search for: myxa

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "myxa".

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2005 Oct 03
Prototype Ajax.Request (onLoading and onSuccess) question
...oading, sometimes it gets stuck and never makes it to the function I call onSuccess. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Could I be running up against a race condition? I guess I am assuming that onLoading will always be called and finish before onSuccess. Here is some of the relevant code: var myxa = { [...] ajaxUpdate: function(month) { var url = ''/new/myxaajax.php''; var pars = ''cur_month='' + month; var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method:''get'', parameters...
2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question.. I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for submitting. Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors. Anyone else seen this behavior? (Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-) Best Regards Michael Krog
2008 Jun 30
Rebuild of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.20.EL failure
Hello list. I'm trying to rebuild the kernel, but it fails even without modifications. How did I try it? Created a (non-root) build environment (not a mock ) Installed the kernel.scr.rpm and did a rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec 2> prep-err.log | tee prep-out.log The build failed at the end: Processing files: kernel-xenU-devel-2.6.9-67.0.20.EL Checking