Displaying 20 results from an estimated 239 matches for "nelder".
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2010 Mar 05
Improved Nelder-Mead algorithm - a potential replacement for optim's Nelder-Mead
I have written an R translation of C.T. Kelley's Matlab version of the Nelder-Mead algorithm. This algorithm is discussed in detail in his book "Iterative methods for optimization" (SIAM 1999, Chapter 8). I have tested this relatively extensively on a number of smooth and non-smooth problems. It performs well, in general, and it almost always outperforms optim...
2010 Feb 08
evolution of Nelder-Mead process
Dear list,
I am looking for an R-only implementation of a Nelder-Mead process that can find local maxima of a spatially distributed variable, e.g. height, on a spatial grid, and outputs the coordinates of the new point during each evaluation. I have found two previous threads about this topic, and was wondering if something similar has been implemented since tho...
2012 May 01
Define lower-upper bound for parameters in Optim using Nelder-Mead method
Dear UseRs,
Is there a way to define the lower-upper bounds for parameters fitted by
optim using the Nelder-Mead method ?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 10
Nelder-Mead with output of simplex vertices
I want to follow the evolution of a Nelder-Mead function
minimisation (a function of 2 variables). Hence each simplex
will have 3 vertices.
Therefore I would like to have a function which can output
the coordinates of the 3 vertices after each new simplex
is generated. However, there seems to be no way (which I can
detect) of extracting th...
2017 Dec 31
Order of methods for optimx
...method but it
stopped regularly before to reach a true mimimum. It was not a problem
with limit of iterations, just a local minimum. I was able sometimes to
reach better minimum using several rounds of optim().
Then I moved to optimx() to do the different optim rounds automatically
using "Nelder-Mead" and "BFGS" methods
I find a huge time difference using system.time() based on the order of
these both methods:
> snb # "Nelder-Mead" and "BFGS"
??? user?? system? elapsed
1021.656??? 0.200 1021.695
> sbn # "BFGS" and "Nelder-Mead&q...
2005 Mar 18
Constrained Nelder-Mead
In looking at `optim', it doesn't appear that it is
possible to impose nonlinear constraints on Nelder-
Mead. I am sufficiently motivated to try to code
something in C from scratch and try to call it from
Does anyone have some good references to barrier
and/or penalization methods for Nelder-Mead? I would
ideally like some papers with pseudocode for method(s)
that are in some sense optimal...
2012 Aug 18
Parameter scaling problems with optim and Nelder-Mead method (bug?)
Dear all,
I?m having some problems getting optim with method="Nelder-Mead" to work
properly. It seems like there is no way of controlling the step size,
and the step size seems to depend on the *difference* between the
initial values, which makes no sense. Example:
f=function(xy, mu1, mu2) {
2007 Jun 22
...llowing code works for some users, however my code crashes on the
chol. Any suggestions?
> mycop <- tCopula(param=0.5, dim=8, dispstr="ex", df=5)
> x <- rcopula(mycop, 1000)
> myfit <- fitCopula(x, mycop, c(0.6, 10), optim.control=list(trace=1),
Nelder-Mead direct search function minimizer
function value for initial parameters = -1747.582044
Scaled convergence tolerance is 2.6041e-05
Stepsize computed as 1.000000
Error in chol(x, pivot = FALSE) : the leading minor of order 2 is not
positive definite
Kevin D. Oden...
2005 Nov 15
An optim() mystery.
...a reasonable,
optimum, and seems to do so consistently --- i.e. it gets essentially
the same estimates irrespective of starting values.
We have plotted the log likelihood surface and it appears smooth
and relatively innocuous.
The phenomenon only occurs with the "L-BFGS-B"; the default
(Nelder-Mead simplex) method, with a heavy penalty for violating
constraints, seems to work just fine. So we can get solutions;
it just makes me uneasy that there's this funny going on.
Can anyone shed any light on what the problem is? I have enclosed
below code to reproduce the phenomenon. It is p...
2010 Nov 21
solve nonlinear equation using BBsolve
...rep(0, 4)
BBsolve(par = p0, fn = mgf_gammasum)
dfsane(par = p0, fn = mgf_gammasum, control = list(trace = FALSE))
sane(par = p0, fn = mgf_gammasum, control = list(trace = FALSE))
and got the error message:
> BBsolve(par = p0, fn = mgf_gammasum)
Error in optim(par = par, fn = U, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit =
100), :
function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
Error in optim(par = par, fn = U, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit =
100), :
function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
Error in optim(par = par, fn = U, method =...
2007 Jan 03
...uences/R/R1593_filtered.data",3.48)) +
# sum(abs(localShifts))*lambda
error <- sum(abs(localShifts))*lambda
error # return the error to be minimized
Then I call optim:
par <- seq(length=9, from=0, by=0)
lambda <- 1/sqrt(147)
optim(par, errorFunction, gr=NULL, method="Nelder-Mead", hessian=FALSE,
experimentalPI=3.48, lambda = lambda)
The output is:
[1] 0.56350964 0.56350964 0.56350964 0.56350964 0.00000000 -0.29515957
[7] 0.00569937 0.32543297...
2008 Mar 11
messages from mle function
...sigma <- sum((LT - TAN(edad,f,c,a,d))^2) / N
+ logl <- (N/2)*log(sigma) + (sum((LT - TAN(edad,f,c,a,d))^2) / (2*sigma))
+ }
> ini.pars <- list(f=5.91e-05,c=-0.41732,a=0.009661,d=846.7179)
> library(stats4)
> erizo.mle <- mle(start= ini.pars, minuslogl = loglike, method="Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit=1500, trace=TRUE))
Nelder-Mead direct search function minimizer
function value for initial parameters = 1159.477620
Scaled convergence tolerance is 1.72776e-05
Stepsize computed as 84.671790
BUILD 5 3165.307359 1159.477620
2020 Oct 28
R optim() function
...g R to do functional outlier detection (using PCA to reduce to 2 dimensions - the functional boxplot methodology used in the Rainbow package), and using Hscv.diag function to calculate the bandwidth matrix where this line of code is run:
result <- optim(diag(Hstart), scv.mat.temp, method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(trace = as.numeric(verbose)))
Within the optim function, there is a call to an external C function:
.External2(C_optim, par, fn1, gr1, method, con, lower, upper)
Par = (0.339, 0.339),
fn1 = function (diagH)
H <- diag(diagH) %*% diag(diagH)
if (default.bfla...
2011 Apr 18
how to extract options for a function call
Hi, I'm having some difficulties formulating this question.
But what I want,
is to extract the options associated with a parameter for a function.
method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN")
in the optim function.
So I would like to have a vector with
c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN")
Or for instance the 'method' in the dist...
2023 Aug 13
Noisy objective functions
...his noisy and smoothed
noise functions we get for instance the following results:
(Starting point is always `rep(0.1, 5)`, maximal number of iterations 5000,
relative tolerance 1e-12, and the optimization is successful if the
function value at the minimum is below 1e-06.)
k nmk anms neldermead ucminf optim_BFGS
1 0.21 0.32 0.13 0.00 0.00
3 0.52 0.63 0.50 0.00 0.00
10 0.81 0.91 0.87 0.00 0.00
Solvers: nmk = dfoptim::nmk, anms = pracm...
2012 Oct 23
help using optim function
Hi, am very new to R and I've written an optim function, but can't get it to
2005 Jul 19
Michaelis-menten equation
...) {
out <- lsoda(Dose/Vd,time,mm.model,parms=c(Vm=Vm,Km=Km,Vd=Vd),
out[,2] }
objfun <- function(par) {
out <- modfun(PKindex$time,par[1],par[2],par[3])
sum((PKindex$conc-out)^2) }
fit <- optim(c(10,1,80),objfun, method="Nelder-Mead)
[1] 10.0390733 0.1341544 34.9891829 #--Km=0.1341544,wrong value--
#-----wrong model definiens--------
#-----Km should not divided by Vd--
2006 Jun 12
r's optim vs. matlab's fminsearch
...tlab program into R. The R code works
almost all the time, but about 4% of the time R's optim function gets stuck
on a local minimum whereas matlab's fminsearch function does not (or at
least fminsearch finds a better minimum than optim). My understanding is
that both functions default to Nelder-Mead optimization, but what's
different about the two functions? Below, I've pasted the relevant default
options I could find. Are there other options I should to consider? Does
Matlab have default settings for reflection, contraction, and expansion, and
if so what are they? Are there ot...
2010 Sep 04
How can I fixe convergence=1 in optim
Hi R users,
I am using the optim funciton to maximize a log likelihood function. My
code is as follows:
p<-optim(c(-0.2392925,0.4653128,-0.8332286, 0.0657, -0.0031, -0.00245,
3.366, 0.5885, -0.00008,
0.0786,-0.00292,-0.00081, 3.266, -0.3632, -0.000049, 0.1856,
0.00394, -0.00193, -0.889, 0.5379, -0.000063,
0.213, 0.00338, -0.00026, -0.8912, -0.3023, -0.000056), f,
2009 Nov 30
Question about output from optim
Dear R-users,
I am trying to port to R something that I wrote in Matlab to perform model
parameter optimization using the Nelder-Mead simplex method (fminsearch). I
read the help on ?optim (which seems to be the way to go) as well as a bunch
of posts on the topic, but I would like to make sure about something before
I spend to much time trying to reproduce something that is not possible. The
Matlab fminsearch has some nice f...