Displaying 20 results from an estimated 194 matches for "mypackage".
2004 Nov 29
Building latest version of package
I have a package which was built using R 1.9.1 and everything worked
fine. I recently upgraded to R 2.0.1 and tried to re-install my package
- and I got:
Error in library(mypackage) : 'mypackage' is not a valid package --
installed < 2.0.0?
So I tried rebuilding it using my new version of R:
R CMD BUILD --binary mypackage
hhc: not found
cp: cannot stat `mypackage.chm': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [chm-mypackage] Error 1
make: *** [pkg-mypackage] E...
2009 Oct 26
R CMD check: Error in .C
...nction.c via R CMD SHLIB myfunction.c
in the terminal. Then, in the R console:
test <- myfunction() # works fine
So everything is in order, myfunction works perfectly.
Now I want to include myfunction() into a package called mypackage.
Here's what I did:
1) I've added PACKAGE = "mypackage" in the .C() line in myfunction.R.
2) I put myfunction.R into the R folder of mypackage
3) I put myfunction.c into the src folder of mypackage
4) I created myfunction.Rd into the man folder
I then build the package via R CMD...
2011 Aug 02
R CMD check problem
Dear friends,
I am building an R package called *mypackage*. I followed every possible
steps (to my understanding) for the same. I got following problem while
doing *R CMD check mypackage*.
* installing *source* package 'mypackage' ...
** libs
cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-213~1.0/etc/i386/Makeconf
Preferred POSIX...
2004 Nov 11
Questions on package creation
...nal package. This refers to the original source files,
documentation and other files that the author develops.
If source control, e.g. svn, is used then these are the files
that are under source control. They are kept in some arbitrary
location on one's disk. Let us say \usr\mypackage, for example.
*** Is there some standard name for this form of the package?
2. source archive. This is created from the original package
like this:
cd \Program Files\rw2001beta
bin\R CMD build /usr/mypackage
which creates, say
\Program Files\rw2001beta\mypackage_1.0-1.tar...
2014 Dec 21
loadNamespace and versionChecking and the otherpackage::otherfun syntax
`::` IS USED
Many thanks in advance for any insights that are able to be offered.
The scenario is that `mypackage` uses an `otherpackage` via the the
`otherpackage::otherfun` syntax, and that the version of `otherpackage` must
(say) (>= 2.0). The constraint on the version of `anotherpackage` is
in the DESCRIPTION file of mypackage using either Imports or Depends.
The que...
2008 Aug 07
Cannot link mypackage to 2 other packages
I need to link mypackage to 2 other packages so I can call
some C functions defined in these 2 packages from mine.
I've tried
Depends: packageA, packageB
LinkingTo: packageA, packageB
as suggested by the "5.4 Registering native routines" section
of the "Writing R Extensions" manual but then o...
2015 Oct 31
Example input data with example output using relative pathway in vignette of R package?
...erate an (example) output file.
I read about using example data in Hadley Wickham's post (
http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/data.html), and believe I should keep my example
data as raw data, as it must be parsed to generate the output.
So, I created a directory in my package structure
with subdirectories InputFiles and OutputFiles.
And I put the example file (exampleData.csv) inside of the InputFiles
subdirectory (/Users/userName/myPackage/inst/extdata/InputFiles).
My vignette is located in:
It contains the fol...
2005 Feb 15
Making a Package
I have what I know to be a simple question, but never having done anything like this it is
pretty tough.
I'm trying to write an R package. I have a collection of functions that I loaded into R and
then used package.skeleton(). After editing everything in the resulting folder, call it
NewPackage, I tried to follow along with some instructions I found for Windows users.
I installed
2005 Jul 04
installing packages and libraries
When I run the following:
cd \Rpkgs
rcmd install mypackage -l library
I get a message that it cannot find quadprog which is a library
that mypackage depends on.
Error: package 'quadprog' could not be loaded
I previously used C:\Program Files\R\rw2011\library as my library for CRAN
packages and did not have a problem but now that I use
2004 Nov 06
install/build/build --binary
I have question regarding package installation.
What is the difference between check, INSTALL, build and
build --binary, which imply which and what order does one
normally perform them? I have been trying:
R CMD build /mypackage
R CMD check /mypackage
R CMD build --binary /mypackage
in that order but wanted to check that this is right.
Also, what portion of the check process can be run right from R rather
than from a script and assuming my package is in /mypackage and its
subdirectories what R command(s) from tools do I...
2004 Nov 02
install.packages, bundles, pmatch, and Rprofile...
...began to modify a shared Rprofile so that once a week it
checks for new packages and updates to the current version of the installed
packages on CRAN. Sounds simple enough. Plus some general conditioning
statements to make sure that this runs only once a week or so the logic I'm
following is:
myPackages <- installed.packages()
CRANsPackages <- CRAN.packages()
missingPackages <- CRANsPackages[is.na(match(CRANsPackages[,1],
Now this might be trivial, but, missingPackages includes bundled packages
which are already installed (e....
2009 Dec 09
What is the development cycle where there are code in tests/ for package development?
I see 'library(stats)' at the beginning of
I'm wondering if I am developing my own package 'mypackage' whether I
should put 'library(mypackage)' in a .R file in mypackage/tests/? If I
do, then it seems awkward to me, because to use 'library(mypackage)',
I have to first get 'mypackage' installed.
So the development cycle is: try test cases in tests-> see bugs in
2006 Mar 31
Fortran and C entry point problem.
Dear All,
I have seen a number of e mails on this topic but I have not seen a
general solution to date. I have Fortran and C source codes and they
have been compiled successfully using:
R CMD build mypackage
R CMD install mypackage
Without error messages.
I then open R and tests out two functions and get:
> pgl(0.2,1,2,3,4)
Error in .C("gl_fmkl_distfunc", lambdas[1], lambdas[2], lambdas[3],
lambdas[4], :
C entry point "gl_fmkl_distfunc" not in...
2006 Mar 31
Fortran and C entry point problem.
Dear All,
I have seen a number of e mails on this topic but I have not seen a
general solution to date. I have Fortran and C source codes and they
have been compiled successfully using:
R CMD build mypackage
R CMD install mypackage
Without error messages.
I then open R and tests out two functions and get:
> pgl(0.2,1,2,3,4)
Error in .C("gl_fmkl_distfunc", lambdas[1], lambdas[2], lambdas[3],
lambdas[4], :
C entry point "gl_fmkl_distfunc" not in...
2008 Dec 01
question on yum-downloadonly
I found yum-downloadonly and executed my command do that and save the
dependencies in my current directory.
Now when I execute my command:
rpm -i mypackage
all the dependencies are not found even though they are in the current
if I do a "yum install mypackage" (and its in the current directory) its
not found either.
How do I now install the mypackage in the current directory and look for
all dependencies in the current direc...
2011 Apr 21
Package check issue: Rprofile.site is not used
Dear R-users,
I am having some issues with a package I am working on (using R 2.12.1 in a
Linux environment) and would like to have your opinions/advises. My package
- let's call it mypackage for the purpose of this email - passes all checks
of R CMD check, except for the following failure message:
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'mypackage', details:
call: source(file = options()$my_path, local = TRUE)
error: invalid connection
Error: package/namespace load f...
2011 Feb 17
Newbie Rccp module question. "Failed to initialize module pointer"???
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
double norm(double x, double y){
return sqrt(x*x+y*y);
function("norm", &norm);
I then run Rcpp.package.skeleton("mypackage"), put fun.cpp in mypackage/src and
R CMD INSTALL mypackage, which seemed to compile mypackage.so OK. However, when
i am trying to use module, i get error message. Namely, after i run R and do
> mod<-Module(&q...
2006 Apr 03
do.call method within namespace
How does one go about invoking a method within a namespaced
package if that package has not been loaded via library
Given "mypackage" and method "foo" within:
mypackage::foo(1, 2, 3)
Executing the same method's function call:
do.call("foo", list(1, 2, 3))
didn't work. Nor did the following:
do.call("mypackage::foo", list(1, 2, 3))
There some other means to do this without...
2010 Aug 17
Problems building own package (Error: "package has been build before R-2.10.0")
Dear List,
I’m doing my first baby steps towards developing own R Packages and ran into
the following problem:
R CMD check mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings)
R CMD build mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings)
R CMD INSTALL –library=”C:\R\R-2.11.1\library”
“something\mypackage\mypackage_1.0.tar.gz” works fine (no errors, no
However, when I try loading the package in an R-Session (version 2.11.1)...
2010 Aug 17
Problems building own package (Error: "package has been build before R-2.10.0")
Dear List,
I’m doing my first baby steps towards developing own R Packages and ran into
the following problem:
R CMD check mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings)
R CMD build mypackage works fine (no errors, no warnings)
R CMD INSTALL –library=”C:\R\R-2.11.1\library”
“something\mypackage\mypackage_1.0.tar.gz” works fine (no errors, no
However, when I try loading the package in an R-Session (version 2.11.1)...