par)) warnings
I often use something like old.par <- par(set someting) on.exit(par(old.par)) but in R 1.7.0. I now get warnings: > old.par <- par() > par(old.par) Warning messages: 1: parameter "cin" can't be set in: par(args) 2: parameter "cra" can't be set in: par(args) 3: p...
2009 Mar 23
newton method
Hi R-users, Does R has a topic on newton's method? Thank you for the info.
2002 Nov 12
Wandering usr values in par(no.readonly=TRUW) (PR#2283)
--==_Exmh_1801894504P Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Dear R folks, Initially I had a plotting routine using logarithmic y-axes that failed after repeated calls if I tried to restore the graphical parameters (which I wanted to do because I used `layout' within the routine. I tried to isolate the problem and found out that the following code with logarithmic axis is sufficient for reproducing the failure: > plot2.log function (x=1:2,y=1:2) { op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) on.exit(p...
2009 Mar 15
Help plase with simple loop
Dear All, I’m a new R user. How can I write code below more efficiently (using a loop for example)? f1 <-function(par){x1 <- par[1]; x2 <- par[2];x3 <- par[3] ; x4 <- par[4] ; (1+x1)} f2 <-function(par){x1 <- par[1]; x2 <- par[2];x3 <- par[3] ; x4 <- par[4] ;(1+x2)} f3 <-function(par){x1 <- par[1]; x2 <- par[2];x3 <- par[3] ; x4 <- par[4] ; (1+x3)} f4 <-function(par)...
2006 Nov 06
line width (all elements) in Trellis
Dear All, I am hoping to implement a barchart using trellis graphics where all elements have a line width of 2. Using trellis.par.set(), I am able to make most elements lwd=2, but not all. In particular, the top of the box (above the upper most strip) and the left y-axis remain one point. Code with a barchart() example is below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time, Dan note: I am using R 2.4...
2011 Feb 18
R script HELP!
The following is my R script which I am struggling with to assess ICESat data..perhaps it is the ID_min or ID_max that is wrong? I don't know, any help would be greatly appreciated :( # OPTIONS - CHANGE THESE VARIABLES IF NEEDED\par ######################################################################\par \par icesatfile <- 'C:/Users/Whiz/My_Documents/Year3/GY3072/ICESat_GLAS/IDLreadGLASWF/out_wf_GLA01_09030918_r5947_031_L2E.dat'\par \par plotdir <- 'C:/Users/Whiz/My_Documents/Year3/GY3072/ICESat_GLAS/PLOT...
2013 Mar 01
predict.loess() segfaults for large n?
...40: bcEval (eval.c:4544) ==30841== by 0x4B6B3F: Rf_eval (eval.c:498) ==30841== Address 0xf8cd4144 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd ==30841== *** caught segfault *** address 0xf8cd4144, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: predLoess(y, x, newx, s, weights, pars$robust, pars$span, pars$degree, pars$normalize, pars$parametric, pars$drop.square, pars$surface, pars$cell, pars$family, kd, divisor, se = se) 2: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 3: eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame()) 4: with.default(object, predLoess(y, x, newx, s, weights,...
2007 Sep 29
resetting par() to all defaults: par(reset=TRUE) ?
In a long session, producing multiple graphs, I sometimes repeatedly change par() settings, particularly with multi-row/col displays. If I'm using a script, I'll do op <- par(newsettings) ... plots ... par(op) but sometimes I do things on the fly and can't easily back out to the default settings. I'm looking for someway to do the equivalent of par(reset=...
2002 Feb 11
I am running 1.3.1 on a Windows (NT 4.0) machine. I've fit a nonlinear model intended to predict crop yield from nutrient information, and want to use the profile function. If I type say, profile( I get the following error message: "Error in prof$getProfile(): number of iterations exceeded maximum of 5.25515e-308" I used the profiler function to profile simparj,fm step by step, profiling one parameter at the time and calculating the profile t statistics. I've played aroun...
2010 Feb 16
error : unused argument(s) when boxplot
Dear all, I am a total beginner in R, so sorry if this is the wrong place. I am using R 2.10.1 on a Mac (Mac OS 10.6.2). I have this small dataset : growth sugar 75 C 72 C 73 C 61 F 67 F 64 F 62 S 63 S I have no problem reading the table, or getting the summary, but if I try boxplot(growth~sugar, ylab="growth", xlab="sugar", data=Dataset), I have the following error :
2000 Dec 29
Is this a bug? Having cex!=1 before setting par(mai=) gives strange line spacings.
width <- 7 height <- 5 # create whatever device type # and have cex=1 before setting par(mai=) windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="R") oldmai <- par("mai") par(cex=1) par(mai=oldmai) par(usr=c(0,2,0,2)) par(cex=2) par1 <- par() text(1,1,"there is hardly anything i know for sure\nneither of the future nor of the past\nnor should i know...
2012 Mar 15
Extending a group of S4 classes by setClassUnion ?
Hi, I would like to create some S4 classes as follows setClass("Father",representation(name="character")) setClass("Son1",contains="Father",representation(par="numeric")) setClass("Son2",contains="Father",representation(par="logical")) Son1<-new("Son1") Son1 at name<-"Son1" Son1 at par<-3 Son2<-new("Son2") Son2 at name<-"Son2" Son2 at par<-TRUE setGeneric...
2002 Nov 13
Wandering usr values in par(no.readonly=TRUE) (PR#2283)
>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Schwartz <> >>>>> on Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:01:49 -0600 writes: Marc> Marc Schwartz wrote: >> SNIP >> >> I am guessing that this may be the result of par("ylog") >> and par("xlog") being read only and perhaps impacting the >> restoration of the par("usr") values when the plotting >> device is still open, but that may be incorrect. Marc> In follow up to my own note from last evening...
2009 Aug 20
Understanding R code
What is 1. par.ests <- optimfit$par 2. fisher <- hessb(negloglik, par.ests, maxvalue=maxima); 3. varcov <- solve(fisher); 4. <- sqrt(diag(varcov)); Thanks a lot, fit.GEV <- function(maxima) { sigma0 <- sqrt((6. * var(maxima))/pi) mu0 <- mean(maxima) - 0.57722 * sigma0 xi0 <- 0.1...
2017 Jul 24
axis() after image.plot() does not work except if points() is inserted between
Thanks for the proposition. As you see bellow, par("usr") is the same before and after the points() (the full code is bellow): .... > par("usr") [1] -0.2500000 1.2500000 -0.1666667 1.1666667 > # if you remove this points() function, axis will show nothing. > > points(1.5, 1.5, type="p") > p2 <...
2005 Dec 03
How to catch value
Dear R users: I have a problem about catch the value from function. I have following two functions (part): fbolus1 <- function() {......... par<-data.frame(Parameter=c("kel","Vd"),Initial=c(0)) check(par) .....} check<-function(par) { if (par[ ,2] <= 0){ cat("\nEnter again (y/n) ?\n\n") ans<-readline() if (ans == "n" ){ return(tid...
2016 Mar 15
[FORGED] Different results based on the order of arguments to par
Paul, I was trying to make a minimal self contained example, but I guess I went too far on the minimizing. The original problem came from code more like: library(TeachingDemos) hist(rexp(1000), main='') abline( v=1, col='red') sp.par <- subplot(hist(rnorm(100), main=''), x='topright') op <- par(sp.par[c('usr', 'plt')]) abline(v=0, col='red') par(op) and so, plot.window, etc. are called as part of the sub plot (specifically by hist(rnorm(100))) and I am trying to go back a...