Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "organizac".
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1997 Aug 04
I have finally managed to compile and install samba 1.9.7alpha5 with
des, shadow passwords and PAM.
I have a new problem now.
my 95 clients when set to user level access control and try sharing
something give this error.
"You cannot view a list of users at this time. Please try again later."
I belive this is because the rights on the file smbpasswd [the file
containing the passwords]
2014 Feb 05
100% přírodní složky
...na milov?n?.
Odkud poch?z? ?
byl vyvinut na z?klad? v?zkumu prov?d?n?ho
na New York Men?s Clinic. Tato slavn? klinika,
kter? v?decky zkoum? zdrav? mu??
uskute?nila ?adu souvisej?c?ch speci?ln?ch
v?zkum?, a vyvinula mnoho velice ?sp??n?ch
intimn?ch pom?cek.
je posledn?m produktem vyvinut?m touto
Vyu??v? nejnov?j?? objevy v oblasti
pohlavn?ch pud? k vytvo?en? sm?si bylinn?ch
extrakt? poskytuj?c?mu del??, siln?j?? a
del?? stopo?en?.
V?m, ?e se t??ko hovo?? o intimn?ch
probl?mech mu??, ale v???m tomu, ?e ka?d?
tou?? po BEZPE?N?M zp?sobu dosa?en? sv?ch
c?l?. Necht?l byste toho tak? dos?hnou...