search for: null_object

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "null_object".

2007 Dec 05
Does mock_model''s :null_object option work?
...ave the time to refactor nicely right now. I''m just trying to get past the untested/un-speced cruft quickly to write the spec for my new code, so I''m looking for expediency over prettiness. I''m specifying before( :each ) do @order_address = mock_model( OrderAddress, :null_object => TRUE ) end but finding that unstubbed/unmocked method calls on @order_address still throw error messages like: Mock ''OrderAddress_1026'' received unexpected message :first_name with (no args) so I''m starting to wonder whether the :null_object option is doing anyth...
2010 May 27
Given that RSpec has the following methods to create test doubles ... double(:my_test_double) mock(:my_mock_object) stub(:my_stub) Is there a way to/ plans to introduce a similar syntax for null objects? null_object(:my_null_object) Instead of mock(:bar, :is_null_object => true) or mock(:foo).as_null_object I think this would be cleaner, what do you think?
2008 Nov 03
stub! and null_object @user.stub!(:record_action) and that would return a null object that didn''t care what we did to it. However, possibly due to my own ignorance, I''m having to do something a lot more ugly, like this: @user.stub!(:record_action).and_return(mock(''blah'',:null_object => true)) Can anyone beautify this a bit more? cheers, Matt
2007 Aug 14
Stubbing all methods
Mocha''s mock/stub framework has the ability to stub all methods on a mock given. Does RSpec''s mocking framework have this ability? And if not, is there some reason it shouldn''t be implemeneted? Regards, Scott
2006 Jul 24
Mocking causes empty specification blocks
I''ve found myself mocking out a published api in my set-up method. This has led to some contexts having a large set-up and empty specifications. As the mocks get auto-verified, the specification blocks have nothing to do but serve as documentation. Does this sound bad? Chris
2008 Jun 04
Mock with an attributes that has state helper function should do is increment the quantity of the merged OrderItems. Below @order_item1 and @order_item4 would be merged into one item with a quantity of 2. Here are my OrderItems mocks: @order_item1 = mock_model(OrderItem, :valid? => true, :product_id => 1, :cost => 1, :null_object => true) @order_item2 = mock_model(OrderItem, :valid? => true, :product_id => 1, :cost => 2, :null_object => true) @order_item3 = mock_model(OrderItem, :valid? => true, :product_id => 2, :cost => 1, :null_object => true) @order_item4 = mock_model(OrderItem,...
2007 Jan 30
nil object in mocks
...when passing mock objects into rich views. Either I have to obscure my specs by stubbing every method the view would call on my object, or I have to resort to trickery like stubbing ActionController#render, which is also less than ideal. The solution I''ve some up with is a variant on the :null_object option that can be passed to the mock factory. Null objects return themselves from any unstubbed method call. The option I''ve added changes that return value to nil, which doesn''t play so well with method chaining, but does work nicely in most views. The question for you all is:...
2008 May 26
Mocking Models in Controller Specs...
I find myself doing this kind of thing a lot in Controller Specs: @vacancy = mock_model(Vacancy) @vacancy.stub!(:reference) @vacancy.stub!(:title) @vacancy.stub!(:created_at) @vacancy.stub!(:updated_at) @vacancy.stub!(:body) @vacancy.stub!(:contract) @vacancy.stub!(:location) @vacancy.stub!(:salary) @vacancy.stub!(:benefits)
2008 Jul 25
Problems with mock assigned to a constant
Hi all, Initially I thought this was a bug in the built-in mocking framework(and it still may be), but I better hash it out on the mailing list before I file/reopen the ticket: I thought my example illustrated my problem, but obviously I was passing the wrong arguments to the mock. I revised my example to
2007 May 08
help with rspec''ing controller
...w).with(:params).and_return(@product) post ''create'', :product => :params end end describe "Create with a valid product and authenticated user with everything in setup" do controller_name :product setup do @product= mock(:product, :null_object => true) Product.stub!(:new).and_return(@product) @product.should_receive(:save!).and_return(true) #mock_user_authentication(true) post :create, :product => {''name'' => ''a new product'', ''description'...
2007 Nov 28
Newbie question
I installed Rspec and am getting the following failure: $ sudo gem install rspec Successfully installed rspec-1.0.8 Installing ri documentation for rspec-1.0.8... Installing RDoc documentation for rspec-1.0.8... $ spec -v RSpec-1.0.8 (r2338) - BDD for Ruby $ cat acct.rb describe Account, " when first created" do it "should have a balance of $0"
2007 Feb 07
Mocking ActiveResource
I want to use ActiveResource in my app. Instead of hitting server though, I want it to load from a file when I call find. Any clue how I do that? Pat
2007 Oct 31
Am I missing something with Heckle?
Hi I can''t get heckle working. In fact, I''ve built an example so simple that it either shows a bug, or I am being really, REALLY stupid. Heckle does not appear to support RSpec directly, so I''m trying to use spec --heckle (RSpec trunk as of 10 mins ago, Heckle 1.4.1). I''ve constructed this pair of sample files: 18> ~/Desktop/heckle_test % cat
2007 Jun 24
mocking errors
What is the correct way to mock out the errors on a Rails model? I''m assuming i need to say @mock_thing = mock_model(Thing) @mock_thing_errors = mock("errors") @mock_thing_errors.should_receive(:full_messages).and_return("An error") @mock_thing.should_receive(:errors).and_return(@mock_thing_errors) Just wanted to check the best practice on this kind of thing and how
2006 Jul 24
Creating a ''default'' mock
Am I correct in thinking that it''s not currently possible to have a method that creates a ''standard'' mock (i.e. a mock that has defaults useful in all contexts)? I''ve tried with the mock method and also by manually creating new Mock instances. I get failures when setting up expectations (undefined method ''receive'' for proc). Chris
2007 Nov 20
confirming that a model instance was correctly created from POST params
...end I am adding to the OrderAddress model the concept of whether an address is a business address (as opposed to a home/residential address): describe OrderHelper do it ''should record the fact that the address is a business address'' do 1 order = mock_model( Order, :null_object => TRUE ) 2 order.stub!( :valid? ).and_return( TRUE ) 3 Order.stub!( :new ).and_return( order ) 4 order.stub!( :order_number= ) 5 order.stub!( :save! ) 6 7 params[:order_user] = 8 params[:order_user][:email_address] = ...
2008 Sep 24
How to define request.domain in when testing
Hi, My application relies on request.domain for doing its job. The problem I am encountering, is that when running tests, request.domain returns "", how can I change that so that it returns ""? Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2008 Jun 28
Stopping example execution?
Hello, I''m wondering If I am missing something here when creating an example that sets an expecation at the top or beginning of an action but requires you to stub / mock everything that follows. Example: I want to test that a certain controller is running a before_filter...thats easy: - controller.should_receive(:require_user) - do_get But now i''ve got to mock / stub