Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "ovary".
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2010 Feb 01
strings plots
...bout labels and coordinates) with number inputs like :
My problem appear when I want to create such plots with inputs composed by strings like:
for creating plots of the distributions of the different 'words'.
(e.g. bar named corpus that tell me how many time it is repeated, and so on).
I hope...
2007 Jan 30
lme : Error in y[revOrder] - Fitted : non-conformable arrays
...et, but I'm not sure where to begin
looking. I can run through the Pinheiro & Bates example on p.240 in a
simplified form, so I know that everything with my installation (R
v2.4.1; nlme v3.1-79; Windows XP) is working fine. However if I
construct a groupedData object similar in form to the Ovary example, I
will receive the same error, regardless of the model I specify. I can
plot the groupedData object and get a figure very similar to Fig. 5.10
in Pinheiro & Bates. I have provided summarized output with a very
simple lme() model, and the exact message. Any ideas on why the error
2000 Jul 31
NLME 3 (R version) again!
...instead of envir. So I changed these and still recieved and error telling me that envir was being misused. From what I could see the envir were being used in default mode so I simply removed them. Now when I run the code I get the following;
Loading required package: nls
> data(Ovary)
> fm1 <- gls(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), Ovary,
+ correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Mare))
> plot(fm1, resid(., type = "p") ~ fitted(.) | Mare, abline = 0)
(and a very blank graph screen).
Also if I run the follo...
2005 Nov 17
anova.gls from nlme on multiple arguments within a function fails
...ocate the second of the objects.
The following code, borrowed from the help page of anova.gls,
--------------- start example code ---------------
## stolen from example(anova.gls)
# AR(1) errors within each Mare
fm1 <- gls(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), Ovary,
correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Mare))
# variance changes with a power of the absolute fitted values?
fm2 <- update(fm1, weights = varPower())
anova(fm1, fm2)
## now define a little function
dummy <- function(obj)
anova(obj[[1]], obj[[2]])
2007 Mar 13
segfault with correlation structures in nlme
...functions with sampling effort
(measured in time units) as a distance measure. As a result I got
several segfault errors (which I don't know what they exactly mean =/).
I was wondering if it was an effect of the model or the data I used, but
I was able to reproduce the error messages using the Ovary data set and
the example in the Pinheiro & Bates book:
>fm10var.lme <- lme(follicles ~ sin(2 * pi * Time) +
cos(2 * pi * Time),data=Ovary,
>fm50var.lme <- update(fm10var.lme,c...
2003 Nov 18
mixed model for Splus and R
Hi there,
I try to compare the mixed model package "lme" by Splus and R. I used the
dataset "Ovary" and the following code assuming AR(1) model for the error term:
lme(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), data=Ovary, random =
pdDiag(~sin(2*pi*Time) ) , correlation=corAR1() )
But I got different results! And then I used a simpler model:
lme(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*T...
2004 Apr 22
lme correlation structure error
Hi there fellow R-users,
I am trying to follow an example of modelling a serial correlation structure
in the textbook "Mixed Effects Model in S and Splus".
However, I am getting some very odd results. Here is what I am trying to
### The example is fine up to here with all parameter estimates being
identical to that in the book.
#### The parameters of fm2 are different to that in the...
2000 Mar 07
Problems with nlme (PR#471)
...The end of nlme-Ex.Rout is:
> rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)); .Random.seed <- c(0,rep(7654,3))
> ###--- >>> `anova.gls' <<<----- Compare Likelihoods of Fitted Objects
> ## alias help(anova.gls)
> ##___ Examples ___:
> library(nlme)
> data(Ovary)
> # AR(1) errors within each Mare
> fm1 <- gls(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), Ovary,
+ correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Mare))
Warning message:
NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
> anova(fm1)
Denom. DF: 305
numDF F-value p-value
2004 Jul 30
lme: problems with corARMA
Trying following example from Pinheiro and Bates in order to fit an
ARMA(1,1) model:
I get follwing error message:
Error in "coef<-.corARMA"(`*tmp*`, value = c(62.3428455941166,
62.3428517930051 :
2008 Jun 11
ARMA random effects?
Hi, All:
Is there a way to get random effects for ARMA parameters?
Consider the following example from the 'corARMA' help page:
fm1Ovar.lme <- lme(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time),
data = Ovary, random = pdDiag(~sin(2*pi*Time)))
fm5Ovar.lme <- update(fm1Ovar.lme,
corr = corARMA(p = 1, q = 1))
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: Ovary
Log-restricted-likelihood: -771.9471
Fixed: follicles ~ sin(2 * pi * Time) + cos(2 * pi * Time)
2006 Nov 06
question about function "gls" in library "nlme"
The gls function I used in my code is the following
fm<-gls(y~x,correlation=corARMA(p=2) )
My question is how to extact the AR(2) parameters from "fm".
The object "fm" is the following. How can I extract the correlation parameters
Phi1 and Phi2 from "fm"? These two parametrs is not in the "coef" componenet of "fm".
Thanks a
2006 Jan 05
Problem with nlme version 3.1-68
...on. I refitted the
model, and the same error message appeared. I then refitted the model with
option corr = corARMA(p=1), then no problem; but for p = 2, or q = 1 or 2,
then the error occurred. When I listed the same fitted nlme objects under R
2.1.1 with nlme 3.1-65, then no problem.
I fitted the Ovary data (Pinheiro and Bates 2000, p.397) using the script
provided in nlme package
fm3Ovar.nlme <- update(fm1Ovar.nlme, correlation = corARMA(p=0, q=2)), and
tried to list the result. The same error occurred. I tried it out on several
of PCs (WINXP SP-2, R 2.2.1, nlme 3.1-68) and the same situatio...
2004 Jan 21
intervals in lme() and ill-defined models
...test.2 2 7 135.1308 145.3909 -60.56539 1 vs 2 0 1
HOWEVER, for the example in chapter 5.3 of the book in which an
autoregressive structure is used for the within group errors, I get the
following error:
> test <-
> test.ar1 <-
> intervals(test.ar1)
Error in intervals.lme(test.ar1) : Cannot get confidence intervals on
var-cov components: Non-positive definite...
2013 Apr 23
Needed: Beta Testers and Summer Camp Students
I'm teaching linear regression this semester and that means I write
more functions for my regression support package "rockchalk". I'm at
a point now were some fresh eyes would help, so if you are a student
in a course on regression, please consider looking over my package
overview document here:
That tells how you can grab
2004 Dec 19
PBIB datataset
I'm looking at Pinheiro & Bates "Mixed-Effects Models in
S and S-PLUS" at the moment. Several datasets are used,
one of which is called "PBIB" (a partially balanced
incomplete block design).
All the other datasets can be found somewhere or other in R.
However, I cannot locate PBIB, and it does not seem to
be mentioned in the latest edition of the R Full Reference
2007 Dec 28
two plots on the same page
I'd like to know why I cannot get a plot and the QQnorm in the same sheet.
The commands are simple but:
glmod1 <- gls(upfmla,correlation=corAR1(),method="ML")
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(glmod1, main="GLS Residuals vs. GLS Fitted")
No matter what (I tried different permutations of the plotting commands) the
second drawing
2006 Aug 31
Tables with Graphical Representations
Hi useRs -
I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me where to find R-code
to do mixes of tables and graphics. I am thinking of something
similar to this:
or like the excel routines people are demonstrating:
My aim is to provide small graphics to illustrate
2008 Aug 16
ANCOVA: Next steps??
Having spent the last few weeks trying to decipher R, I feel I may finally be getting somewhere, but i'M still in need of some advice and all my tutors seem to be on holiday!
Basically a bit of background, I have data collected on a population of Lizards which includes age,sex, and body condition. I collected data myself this year and I have data previously collected from 1999, 2002 and
2012 Jul 01
Regresión lineal múltiple: modelo polinómico de grado 3 superpuesto a componentes cosenoidales
Tengo un modelo de regresión lineal en el cual las componentes son cosenoidales, y lo construyo del siguiente modo:
modelo = "y ~ I(t) + I(t^2) + I(t^3) + x1[, 1] + x2[, 1]"
x1[, 1] = cos(2 * pi * t / periods[1])
x2[, 1] = sin(2 * pi * t / periods[1])
for (i in 2:nComp) {
x1[, i] = cos(2 * pi * t / periods[i])
x2[, i] = sin(2 * pi * t / periods[i])
modelo =
2012 May 02
Consulta gráfica
Por favor, ¿podríais indicarme qué recursos (librerías o ideas) pueden resultar de utilidad para crear un gráfico del estilo del de la figura 3.8 del siguiente link?
Actualmente estoy utilizando funciones muy básicas y la verdad es que no me encuentro muy satisfecha con el resultado.
Muchas gracias.
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