search for: noia

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "noia".

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2008 Aug 01
New package: noia
Hi the list, A new version (0.92) of my package 'noia' will be available soon on CRAN mirrors, and I think it might be a good opportunity to introduce it shortly to the R community. In summary: 'noia' will be of absolutely no interest for 99.99% of you. The 0.01% remaining are quantitative geneticists who are interested in measuring t...
2008 Aug 01
New package: noia
Hi the list, A new version (0.92) of my package 'noia' will be available soon on CRAN mirrors, and I think it might be a good opportunity to introduce it shortly to the R community. In summary: 'noia' will be of absolutely no interest for 99.99% of you. The 0.01% remaining are quantitative geneticists who are interested in measuring t...
2012 Aug 22
strange behaviour when sourcing inside function
Dear R community, I encounter a problem that is counterintuitive to my understanding of the documentation of source and the "local" argument of that function. With the following code, I would expect the content of "test.R" to be evaluated inside the environment of the function "test". This, however, does not seem to be the case as the object "a" can
2012 Aug 22
Plot label axis with expression
Hi all, I need help with axis in plot. I want to edit y axis label of my plot. My data is like: x <- c(100,50,10,1,0.1,0.05,0.001) plot(log(x)) axTicks(2) # Label of y axis [1] -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 I'd like that y axis label was like: e^-6, e^-4, etc. (with text "e" superscript -6, -4, etc.) I try to use expression(), but don't work. plot(log(x), yaxt="n")
2012 Aug 24
Regular expressions: stuck again...
Hi, I'm currently reworking a report, originating from a MS Access database, but should be implemented in R. Now I'm facing the task to convert a lot of queries to postgreSQL. What I want to do is make a function which takes the MS Access query as an argument and returns the pgSQL version. So: SELECT [public_tblFiche].[Fichenr], [public_tblArtnr].[Artnr] FROM [public_tblFiche],
2012 Aug 24
RJSONIO/rjson maximum depth?
Hi All, has anyone run into maximum depth of nested JSON arrays in either rjson or RJSONIO ? I seem to be able to get up to 10 depth levels without problem, but crossing over to 11 either causes an error or fails to load the nodes properly. with RJSONIO I tried: a = fromJSON('data/myJSON.json', depth=1000) but I still get this error: Error in fromJSON(content, handler, default.size,
2012 Aug 25
sourcecode for the balloonplot function from the gplots package
Hi, I want to take a look at the sourcecode for balloonplot. I would appreciate it if I could get help on overcoming the following problem : > methods(balloonplot) [1] balloonplot.default* balloonplot.table* ? ? ?Non-visible functions are asterisked > balloonplot.default Error: object 'balloonplot.default' not found > How do I access the non-visible functions? Thanks, Ravi??
2012 Aug 21
Entering a table
I'm trying to enter a frequency table manually so that I can run a goodness of fit test (I only have the frequencies, I don't have the raw data). So for example, let's say I want to re-create the HorseKicks table: library(vcd) data(HorseKicks) str(HorseKicks) 'table' int [1:5(1d)] 109 65 22 3 1 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1 ..$ nDeaths: chr [1:5]
2012 Aug 21
Regular Expressions in grep
Dear r-help members, I have a number in the form of a string, say: a<-"-01020.909200" I'd like to extract "1020." as well as ".9092" Front<-grep(pattern="[1-9]+[0-9]*\\.", value=TRUE, x=a, fixed=FALSE) End<-grep(pattern="\\.[0-9]*[1-9]+", value=TRUE, x=a, fixed=FALSE) However, both strings give "-01020.909200", exactly
2012 Aug 28
return first index for each unique value in a vector
I would like to efficiently find the first index of each unique value in a very large vector. For example, if I have a vector A<-c(9,2,9,5) I would like to return not only the unique values (2,5,9) but also their first indices (2,4,1). I tried using a for loop with which(A==unique(A)[i])[1] to find the first index of each unique value but it is very slow. What I am trying to do is easily
2012 Aug 17
Error: level sets of factors are different?
Why the error is coming? even though the length of$compkey and$armkey were exactly same. Can anyone help? setwd("D:/AZ") library("RODBC") cdb_cnct <- odbcConnectExcel("AZIF_DC_GVK_NSCLC_MSALL_287papers_02072012_141450_v1_4.xls") outcomes <- sqlFetch(cdb_cnct, "Outcomes_info") odbcClose(cdb_cnct) rm(cdb_cnct)
2012 Aug 20
relating data in two data frames
Hi, My data.frame "A" has FID like this FID a a b b b c c d d d d Now my second data.frame "B" has age value for a, b, c, d like FID Age a      5 b      7 c      9 d      3 How can search for the Age column in "B" and replace the values in "A" so that my new "A" looks like this FID Age a      5 a      5 b      7 b      7 b      7
2012 Aug 24
updating elements of a vector sequentially - is there a faster way?
I would like to know whether there is a faster way to do the below operation (updating vec1). My objective is to update the elements of a vector (vec1), where a particular element i is dependent on the previous one. I need to do this on vectors that are 1 million or longer and need to repeat that process several hundred times. The for loop works but is slow. If there is a faster way, please let
2010 Mar 14
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
....3), MAc (1.0.5), MAc (1.0.6), MAd (0.2), mboost (2.0-3), mc2d (0.1-7), mclust (3.4.3), MCMCglmm (2.03), mhsmm (0.3.2), mixAK (0.8), MKmisc (0.6.1), monomvn (1.8-1), MplusAutomation (0.2-2), MplusAutomation (0.2-3), multcomp (1.1-6), mvpart (1.3-1), ncvreg (2.0), neuralnet (1.3), nlstools (0.0-10), noia (0.94), nor1mix (1.1-2), party (0.9-9993), pcaPP (1.8), penalized (0.9-30), pgirmess (1.4.4), phyclust (0.1-5), picante (1.0-1), plotrix (2.8-3), plsdof (0.2-0), pmg (0.9-42), portfolio (0.4-5), portfolioSim (0.2-6), prefmod (0.8-19), PropCIs (0.1-5), PwrGSD (1.16), pyramid (1.2), qpcR (1.2-6), QRM...
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * disclapmix (0.1) Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen License: GPL-2 disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace distributions using the EM algorithm. * EstSimPDMP (1.1) Maintainer: Unknown Author(s):
2010 Jul 18
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
...b (1.8-4), multtest (2.4.0), mutatr (0.1.2), mvabund (0.1-10), mvbutils (2.5.1), mvtnorm (0.9-92), nanop (1.0-1), ncdf (1.6.1), ncvreg (2.1), NetCluster (0.2), NetData (0.2), networksis (1.4), nFactors (2.3.2), nFDR (0.0-1), nleqslv (1.6.1), nltm (1.4.1), NMF (0.4.8), nnls (1.3), nodeHarvest (0.5), noia (0.94.1), norm (1.0-9.2), np (0.40-1), nsRFA (0.7-0), nutshell (1.01), nws (, OAIHarvester (0.1-0), oc (0.07), odfWeave (0.7.14), openintro (1.1), openNLP (0.0-8), operators (0.1-6), ordinal (2010.06-12), orloca (3.2), (3.2), oro.dicom (0.2.6), oro.nifti (0.2.0), ouch (2.6-2), pal...