search for: nouvelles

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 85 matches for "nouvelles".

2006 Jun 28
Nouvelle Appli Rails (made in france ?) redMine
Salut, redMine is a project management web application: issues tracking, news, documents and files management. Written using Ruby on Rails framework Complet, Joli! et code tr?s propre, merci ? Jean-Phillipe Lang. Et en particulier pour son helper pour faire des tris dans des affichages pagin?s. J''en abandonnerai presque Mantis..
2003 Jun 12
Problème en R
Bonjour, Je suis ?tudiant stagiaire ? Paris et je rencontre quelques difficult?s en programmation R. J'ai une data frame compos?e de 4 colonnes et 250 lignes et dont chaque ligne est une famille. J'ai fait un tirage al?atoire avec remise des familles 250 fois ce qui m'am?ne ? une nouvelle dataframe. A cette nouvelle dataframe, j'applique un programme qui calcule 2 param?tre X1
2014 Jan 13
apache - upload files bigger than 2Go
...ore printing ! Ce message et toutes ses pi?ces jointes sont confidentiels et ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute utilisation non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. IFP Energies nouvelles d?cline toute responsabilit? au titre de ce message. This message and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the addressees. Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited. IFP Energies nouvelles should not be liable for this message. __________________________
2017 Sep 19
KVM SSL with wget
...ore printing ! Ce message et toutes ses pi?ces jointes sont confidentiels et ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute utilisation non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. IFP Energies nouvelles d?cline toute responsabilit? au titre de ce message. This message and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the addressees. Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited. IFP Energies nouvelles should not be liable for this message. __________________________
2005 Jun 26
(sans objet)
Ma premi??re question: puis-je ??crire en fran??ais, mon anglais est pire que pire. J'essaie en fran??ais; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction! Je sduis d??butant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine. Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple: J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle "eurostat" qui me donne des statistiques
2006 May 04
R pour débutant
Bonjour, Je suis actuellement doctorant (en fin de th?se) et je vais avoir besoin de me servir de R. Devant apprendre R tout seul, je suis tomb? sur un mail de vous disant que vous aviez r?aliser un tutorial sur ce logiciel pour des 100% d?butant comme moi J'aurai essentiellement ? utiliser des algo de clustering (SOM ou Nu?e dyna) sur des matrices pouvant faire 41x230 Cependant je
2011 Mar 18
Replace NIS by Active Directory
...eware solution. (kerberos ? openldap ? pam ? ...) Does someone has already successfully replace NIS by Ad authentification with freeware solution ? Regards. __________________________ Notre adresse de messagerie ?volue pour plus de simplicit? vers : prenom.nom at La racine reste n?anmoins active. Our e-mail address is changing to firstname.surname at Nevertheless, messages sent to the domain will still be delivered. Ce message (et toutes ses pi?ces jointes ?ventuelles) est confidentiel et ?tabli ? l'intention exclusive d...
2006 Dec 12
Re : Re : implementation of t.test
Excuses I have a mistake in previous mail Type stats:::t.test.defaultThe formal way is to use getAnywhere(t.test) Justin BEM Elève Ingénieur Statisticien Economiste BP 294 Yaoundé. Tél (00237)9597295. ----- Message d'origine ---- De : justin bem <> À : Weiwei Shi <> Cc : Envoyé le : Mardi, 12 Décembre 2006,
2011 Sep 18
I am running squid + sarg, how can I change the ip-address in the generated report into username? The users are free to surf the web anonymously, no need to provide a login or any authentication to the proxy. Thanks
2007 Apr 18
smbclient tar function : no password asked ?
Hello, We're using samba 3.0.24 on a Linux box, to access and backup some XP boxes. smbclient access is okay, but there is something quite weird with the tar subfunction ----- $ smbclient //xpbox/Documents -U someuser -d 2 -Tc /tmp/tarfile . added interface bcast= nmask= session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE ----- Smbclient does NOT ask us
2013 Jan 09
Cloud freeware suggestion
...ore printing ! Ce message et toutes ses pi?ces jointes sont confidentiels et ?tablis ? l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute utilisation non conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. IFP Energies nouvelles d?cline toute responsabilit? au titre de ce message. This message and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the addressees. Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited. IFP Energies nouvelles should not be liable for this message. __________________________
2007 May 09
swfdec export into avi
Hi I'd like to you know if this is possible to do this with swfdec, or even to know if one day, it will be possible I have a swf player that grabs some piece of sprites, music and move all this in some kind of a cartoon Is it possible with swfdec to record this cartoon into an avi file ? Thanks Enzo ___________________________________________________________________________
2007 Mar 01
Fit Student Copula
Hello everybody, I have a big problem that I do not manage to solve ! I will be very grateful if you can solve this ! I want to fit a t Copula with the copula package : > student.cop <- ellipCopula("t", param = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7), dim = 3, dispstr = "un",df=5) > x<-rcopula(student.cop,1000) > fit <- fitCopula(x, student.cop, c(0.5,0.5,0.5,5)) And there is an
2012 May 22
Limit max number of e-mails sent per hour
Hello list I use sendmail-8.14.4-8.el6.x86_64 and I wonder how to restrict the number of emails sendmail sent over an hour. Is the define(`confMAX_QUEUE_RUN_SIZE', `200') command what I'm looking for? Thank you in advance. Nikos
2007 Aug 24
MYSQL problem and configuration
Hello,I am new to asterisk but i have vbeen scriptinh PHP SQL and webLanguages for a long time.I can Give you a solution but using php AGI:extensions.con-----> AGI(connect.agi);/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/connect.agi :#!/usr/bin/php -q<?phpset_time_limit(0);ob_implicit_flush();error_reporting(0);//Initialisation des entr?e-sortiefunction init() {#create file handles if
2011 Jun 27
No USB 3.0 and audio sound with CentOS 5.6
...2 Micro, Inc. Device 8330 (rev 05) [root at localhost ~]# Did someone know what to do for sound and for this 2 USB 3.0 connectors ? Regards. __________________________ Notre adresse de messagerie ?volue pour plus de simplicit? vers : prenom.nom at La racine reste n?anmoins active. Our e-mail address is changing to firstname.surname at Nevertheless, messages sent to the domain will still be delivered. Ce message (et toutes ses pi?ces jointes ?ventuelles) est confidentiel et ?tabli ? l'intention exclusive d...
2006 Dec 24
Copying my system to another drive
Hi, I'm trying to copy my CentOS install to a new drive. - old drive is /dev/hda and had hda1 : /boot hda2 : swap hda3 lvm hda5 : lvm hda4 : /usr/local - new drive is /dev/hdb hdb1 : /boot hdb2 : swap hdb3 : / I decided to get rid of lvm which is useless to me. I've created and formated the new partitions and copied anything from the old drive to the new one
2014 Mar 16
More than 150 MB / second encoding ?
Hello, Is there some version of FLAC that allows very very fast encoding (i.e. able to process at least 150 MB / second of .wav input data on a standard computer : laptop computer, Core i5/i7, Windows 7 64 bit, 8 GB RAM) ? (It's ok to have a compression ratio which is a little bit lower than traditionnal FLAC) I'm looking for something which is between FLAC (very good ratio, slower than
2007 Feb 27
Deployement options
After reading the digital shortcut and the documentation on the web site I''m confused. Which one should I use? pen, balance or nginx ? I don''t want to use a behemoth like appache and ssl is not needed so it reduces my choice to those three only.... What are the pros and cons of each? I don''t have much money, so the less ressources I use the better it is for me.... As
2014 Mar 17
More than 150 MB / second encoding + "nanozip"
Thanks for the info. I will look at . In the meantime I discovered "nanozip" : On, the result is amazing : 100 MB compressed in ... 0.44 sec ! with compressed size = 60% of the original size ! i.e. ratio = similar to FLAC, and very very fast... nanozip 0.09a -m.5g -cf ***** 63 710