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2009 Jun 03
Would like to add this to example for plotmath. Can you help?
...m a program into a single expression is a difficult task that is not currently exemplified. I believe this is an instructive example because it combines the use of lines, arrows, text, and polygons. Here's the code: ###Set mu and sigma at your pleasure: mu <- 10.03 sigma <- 12.5786786 myx <- seq( mu - 3.5*sigma, mu+ 3.5*sigma, length.out=500) myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mu,sd=sigma) # It is challenging to combine plotmath with values of mu and sigma in one expression. # Either bquote or substitute can be used. First use bquote: myTitle1 <- bquote (paste("x ~ Norm...
2008 Apr 02
Trouble combining plotmath, bquote, expressions
...d sigma are replaced with Greek and mymean and mystd are drawn from program? ### Filename: Normal1_2008.R ### Paul Johnson March 31, 2008 ### This code should be available somewhere in If it is not ### email me <pauljohn at> mymean <- 0 mystd <- 1.5 myx <- seq( mymean - 3*mystd, mymean+ 3*mystd, length.out=500) myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mymean,sd=mystd) ## This works plot(myx, myDensity, type="n", xlab="X", ylab="Probability Density ", main=expression(mu == 0)) ## This works plot(myx, myDensity, type=&quot...
2005 Jun 16
AIC in with intercept
Dear R users, gave me the same AIC's regardless of TRUE or FALSE intercept option. > myX <- as.matrix(1:10) > myY <- 3+5*myX > foo <-, y=myY, family = gaussian(link = "identity"), intercept=TRUE) > foo$aic [1] 38.94657 > foo <-, y=myY, family = gaussian(link = "identity"), intercept=FALSE) > foo$aic [1] 38.94657...
2010 Mar 09
Shade area under curve
I want to shade the area under the curve of the standard normal density. Specifically color to the left of -2 and on. How might i go about doing this? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Jan 27
control of scat1d tick color in plot.Predict?
...e ticks are produced by scat1d, but after spending a fair bit of time going through documentation, it still isn't clear to me how to do this in the context of lattice. Guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike Babyak Duke University Medical Center My code using R 2.10.1/windows XP myx<-c(1,2,3,4) myy<-c(1,2,3,5) library(rms) d<-datadist(myx) options(datadist="d") myfit<-ols(myy~myx,x=T,y=T) p1<-Predict(myfit,myx =.) library(lattice) #change line to black line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line") line$col <- 1 trellis.par.set("plot.l...
2007 Apr 18
Problem with ?curve
Dear all R gurus, I have following syntax: y = c(1:10) chippy <- function(x) { y[5] = x sin(cos(t(y)%*%y)*exp(-t(y)%*%y/2)) } curve(chippy, 1, 20, n=200) But I am getting error while executing : Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ In addition: Warning message: number of items to
2008 Apr 08
plotmath "overstrikes" in output on a Linux system
I've been testing plotmath. But I'm getting some funny output one one computer. The problem is that characters are 'jumbled' and overstrike when symbols are introduced. Sample code: mu <- 440.0 sigma <- 12.5 myx <- seq( mu - 4*sigma, mu+ 4*sigma, length.out=500) myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mu,sd=sigma) # Here's one way to retrieve the values of mu and sigma and insert them into an expression t1t2 <- bquote (paste("Normal(", mu== .(mu), ',', sigma== .(sigma),")") )...
2011 Aug 18
Where are the ticks on grid.xaxis?
...strategy is that I cannot figure out how to "recover" the positions of these ticks when you do NOT specify the 'at' argument. For example: grid.newpage() pushViewport(plotViewport(c(5, 4, 2, 2), name = "myvp")) # This draws a default xaxis a = grid.xaxis(name = "myX") # What are the tick marks? grid.get("myX")$at # NULL # But if I specify an 'at' argument... grid.edit("myX", at = seq(0, 1, length = 10)) # ...I can get at the position of the ticks grid.get("myX")$at Is it possible to find the tick positions created...
2010 Jul 06
plotmath vector problem; full program enclosed
...where all of the symbols are resolved correctly. As usual, thanks in advance for your help, sorry if I've made an obvious mistake or overlooked a manual. ### Filename: plotMathProblem.R ### Paul Johnson July 5, 2010 ### email me <pauljohn at> sigma <- 10.0 mu <- 4.0 myx <- seq( mu - 3.5*sigma, mu+ 3.5*sigma, length.out=500) myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mu,sd=sigma) ### xpd needed to allow writing outside strict box of graph ### Need big bottom margin to add several x axes par(xpd=TRUE, ps=10, mar=c(18,2,2,2)) plot(myx, myDensity, type="l&qu...
2009 Feb 19
Getting the difference between two data frames
Dear R users, I have the following data: x <- data.frame( myX = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) ) y <- data.frame( myX = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) ) How can I get the difference between data frame x and y? In this case, I want to get values 8 and 9 I know in SQL we can use minus operator, but I have no idea how to do so in R. I tried all.equal, diff, and identical, but the...
2008 Dec 31
Plotmath with values?
I hope to use the plotmath facility to print titles that mix math and values of R variables. The help for "plotmath" has an example, which after repeated reading, I find baffling. Likewise, I have read the help file for "substitute" (wqhich seems to be needed) without ever understanding what it does, other than being used in some magic incantations. I would like to do
2002 Mar 08
Sys.putenv environment variables disappear (PR#1371)
Environment variables set with Sys.putenv() disappear (i.e. become "") after a while, especially after heavy-duty I/O. Example: R> x <- matrix(1., 3000, 3000) R> save(x, file="myx.RData") R> Sys.putenv(HOME="/tmp") R> while (Sys.getenv("HOME") != "") {cat("ok\n"); load("myx.RData")} The loop prints "ok" twice, then exits because HOME has been destroyed. I'm running R-1.4.1 (I also saw this in ea...
2006 Nov 24
Error in Calling C++ function from R!!! codigoprova.o -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR After, I tried to call R from my working directory an Error occurs: > x<-c(1,4,6,2) > y<-c(3,2.4,1,9) > dyn.load("") > is.loaded("") [1] FALSE > product<-.C("prodgdot",myx=x,muy=y,myn=NROW(x),myoutput=as.double(0)) Error in .C("prodgdot", myx = x, muy = y, myn = NROW(x), myoutput = as.double(0)) : C symbol name "prodgdot" not in load table > Does anyone know what is the problem? Thank's in advance! Gilberto.
2008 Oct 29
How to set read.table variables to vectors?; plot(xin,yin) Error in plot(xin, yin) : object "xin" not found > > split.screen(c(2,2)) [1] 1 2 3 4 > > for (k in 0:3){ + + screen(k+1) + cnt <- 0 + #grp<- iter * 5 + for (i in 1:5000 ) { + if (iter<-k*5) { + cnt = cnt + 1 + x[cnt] <- myx[i] + y[cnt] <- myy[i] + } + } + #p = cbind(x=rnorm(300), y=rnorm(300)) + #p = cbind(x, y) + #tt = delaunayn(p) + #trimesh(tt,p,axis=TRUE,box=TRUE) + plot(myx,myy) + } > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Dec 08
C function, double problem
Hi everybody, here's my problem: i call a C function which calculates a large number of double values and puts them into an array which is passed from R as a parameter in the function (like .C("function", other parameters, result = as.double( c ( 1 : quantity ) ). When the values come back to R in the result array, they are all truncated to their integer value (i.e. I lose the
2005 Jul 05
Kind of 2 dim histogram - levelplot
...<- 1:4 yb <- 4:7 xble <- length( xb ) - 1 yble <- length( yb ) - 1 # fill data in bins g <- expand.grid( x=xb[1:xble], y=yb[1:yble] ) g$cnt <- numeric( dim( g )[1] ) g$avg <- numeric( dim( g )[1] ) g$proz <- numeric( dim( g )[1] ) idx <- 1 for (myy in 1:yble) { for (myx in 1:xble) { xIdx <- which( ( (x >= xb[myx]) & (x < xb[myx + 1]) ) ) yIdx <- which( ( (y >= yb[myy]) & (y < yb[myy + 1]) ) ) bIdx <- intersect( xIdx, yIdx ) g[idx,3] <- length( bIdx ) g[idx,4] <- sum( val[bIdx] )/g[idx,3] g[idx,5] <- sum...
2013 Nov 21
overlaying 2D grid on randomly distributed points
Hi, I have a cloud of randomly distributed points in 2-dimensional space and want to set up a grid, with a given grid-cell size, that minimizes the distance between my points and the grid nodes. Does anyone know of an R function or toolbox that somehow addresses this problem? This is a problem of optimizing the location of the grid, not a problem of deciding what should be the grid-cell size,
2003 Dec 02
setMethod("min", "myclass", ...)
Hello, I have defined a new class > setClass("myclass", representation(min = "numeric", max = "numeric")) and want to write accessor functions, so that for > foo = new("myclass", min = 0, max = 1) > min(foo) # prints 0 > max(foo) # prints 1 At first i created a generic function for "min" > setGeneric("min",
2011 Mar 12
pass character vector in instrument field of get.hist.quote function
I am new to R so I apologize if my question is trivial. I have not been able to figure out whether what I want to do is even possible. I have a data frame of stock ticker symbols which I store into R space from a txt file as follows: tickers <- read.csv("stocks.txt", header=FALSE, sep=",") tickers <- tickers[1] / the tickers are stored in the first column >
2003 Jun 17
User-defined functions in rpart
This question concerns rpart's facility for user-defined functions that accomplish splitting. I was interested in modifying the code so that in each terminal node, a linear regression is fit to the data. It seems that from the allowable inputs in the user-defined functions, that this may not be possible, since they have the form: function(y, wt, parms) (in the case of the