search for: node15

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "node15".

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2015 May 18
tinc stopped working after restart
...and a reboot of the server, but no effect. I've been trying to keep all nodes at same version (1.1Pre10) but not all of them are. Node1 is Pre10 Node 14,15 and 16 is at 1.1Pre11 IP1 through IP15 is substituted IP addresses logentrys "log 5" in Node1 (1.1pre10 )(star node) regarding Node15 (1.1pre11): Connection from IP15 port 57815 Sending ID to <unknown> (IP15 port 57815): 0 Node1 17.3 Sending 11 bytes of metadata to <unknown> (IP15 port 57815) Got ID from <unknown> (IP15 port 57815): 0 Node15 17.1 o2i_ECPublicKey failed: error:10067066:elliptic curve routines:ec_...
2009 May 31
Storage problem latest build
...#39;/usr/share/ovirt-server/task-omatic/taskomatic.rb:846:in `loop'/usr/share/ovirt-server/task-omatic/taskomatic.rb:846:in `mainloop'/usr/share/ovirt-server/task-omatic/taskomatic.rb:946 INFO Sun May 31 10:30:37 +0200 2009 (28807) done and on the node in /var/log/messages May 31 08:27:01 node15 libvirtd: 08:27:01.410: error : internal error storage pool is not active May 31 08:27:01 node15 libvirtd: 08:27:01.455: error : invalid storage pool pointer in no storage pool with matching uuid May 31 08:27:01 node15 libvirt-qpid: Error: PoolWrap: Unable to get info of storage pool Subsystem stor...
2012 Jul 19
duplicate domain ids!?
...running 12 node11 running 13 node12 running 14 node13 running 15 node14 running 15 node14 running 16 node16 running node15 is up and running, can ssh into it. virt manager only lists 15 guests (ie, doesn't show the duplicate domid) # virsh domid node14 15 # virsh domid node15 15 Doesn't *seem* to be causing a problem (other than above virsh/virt-manager issues), but this shouldn't happen right? Any po...
2004 Oct 11
Odd error
I have Ssh setup for passwordless execution of the rsync command via sudo. (command="sudo /usr/local/bin/rsync...") which for the most part works fine. However, somewhere along the line things aren't running as the right uid/gid. I get Oct 11 13:15:40 node15 sudo: back-op : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/home/back-op ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/rsync --server --daemon . Oct 11 13:15:40 node15 rsyncd[85934]: rsync: forward name lookup for failed: hostname nor servname provided, or not known Oct 11 13:15:41 node15 rsyncd[8...
2014 Jul 31
Access denied when accessing via hostname
Hi I'm using Samba 3.6.3 on ubuntu 12.04 as a domain member with AD on Win Server 2012. My hare is configured like this: valid users = @"EVSOFFICE.LOCAL+dangroup" When I try to connect to a share via IP from Win7 (part of the domain) it succeeds but when use host name \\node15 I can see shares but double-click on share shows AccessDenied. I'm trying to connect as EVSOFFICE.LOCAL\danclone which is part of DanGroup. When I specify valid users as EVSOFFICE.LOCAL+danclone or @"EVSOFFICE.LOCAL+Domain Users" I can connect successfully. But I want to specify mor...
2018 Apr 10
glusterfs disperse volume input output error
...Status: Started Snapshot Count: 0 Number of Bricks: 1 x (13 + 2) = 15 Transport-type: tcp Bricks: Brick1: glfs-node11.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick2: glfs-node12.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick3: glfs-node13.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick4: glfs-node14.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick5: glfs-node15.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick6: glfs-node16.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick7: glfs-node17.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick8: glfs-node18.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick9: glfs-node19.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick10: glfs-node20.local:/data1/bricks/brick1 Brick11: glfs-node21.local:/data1/br...
2004 Aug 04
File-system Troubles
I'm running Samba 3.0.5 on FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8 and I'm having some oddities with an smb share. Observe: /:mount_smbfs //user_name@NODE15/ftp /mnt Password: /:cd mnt/incoming/ /mnt/incoming:ls -l /mnt/incoming:touch test ***** Notice output of next command ***** /mnt/incoming:ls -l /mnt/incoming:ls -l test -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 0 Aug 4 17:13 test /mnt/incoming:cd / /:umount /mnt /:mount_smbfs //user_name@NODE15/ftp /mnt Passw...