Displaying 20 results from an estimated 83 matches for "mvbutil".
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2010 Jun 01
mvbutils and trackObjs
Hello Colleagues,
I've recently become a fan of Mark Bravington's mvbutils package for organizing analysis projects in a tree.
Using cd(), Save(), fixr(), mlazy() etcetera solves nicely some of the nuisances that have worried or annoyed me and sometimes caused
big problems over the years. Well thought out.
Now one feature that would be fabulous would be automatic ti...
2004 Mar 15
New versions: mvbutils and debug packages
Dear R users
New versions of the 'mvbutils' and 'debug' packages are now available on CRAN, both in source form and as precompiled binaries.
'mvbutils' offers the following (as well as many miscellaneous utilities):
? hiearchical, searchable project organization, with workspaces switchable inside a single R session...
2005 May 13
new version of package:mvbutils
There is a new version of the 'mvbutils' package (v1.1.1) available on
For existing users, the main new features are:
(i) 'help' now works properly with with R2.0+ (!)
(ii) 'mvbutils' is now NAMESPACEd, so you can avoid naming conflicts
with other packages. (Many functions are no longer user-visible.
(iii) La...
2010 Apr 14
mvbutils 2.5.1 on CRAN
Version 2.5.1 of 'mvbutils' is now on CRAN. This version offers improved support for easy package preparation and maintenance, plus minor changes required by the new version of the 'debug' package (see separate announcement). Package 'mvbutils' offers the following main features, as well as a number of m...
2004 Mar 15
New versions: mvbutils and debug packages
Dear R users
New versions of the 'mvbutils' and 'debug' packages are now available on CRAN, both in source form and as precompiled binaries.
'mvbutils' offers the following (as well as many miscellaneous utilities):
? hiearchical, searchable project organization, with workspaces switchable inside a single R session...
2004 Sep 27
mtrace and debug
pointed to the article "Debugging Without (Too Many) Tears" of Mark
Bravington in Rnews Vol 3/3, December 2003 there is a package mvbutils
So I started to install this package from within R
> install.package(mvbutils)
I receive an error essage that this package is not found! Is due to a
merge,removal or rename of this package?
When I try to follow this article by typing i.e:
I receive also an error messag...
2005 May 13
new version of package:mvbutils
There is a new version of the 'mvbutils' package (v1.1.1) available on
For existing users, the main new features are:
(i) 'help' now works properly with with R2.0+ (!)
(ii) 'mvbutils' is now NAMESPACEd, so you can avoid naming conflicts
with other packages. (Many functions are no longer user-visible.
(iii) La...
2010 Apr 14
mvbutils 2.5.1 on CRAN
Version 2.5.1 of 'mvbutils' is now on CRAN. This version offers improved support for easy package preparation and maintenance, plus minor changes required by the new version of the 'debug' package (see separate announcement). Package 'mvbutils' offers the following main features, as well as a number of m...
2010 Dec 16
Problem wiht mvbutils and timeDate in R 2.12
Dear list,
We have encountered problems with the package mvbutils while creating (or
reading from disk) timeSeries objects. Below is a very simple example of the
problem. We are using R 2.12 in a PC running Windows 7 64-bit Professional.
cv1 <- as.character(as.Date(1:10, origin = "1970-01-01"))
ts1 = timeSeries...
2009 Nov 16
mvbutils and debug: new versions
New versions of the 'mvbutils' and 'debug' packages are now available on CRAN. These should work with R 2.10 as well as R 2.9.
'mvbutils' offers tools for organization of workspaces, function/documentation editing with backups, package construction and updating, seamless per-object lazy-loading, and variou...
2009 Nov 16
mvbutils and debug: new versions
New versions of the 'mvbutils' and 'debug' packages are now available on CRAN. These should work with R 2.10 as well as R 2.9.
'mvbutils' offers tools for organization of workspaces, function/documentation editing with backups, package construction and updating, seamless per-object lazy-loading, and variou...
2004 Jan 22
FW: Réf. : Packages debug and mvbutils
...3 6232 5118
fax (61) 3 6232 5012
Mark.Bravington at csiro.au
-----Original Message-----
From: gerald.jean at dgag.ca [mailto:gerald.jean at dgag.ca]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 1:06 AM
To: ernesto at ipimar.pt; hrust at pik-potsdam.de
Cc: Mailing List R
Subject: R?f. : [R] Packages debug and mvbutils
If you want to access these utilities before M.Bravington post them on CRAN they are available on his site:
G?rald Jean
Analyste-conseil (statistiques), Actuariat
t?lephone : (418) 835-4900 poste (7639)
t?lecopieur : (418) 8...
2007 May 12
mtrace() fails
I find the R debug package very useful. I've installed and used it on
several of the machines I use, without problems, but on one machine I
get the following error:
Loading required package: mvbutils
Loading required package: utils
MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
[Previously saved workspace restored]
> source("marbles.r")
> mtrace(sim4)
> sim4(100)
Error in al...
2006 Oct 18
strange error in mtrace
Dear useRs,
I am experiencing very strange error with Mark Bravington's package "debug".
I haven't seen them before.
Here is the sample session
> library(debug)
Loading required package: mvbutils
MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
> x<-function() return(1)
> mtrace(x)
> x()
Error in attr(value, "row.names") <- rlabs :
row names must be 'character' or 'integer'...
2012 Apr 14
some questions about sympy (that is, rSymPy)
I am experimenting with rSymPy, and it seems to work nice.
However, I dislike the need to wrap all sympy expressions within
quotes, it leads to ugly calls like
and so on.
Inspired by the function cq from mvbutiles package:
> cq
function (...)
as.character(sapply(as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1],
<bytecode: 0x7fca88443f78>
<environment: namespace:mvbutils>
I tried to write
> sympyq
function(...) {
arg <- as.character(match....
2006 Aug 01
Tcltk package
Content type 'application/x-tar' length 26492 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 25Kb
* Installing *source* package 'debug' ...
** R
** inst
** save image
Loading required package: mvbutils
MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT
Loading required package: tcltk
Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) :
Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system
Error: package 'tcltk' could not be loaded
Execution halted
ERROR: execution of package source for 'deb...
2005 Oct 03
access to R parse tree for Lisp-style macros?
but that's really just a syntactic short-cut to the run-time use of
substitute() and eval(), which you could manually put into a function
yourself if you cared too. (AKA, not at all equivalent to Lisp
macros.) The mlocal() function in mvbutils also has seemingly similar
macro-using-eval properties:
I could of course pre-process R source code, either using a custom
script or something like M5:
2004 Jan 30
savehistory() for ESS {was "ess and debug package"}
...= Stephen Eglen <stephen@inf.ed.ac.uk>
>>>>> on Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:56:48 +0000 writes:
>> I was trying to use the new debug package from within emacs, I get the
>> following error:
>> >library(debug)
>> Loading required package: mvbutils
>> MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT
>> MVBUTILS loaded OK
>> Loading required package: tcltk
>> >mtrace(glm) # turns tracing on
>> >names( tracees) # "glm"
>> [1] "glm"
>> >names(...
2010 Apr 30
Problem: packages TinnR, Hmisc, applications Tinn-R and R version 2.11.0
...n-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
Type 'contributors()Loading required package: mvbutils
Loading required package: utils
Loading required package: tools
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading required package: scatterplot3d
Loading required package: rgl
Loading required package: stats
Loading required package: grDevices
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: g...
2004 Nov 23
str() resets class for environments
I noticed the following today --- str() seems to remove any extra
class information added to an environment.
> e <- new.env()
> class(e)
[1] "environment"
> class(e) <- c("foo", class(e))
> class(e)
[1] "foo" "environment"
> str(e)
Classes 'foo', 'environment' length 0 <environment>
> class(e)