search for: narrator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 74 matches for "narrator".

2009 Apr 16
Printing data as a narrative or form letter rather than as a table
How would one print the information in a table without having to view it as a table? I have a dataframe with about 30 columns and 50 rows. About 7 rows contain human subjects where something is just not right and I need to manually work out what is going on with them and maybe even call them to ensure we have the data correct. It is really inconvenient to view the 7 patients in a table. Instead, I
2006 Sep 12
Ferret on Windows?
I am trying to use SVN HEAD of Acts_as_ferret, and I have ferret 0.10.4installed from the windows Gem. Unfortuanantly, whenever I i let act_as_ferrets init.rb file require ferret, my app blows up, with weird "Invalid char" errors. I have pasted the page below. If I comment out the require ferret, the page loads. Of course, act_as_ferret does blow up. My unit tests do work fine
2008 Jun 14
Reusing story snippets
I find myself doing this: Scenario "logged in user visiting the home page" do Given "A logged in user" do a_logged_in_user end When "..." Then "..." end The a_logged_in_user method is a helper method in helper.rb which sets up the state so that the user can browse the website. Later in the story of course, I can just do ''Given
2007 Mar 11
Mysql::Error #28000Access denied
I''m on MAC OSX and I set up my environment as described here: This may be too old and I just realized that, but before I attempt Building Ruby, Rails, Subversion, Mongrel, and MySQL on Mac OS X: Okay, I purchased a book "Rails
2005 Jul 13
plot the number of replicates at the same point
Dear R-helper, I want to plot the following-like data: x y 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 ...... In the plot that produced, I don't want to show the usual circles or points. Instead, I want to show the number of replicates at that point. e.g. at the position of (1,1), there are 2 obsevations, so a number '2' will be displayed in the plot. Is my narrative clear? Is there a way to make the
2016 Mar 04
Reappearing emails
We have been running Dovecot 2.2.10 with a pair of CentOS 7 boxes with replications for the past year. We have been quite happy with the performance and reliability. Recently we received a report from an Android IMAP user that emails that he deleted without reading would often reappear in his INBOX. At first I thought it might be some quirky incompatibility with his email client, but I
2006 May 12
Has many through join table issues
I''m trying to wrap my caffeine soaked brain around has_many :through following along at: I think my models are a little more complex than what fits this narrative. I have a directory of members, each member can belong to multiple categories. The category table references itself
2007 Feb 04
Beginner Q: Keeping the Ruby on Rails platform up to date.
Hello, I recently installed the ruby on rails framework from this tutorial: So, I installed: Ruby on Rails 1.1 Ruby 1.8.4 LightTPD 1.4.13 FastCGI 2.4.0 RubyGems 0.9.0 Readline 5.1 PCRE 6.6 FastCGI and MySQL bindings I figured out how to keep my ruby on rails up to date by using the command "gem update rails
2008 May 23
So I have a describe which is a subclass of RailsExampleGroup. I inserted some data into my database, and reconnect! my connection. Before reconnect, finding the data I just created is fine. The data cannot be found, after reconnection, the data is gone. It''s not in the database. It looks to me the data is not actually inserted into the DB at all, just somehow buffered somewhere. Would
2001 Dec 15
Wine and Baldur's Gate
...something to do with DETACH_PROCESS?), but that's no biggy. The opening credits and movie play just fine. I'm able to create the main character without any noticeable problems. The first 'problem' I ran into was at the opening of the 'Prologue' chapter. Under windows, a narrator's voice reads the opening text as it scrolls across the screen. Under wine, the text is scrolling, but sans naration. A bit annoying, but no biggy. The real fun starts when the game actually begins. First off, the sound, when there is any, cuts out quite a bit, with no apparent rhyme nor re...
2012 Mar 22
Rspec not loading fixtures
I am taking over a code base and am trying to run the tests. I am somewhat new to RSpec so this might be a trivial problem. Basically I can tell that the fixtures are not getting loaded. All 100 tests fail with a similar error. But I don''t know why. Below is the code, with my narrative with *** before it... Can you see anything or give me a clue where to look. So far I am coming up
2008 May 09
disk partitioning - I'm missing something simple, I think
Hi all, Excuse the question as I'm sure those more experienced will find it simple. I've a CentOS5.1 box with six physical drives, two of which are used for nightly rsync backups. Contents of /etc/mtab, /etc/fstab, df and a brief narrative follow: ====================================================== # cat ./fstab /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 / ext3 defaults
2004 May 17
"ghost" image in .eps file
Greetings- An odd situation has developed. I use the following code to create .eps files of two very similar graphs: postscript(file='resources.bygt.eps', onefile=FALSE, horizontal=TRUE) barplot(resources.bygt.matrix, beside = TRUE, legend.text=c('narrative','doubt'),
2013 Apr 02
Iterative regression through a series
Hello, Some context:  let's say I have a data series (let's call it PRICE, for simplicity), sample size N.  I have a desire to regress that on TIME, and then to use the TIME and intercept coefficients to predict the price in the next period and to use the standard error to calculate a confidence interval.  This is all very easy. However, what I need help for is to calculate a
2011 Dec 24
Call for Abstracts for useR! 2012
The international R User Conference useR! 2012 will be held June 12-15 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, with a pre-conference full-day course offered on June 11. Participants are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract for oral or poster presentation at the conference. Half-day tutorials will be held in the morning and afternoon of June 12th. For tutorials, please
2015 Jan 23
Orwell's 1984 from Freedesktop,org?
On 2015-01-23, Warren Young <wyml at> wrote: > On Jan 23, 2015, at 12:35 PM, Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at> wrote: > >> I do prefer 3ware web RAID admin >> interface anything else (it more transparently prevents me from making >> fatal blunders - probably just me). > > No, not just you. tw_cli is needlessly confusing in its
2015 May 14
Creating a vignette which depends on a non-distributable file
On 05/14/2015 04:33 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote: > On May 14, 2015 15:04, "January Weiner" <january.weiner at> wrote: >> >> Dear all, >> >> I am writing a vignette that requires a file which I am not allowed to >> distribute, but which the user can easily download manually. Moreover, it >> is not possible to download this file
2005 Mar 09
second time post please help samba =ads
hey friends, I have 2 problems in samba I am narrating my problems below: a) I have configured samba with security =ads in FC3 workstation and my domain controller is windows 2003 ,the samba is working fine with the configured options.As my domain consists of windows ,linux and unix clients and few of the users uses windows as well as Linux or Unix each user having its different machines.
2015 Mar 16
Docs strategy and tactics [RFC]
On Thu, 2015-03-12 at 14:59 -0700, Karsten Wade wrote: > I've been thinking for a little while, and talking with people, about > what would be a good documentation strategy for the CentOS Project. > > == tl;dnr aka Summary > > This is a proposal around creating new, short-format > documentation about doing cool new things on top of CentOS > Linux. These docs would
2008 May 08
Rspec Stories / Selenium Nightmare
I have been using Rspec stories with Webrat feeling very productive and happy. Then I needed to do something with Selenium (Webrat could have done what I needed but it does not yet have the functionality). Selenium-core as part of a rails plugin looked nice but did not seem to fit with rspec stories. So I went the Selenium-rc route. Since Selenium uses a separate instance of rails