Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "ocsng".
2008 Feb 06
Trouble Ticket System
Last year, I tried to installed and evaluate the following OSS web base trouble ticketing system. This is for me to track history on our IT related issues. Those that I tried are the PHP Ticket, DanPHPSupport, Epix Power Support, ruQueue, Ticket Express, OTRS, PMOS Help Desk and eTicket. From those, PMOS and eTicket are my top picks. I have problem installing OTRS the last time, so I am
2008 Jul 11
OT: open source inventory system with invoicing and serial no tracking
Dear All,
Sorry, cause this is OT.
I am asking this for my client, they hope to find a simple open source
web base software with invoicing and serial no tracking, preferably if
can generate continuous serial no by its own.
Thanks in advance.
2007 Aug 30
Templates and Ruby
I am using a template to create an /etc/exports file. I have a template
that looks like this (but results in the puppetmasterd dying on the
server when the client updates):
<% nfsHomeClients.split.each do |host| -%>
/nfs <%= host %>(<%= mainshareoptions %>)
<% nfspaths.each do |path| -%>
<%= path %> <%= host %>(<%= nfsoptions %>)
<% end