Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "nyggus".
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2008 Feb 03
Drawing a loess line
Dear all,
To draw a lowess line on a plot was a piece of cake; to draw a loess
line, however, seems not that easy. Is the loess plotting implemented
at all in relation to the loess function, or do I have to look in
add-on packages?
2008 Feb 15
Controling width of boxes in boxplots
I want to add boxplots to a scatterplot:
plot(x,y, xlim=c(80,120),ylim=c(80,120))
How can I control the width of the boxes (say, I'd like them to be of
width 3 in the variables' scales). I've tried the "width" parameter
but failed.
Thanks in advance,
2007 Dec 06
Vertical text in a plot
Consider this simple plot:
> plot(1:25,runif(25,0,1),ylab="First Y-axis label",xaxt="n")
I want to add an additional axis as
> axis(4,at=seq(0.2,1,.2), labels=1:5)
I have no idea how to add now the title of the new axis as "Second
Y-axis label". I want this text to be vertically directed from bottom
to top. I can't find the function in text() to write
2008 Apr 11
EM algorithm for multiple-locus haplotypes frequencies
Hi all,
I've been looking in R for an EM algorithm adjusted for multiple-locus
haplotypes frequencies, but failed in 100%. Has anyone heard of
anything of this kind in R?
Thanks in advance,
2009 Jan 17
Dendrogram with the UPGMA method
I am clustering objects using the agnes() function and the UPGMA
clustering method (function = "average"). Everything works well, but
apparently something is wrong with the dendrogram. For example:
2010 Feb 25
Updating a hexbinplot
Dear all,
Considering this simple example of hexbinplot:
mixdata <-
data.frame(x = c(rnorm(5000), rnorm(5000,4,1.5)),
y = c(rnorm(5000), rnorm(5000,2,3)),
a = gl(2, 5000))
fig <- hexbinplot(y ~ x | a, mixdata)
update(fig, colramp = BTC)
produces a bad (non-updated) legend. Compare it with:
hexbinplot(y ~ x | a, mixdata, colramp = BTC)
2010 Oct 15
nomianl response model
...c. And always I get just one scatterplot showing
up on the device at a time, and occupying the whole thing.
--Chris Ryan
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Binghamton Clinical Campus
Message: 130
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 07:11:22 +0200
From: Marcin Kozak <nyggus at gmail.com>
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] The width argument of stem()
<AANLkTimTKQOMEkru7gB=fkHE1OzuPJM9ZdM3PQjfQk3p at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Dear all,
The help page of stem() says that the width argument gives the desired
2007 Oct 02
Printing to jpeg (dev.print)
This may be an easy question, but let me ask it. When writing a plot
to a jpeg file:
> plot(runif(30))
> dev.print(file="test.jpeg", device=jpeg, width=600)
the plot I receive has gray background, the result on no account I
want to receive. The same situation occurs when printing to a bmp
file. But when printing a pdf file, the background is white as it
should be. What
2008 Jun 02
Italics in plot main title
I am drawing several plots and want to have italics in a main title;
this is easy with expression(). However, I want also to add a value to
it, say n_i, that depends on an ith plot. For this I am using paste().
An example: n_i = 10, 20, 30; I want to draw a plot for each i with
the title: "Relative efficiency for sample size n = n_i", where n
should be in italics, and of course n_i
2008 Jun 14
Book on R graphics
Hi all,
I am looking for a book from which one could learn a wide range of
graphics in R, from the very beginning topics to those advanced
(though not necessarily concerned with a particular method or topic).
I don't look for a list of such books since this is on R's web page, I
am rather interested in your opinion on these books - which you would
recommend. The quality of writing and
2008 Jun 26
Point size problem
Hi all,
I have a simple question and couldn't find any post on this. When
plotting simple scatterplots (other plots as well), e.g.,
x<-rnorm(30, 10, 1)
y<-rnorm(30, 10, 1)
plot(x, y, pch = 15, cex = 1),
the points, even those close to each other, may have visibly different
sizes. Do you know what's going on with that?
Thanks in advance,
2010 Jan 28
Setting base level for contrasts with lme
Hi all,
lm(Yield ~ Block + C(Variety, base = 2), Alfalfa)
i <- 2; lm(Yield ~ Block + C(Variety, base = i), Alfalfa)
lme(Yield ~ C(Variety, base = 2), Alfalfa, random=~1|Block)
which is fine, does not equal
i <- 2; lme(Yield ~ C(Variety, base = i), Alfalfa, random=~1|Block)
after which I get the message
"Error in model.frame.default(formula = ~Yield + Variety +
2010 Dec 13
Plot's aspect ratio and pty
Dear All,
I've been playing with pty, and it seems it does not produce square
plots as it is expected to (or at least as I expect it to). Consider
this simple example:
par(pty="s"); plot(1:10, 1:10)
This should produce a square plot, right? Well, if you have a look at
the graph, it is not square! So, maybe the limits?
par(pty="s"); plot(1:10, 1:10, xlim = c(0,11),
2008 Sep 04
A ternary graph's scales
Hi all,
I am drawing a ternary graph. Everything is fine with both ternaryplot
(package vcd) and triangle.plot (package ade4), but I want to present
scales in neither percents nor from 0 to 1 (this is actually the only
option I found in both functions). I want the scales to be in a
natural scale (from 0 to k, k being the number of objects). Is it at
all possible? (Descriptions of both functions
2008 Feb 22
Drawing several pictures on a plot
I want to draw several pictures on one plot and do as follows:
op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), pty = "s")
What I need now is to set the size of the pictures within this plot
since there is too much free space among the pictures, making the plot
look not that pretty. How can I do