Displaying 20 results from an estimated 55 matches for "mvr".
2013 Jul 13
Alternative to eval(cl, parent.frame()) ?
Dear developeRs,
I maintain a package 'pls', which has a main fit function mvr(), and
functions plsr() and pcr() which are meant to take the same arguments as
mvr() and do exactly the same, but have different default values for the
'method' argument. The three functions are all exported from the name
In the 'pre namespace' era, I took inspiration from...
2007 Nov 26
mvr error in PLS package
I have been using a data set to build pls models for three different soil properties. Two of the three models run fine; however I receive the following error for the final model.
> libs.IC.cal <- mvr(libs.IC.fmla, data = libsdata.cond.cal, ncomp=20,validation = "LOO", method = "oscorespls")
Error in colMeans(x, n, prod(dn), na.rm) :
'x' must be numeric
There are many "0" for this soil property. Could this cause the error?
2006 Jul 06
PLS method
...0.458 0.910 88.322 9.868 1.0746 13
11 201.228 0.910 89.202 10.328 1.0514 14
12 199.160 0.920 90.126 2.088 1.1326 15
13 135.540 0.786 121.506 19.140 0.6934 2
14 296.272 0.864 130.896 22.614 0.9104 6
15 190.766 0.840 108.050 7.336 0.8210 8
I have used the following sentence.
> coef.mvr(b.pls)
, , 5 comps
w 0.01993749
c 12.42713250
d -0.12050551
r -0.20287088
o 9.63670488
I have found that the sign of each component still cannot be explained by
the reality. For instance, the sign of w should...
2004 Aug 27
predict.mvr error message
What version of R, what version of pls.pcr, and on what OS? Have you
checked whether your versions of software are up to date? I get:
> n <- 1350
> p <- 180
> y <- rnorm(n)
> x <- matrix(sample(0:1, n*p, replace=TRUE), n, p)
> fit <- mvr(x, y, method="SIMPLS", validat="none", ncomp=2)
> xt <- matrix(sample(0:1, 312*p, replace=TRUE), 312, p)
> yt <- predict(fit, xt)
> From: Stewart T Chang
> Greetings,
> I've encountered an error message while using the pls.pcr package...
2005 Jun 01
"mvr" function
I am trying to understand how to utilize the "mvr" function in the pls
Package of R. I am utilizing the R "pls Package" document dated 18 May 2005
as guidance. My data set consists of a 12 x 12 data frame created from
reading in a table of values. I have read the data in via the command:
volumes <- read.table("THA_vol...
2005 Jun 06
Help package pls.pcr
...th the command,
Installing package `pls.pcr' ...
../TITLE - No such file or directory
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package `pls.pcr'
Formats: text html latex example
pcr.model html latex
plot.mvr text html latex example
predict.mvr text html latex example
sensory text html latex
simpls text html latex example
summary.mvr text html...
2013 Sep 06
[PATCH RESEND v3 0/7] Enable Drivers for Intel MIC X100 Coprocessors.
...for (i = 0; i < MIC_MAX_VRINGS; i++) {
struct vring_desc *desc;
struct vring_avail *avail;
@@ -309,38 +308,38 @@ static int mic_vdev_info_show(struct seq_file *s, void *unused)
desc = vrh->vring.desc;
seq_printf(s, "vring i %d avail_idx %d",
- i, mvr->vring.info->avail_idx & (num - 1));
+ i, mvr->vring.info->avail_idx & (num - 1));
seq_printf(s, " vring i %d avail_idx %d\n",
- i, mvr->vring.info->avail_idx);
+ i, mvr->vring.info->avail_idx);
seq_printf(s, "vrh i %d weak_barri...
2007 Oct 23
Compute R2 and Q2 in PLS with pls.pcr package
Dear list
I am using the mvr function of the package pls.pcr to compute PLS
resgression using a X matrix of gene expression variables and a Y matrix
of medical varaibles.
I would like to obtain the R2 (sum of squares captured by the model) and
Q2 (proportion of total sum of squares captured in leave-one-out cross
2003 Jul 24
pls regression - optimal number of LVs
Dear R-helpers,
I have performed a PLS regression with the mvr function from the pls.pcr package an I have 2 questions :
1- do you know if mvr automatically centers the data ? It seems to me that it does so...
2- why in the situation below does the output say that the optimal number of latent variables is 4 ? In my humble opinion, it is 2 because the RMS incr...
2005 Mar 05
partial r2 using PLS
I'm trying to get the coefficient of partial determination for each of
three independent variables. I've tried mvr in package pls.pcr. I'm a
little confused by the output. I'm curious how I can order the LV's
according to their names rather than their relative contribution to
the regression.
For instance, using the crabs data from MASS I made a regression of FL~RW+noise
2004 Nov 15
how to obtain predicted labels for test data using "kerne lpls"
...One simple way to do classification with PLS is to code
the classes as 0s and 1s (assuming there are only two classes) or -1s and
1s, fit the model, then threshold the prediction; e.g., those with predicted
values < 0.5 (in the 0/1 coding) get labeled as 0s. There's a predict()
method for mvr objects, and that's what you need to use to get prediction on
test set.
There's one more complication: The CV done internal to mvr is optimizing
the MSE (because it rightly thinks it has a regression problem), but that
will almost certainly not be the thing to do for classification. You...
2007 May 16
partial least regression
quality.data #
quality.simpls<-mvr(X,Y,1:11,method="simpls",validation="CV") #####error
happens in this row ,and the error information is about: error in
:eval(expr, envir, enclos) :the length of number'envir' is not 1.
i don't know how to solve this problem.
who can help me make this program corre...
2011 Oct 18
problem in exceuting PLS
for( i in 1:len)
On execution the error is
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) :
object 'X6' of mode 'function' was not found
Please help me on this
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/p...
2005 May 12
pls -- crossval vs plsr(..., CV=TRUE)
$ R2(testing.plsCV)
(Intercept) 1 comps 2 comps 3 comps 4 comps 5
0.0000 0.9678 0.9782 0.9941 0.9991
6 comps
$ ?crossval
"This function performs cross-validation on a model fit by mvr. It can
handle models such as plsr(y ~ msc(X), ...) or other models where the
predictor variables need to be recalculated for each segment. When
recalculation is not needed, the result of crossval(mvr(...)) is
identical to mvr(..., CV = TRUE), but slower."
If the above result is correct c...
2011 Oct 21
use of segments in PLS
How to use the segments in the PLS
fit1 <- mvr(formula=Y~X1+X2+X3+X4+x5+....+x27, data=Dataset, comp=5,segment
=7 )
here when i use segments,the error was like this
rror in mvrCv(X, Y, ncomp, method = method, scale = sdscale, ...) :
argument 7 matches multiple formal arguments
Please help
View this message in context: http://r.7896...
2011 Nov 30
Invalid number of components, ncomp
Error in mvr(Kd_nM ~ qsar, ncomp = 6, data = my, validation = "CV", method = "kernelpls") :
Invalid number of components, ncomp
How I can fix this?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 May 25
R-About PLSR
hi R help group,
I have installed PLS package in R and use it for princomp & prcomp
commands for calculating PCA using its example file(USArrests example).
But How I can use PLS for Partial least square, R square, mvrCv one more
think how i can import external file in R. When I use plsr, R2, RMSEP it
show error could not find function plsr, RMSEP etc.
How I can calculate PLS, R2, RMSEP, PCR, MVR using pls package in R.
Thanking you........
Nitish Kumar Mishra
Junior Research Fellow
BIC, IMTECH, Chandigarh...
2013 Sep 05
[PATCH RESEND v3 0/7] Enable Drivers for Intel MIC X100 Coprocessors.
v2 => v3:
a) Patch 1 data structure cleanups, header file include cleanups,
IDA interface reuse and switching to device_create_with_groups(..)
as per feedback from Greg Kroah-Hartman.
b) Patch 7 signal documentation, sleep workaround removal and sysfs
access API cleanups as per feedback from Michael S. Tsirkin.
v1 => v2: @ http://lwn.net/Articles/563131/
2013 Sep 05
[PATCH RESEND v3 0/7] Enable Drivers for Intel MIC X100 Coprocessors.
v2 => v3:
a) Patch 1 data structure cleanups, header file include cleanups,
IDA interface reuse and switching to device_create_with_groups(..)
as per feedback from Greg Kroah-Hartman.
b) Patch 7 signal documentation, sleep workaround removal and sysfs
access API cleanups as per feedback from Michael S. Tsirkin.
v1 => v2: @ http://lwn.net/Articles/563131/
2005 Oct 11
pls version 1.1-0
...raction of scores and loadings, and calculation of
(R)MSEP and R2
- A simple multiplicative scatter correction (msc) implementation
- Functions for plotting predictions, validation statistics,
coefficients, scores, loadings, biplots and correlation loadings.
The main changes since 1.0-3 are
- mvr, mvrCv and predict.mvr now has builtin support for scaling of X.
- A new function stdize for explicit centering and/or scaling.
- Correlation loadings plot (corrplot).
- New argument `varnames' in coefplot, to label the x tick marks with the
variable names.
- loadingplot, coefplot and plot.mv...